1.1.0 • Published 1 year ago

myfatoorah-toolkit v1.1.0

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My Fatoorah Toolkit

A javascript library that provides all the functionality needed to make payment process with my fatoorah gateway payment service easier.


in your terminal run npm i myfatoorah-toolkit command or yarn add myfatoorah-toolkit.


Import library to your project directory.

// CommonJS version
const { Myfatoorah } = require('myfatoorah-toolkit');

// ES6 version import { MyFatoorah } from 'myfatoorah-toolkit'

> Create A new Instance of `MyFatoorah`.

you need to provide a **countryIsoCode** for your country according to my fatoorah account and 
**testMode** if `true` will work with testing api on myFatoorah.

you will need to provide your **apiKey** if testMode isn't activated to work with your live API and
the apiUrl will be selected automatically according to your country iso code.

const payment = new MyFatoorah(countryIso, testMode, apiKey?)

// example const payment = new MyFatoorah('EGY', true);

// example const payment = new MyFatoorah('EGY', false, process.env.PAYMENT_TOKEN);

## Response Model
This showing what the model of the response should be returned from all the methods used below.

{ IsSuccess: boolean, Message: string, ValidationErrors: { Name: string, Error: string } || null, Data: {}, }

## Methods

> **Initiate Payment**

Return a list of Payment Methods that you need to Execute A Payment, [More Details](https://myfatoorah.readme.io/docs/initiate-payment).

payment.initiatePayment(amount, currencyISOCode)

// example: payment.initiatePayment(100).then((data) => data).catch(err => err);

// example for a different currency: payment.initiatePayment(100, 'SAR').then((data) => data).catch(err => err);

> **Send Payment**

generate an invoice link that can be sent by any channel my fatoorah supports, [More Details](https://myfatoorah.readme.io/docs/send-payment). 

payment.sendPayment(invoiceValue, customerName, notificationOption, _data?);

// available notification options: // 'EML' | 'SMS' | 'LNK' | 'ALL'

// example: payment.sendPayment(500, 'Kareem', 'EML').then((data) => data).catch(err => err);

> **Execute Payment**

create a MyFatoorah invoice against a certain gateway return Invoice details, [More Details](https://myfatoorah.readme.io/docs/execute-payment)

payment.executePayment(invoiceValue, paymentMethodId, _data?)

// example: payment.executePayment(1000, 11).then((data) => data).catch(err => err);

// example with customer data: payment.executePayment(1000, 11, { CustomerName: "fname lname", DisplayCurrencyIso: "KWD", MobileCountryCode: "965", CustomerMobile: "12345678", CustomerEmail: "mail@company.com", }).then((data) => data).catch(err => err);

> **Get the Status of payments**

return the status of the payment id or invoice id, [More Details](https://myfatoorah.readme.io/docs/get-payment-status)

payment.getPaymentStatus(key, keyType)

// available keyTypes for payment inquiry // 'InvoiceId' | 'PaymentId' | 'CustomerReference'

// example: payment.getPaymentStatus('613842', 'InvoiceId').then((data) => data).catch(err => err);

> **Make a Refund request**

Need to cancel the payment and return the funds to the customer.
The funds will be returned to the credit or debit card that was originally charged.[More details](https://myfatoorah.readme.io/docs/refund)


// available keyTypes for Refund request // 'InvoiceId' | 'PaymentId'

// example: payment.makeRefund({ KeyType: "invoiceid", Key: "94272", RefundChargeOnCustomer: false, ServiceChargeOnCustomer: false, Amount: 210, Comment: "Test Api", AmountDeductedFromSupplier: 0 }).then((data) => data).catch(err => err);

> **Get status of a refund Request**

It is used to get the status of the refund to check if it is refunded, rejected, or still pending. [More Details](https://myfatoorah.readme.io/docs/getrefundstatus)

payment.getRefundStatus(key, keyType);

// available keyTypes for Refund status // 'InvoiceId' | 'RefundReference' | 'RefundId';

payment.getRefundStatus('1647850', 'InvoiceId') .then((data) => data).catch(err => err);

> **Webhooks Signature Validation**

validate the signature of all requests sent from my fatoorah to your webhook endpoint.
you can get your `myFatoorahSecret` from account settings in webhooks section if enabled.

// commonJS const { validateSignature } = require('myfatoorah-toolkit');

// ES6 import { validateSignature } from 'myfatoorah-toolkit';

const MYFATOORAH_SIGNATURE = req.get("MyFatoorah-Signature");

validateSignature(body: requestBody, MYFATOORAH_SIGNATURE, myFatoorahSecret) .then((result) => { // go with your own logic here }).catch((err) => // bad signature);

Best of Luck 😋😎