0.0.9 • Published 4 years ago

mysam-api v0.0.9

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4 years ago

An API client for MySAM

This is a TypeScript/Javascript API client for the MySAM API.

It features:

  • a simple yet exhaustive API mapping of the MySAM REST API
  • strong static typing checks using TypeScript for security
  • an easily composable structure, inspired from the Stripe client


The library is available using NPM or yarn:

$ npm install --save mysam-api
# or
$ yarn add mysam-api


You need to grab the adequate credentials to run the client, then pass your credentians and access the relevant methods:

import MySAMAPIClient from "mysam-api"

// add your subdomain and API key
const mysam = new MySAMAPIClient({
  subdomain: "api.demo",
  apiKey: "<YOU_API_KEY>",

// and use it adequately
async function process() {
  const existingClients = await mysam.clients.list()
    "Found clients:",
    JSON.stringify(existingClients.content, null, 2),

  const newClient = await mysam.clients.registerClient({
    email: "myname@example.com",
    firstName: "John",
    lastName: "Smith",
    mobilePhoneNumber: "555-5555-555",
    password: "somepassword",
  console.log("Done creating new client with ID:", newClient.id)

The library also offers a custom MySAMError type that wraps the error messages sent bu the API. It also offers a series of test functions to detect the common cases of errors: this is especially useful with TypesScript to use smart completion and validate exhaustivity of switch cases:

try {
  const newCoupon = await mysam.coupons.create({
    clientId: "<SOME_CLIENT_ID",
    couponCode: "TESTCOUPON",
} catch (error) {
  // test if the error is a MySAMError with relevant .type values
  if (isCouponError(error)) {
    switch (error.type) {
      case "COUPON_ALREADY_ASSIGNED": // ⬅︎ completion works here !
        console.warn("Coupon is already assigned !")
      case "COUPON_NOT_FOUND":
        console.warn("Coupon does not exist")
    console.warn("Unexpected error:", error)

Supported API endpoints

addresses: geolocation search


// to search an address using a location string
let address = await mysam.addresses.search("22 rue du Pont Neuf, 75001 Paris")

// to search an address using a GPS coordinate
let address = await mysam.addresses.search({
  latitude: 48.86016845703125,
  longitude: 2.3441596031188965,

Returns: an Address object:

  address: '22 Rue du Pont Neuf',
  zipCode: '75001',
  city: 'Paris',
  latitude: 48.860699,
  longitude: 2.34477

bills: download PDF invoices

NOTE: this API requires a Trip ID


const pdfData = await mysam.bills.downloadInvoice(2199)

Returns: the RAW data as an ArrayBuffer

clients: register and manage Clients


// register a new client into the system
let client = await mysam.clients.registerClient({
      email: "contact@imagine-app.fr",
      firstName: "James",
      lastName: "Smith",
      mobilePhoneNumber: "06050403302",
      password: "thisismypassword",

// update an existing client
let updatedClient = await mysam.clients.update(
  // the internal user ID for thie client
  // the update parameters, typically a subset of the creation params
    firstName: "John",
    mobilePhoneNumber: "0102030405,
    // ...

    // you can also change password and set opt-in for emails
    password: "mynewpassword",
    emailOptIn: false

// list all the existing clients
let clients = await mysam.clients.list()

Returns: a (new or updated) Client

  userId: "d77055fc-8a3d-44cc-8db2-f1ee1ed8c437",
  firstName: "John",
  lastName: "Smith",
  email: "contact@imagine-app.fr",
  created: "2020-04-14T13:38:53.586Z",
  mobilePhoneNumber: "0102030405"

or in the case of list() a list of client embedded in a "list Result" object:

  size: 20, // ⬅︎ results per page
  number: 0, // ⬅︎ current page
  first: true, // ⬅︎ this is the first page
  totalPages: 1, // ⬅︎ results span 1 page
  totalElements: 2, // ⬅︎ the whole list (without paging) contains 2 elements
  last: true, // ⬅︎ this is the last page
  numberOfElements: 2, // ⬅︎ the "content" array holds 2 elements
  // the actual "Clients" are embedded into the "content" array:
  content: [
      userId: 'd77055fc-8a3d-44cc-8db2-f1ee1ed8c437',
      firstName: 'Josn',
      lastName: 'Smith',
      email: 'contact@imagine-app.fr',
      created: "2020-04-14T13:38:53.586Z",
      mobilePhoneNumber: "0102030405",
      userId: '66c7b90b-7b10-4c22-b57f-4bb893157425',
      firstName: 'Jane',
      lastName: 'Smith',
      email: 'contact@imagine-app.fr',
      created: "2020-04-14T13:38:53.586Z",
      mobilePhoneNumber: "0102030405",

NOTE: the list() methods offers options to control the paging:

let clients = await mysam.clients.list({
  page: 2, // ⬅︎ shows results in page 2
  size: 50, // ⬅︎ no more than 50 results per page

coupons: apply pre-registered Coupons to a Client


// Apply the TESTCOUPON coupon to a given client
const appliedCoupon = await mysam.coupons.create({
  clientId: "d77055fc-8a3d-44cc-8db2-f1ee1ed8c437",
  couponCode: "TESTCOUPON",

Returns: a Coupon result

  code: 'TESTCOUPON',
  unit: 'CURRENCY',
  zeroDecimalAmount: 500,
  active: true,
  combinable: false,
  used: false

estimation: estimate the price of a Trip


// estimate approach time of the driver, in seconds
const approachTimeInSecs = await mysam.estimation.approachTime({
  // GPS location
  latitude: 48.880931,
  longitude: 2.355323,
  // type of vehicle
  vehicleType: "CAR", // ⬅︎ either CAR or VAN or LUXE
console.log(approachTimeInSecs) // for eg. 600 for 10 minute wait

// complete estimation of a trip
const estimation = await mysam.estimation.estimate({
  clientId: "d77055fc-8a3d-44cc-8db2-f1ee1ed8c437",
  // start location
  fromLatitude: 48.86016845703125,
  fromLongitude: 2.3441596031188965,
  // end location
  toLatitude: 48.880931,
  toLongitude: 2.355323,
  // type of vehicle
  vehicleType: "CAR", // ⬅︎ either CAR or VAN or LUXE

Returns: an Estimation object

  id: 10730,
  distance: 3382, // ⬅ ︎distance in meters
  duration: 739, // ⬅︎ trip duration in seconds
  isPriceIncreased: false,
  tripType: 'IMMEDIATE',
  vehicleType: 'CAR',
  startDate: Date("2020-04-14T15:10:20.748Z")
  price: 8 // estimated price in €

flat-fees: list the pre-defined fees.


const flatFees = await mysam.flatFees.list()

Returns: a list of FlatFee objects

NOTE: this method accepts the same paging options as the clients.list() method NOTE: the returned flatFeeId can be provided to the estimation endpoint for pricing

trips: manage Trips

NOTE: these API are much easier to use with TypeScript, due to the checks the compiler is able to do on the arguments

Basic Trip management


// Create a new trip for this client
let trip = await mysam.trips.create({
  clientId: "d77055fc-8a3d-44cc-8db2-f1ee1ed8c437",
  fromAddress: {
    address: "22 rue du pont neuf",
    city: "Paris",
    country: "FR",
    zipCode: "75001",
    latitude: 48.86016845703125,
    longitude: 2.3441596031188965,
  toAddress: {
    address: "93 avenue Denfert-Rochereau",
    city: "Paris",
    country: "FR",
    zipCode: "75014",
    latitude: 48.836177825927734,
    longitude: 2.3342578411102295,
  type: "IMMEDIATE",
  vehicleType: "CAR",
  nbPassengers: 2,
  paymentMethod: "DEFERRED",
  autoAssignToDriver: true,

// retrieve trip info, by ID
let existingTrip = await mysam.trips.get(2199)

// cancel a trip
let canceledTrip = await mysam.trips.cancel(2199)

// compute the price due in case of a cancelation
let cancelationPrice = await mysam.trips.esimateCancelationPrice(2199)
console.log(cancelationPrice) // ⬅︎ eg. 5 for 5€

// update the price of the course (dicounted price must be < current price !)
let updatedTrip = await mysam.trips.createDiscount(
  2199, // ⬅ ︎the trip ID
  5, // ⬅︎ the new price in €

Returns: a Trip object

  fromAddress: {
    address: '22 rue du pont neuf',
    zipCode: '75001',
    city: 'Paris',
    country: 'FR',
    latitude: 48.86016845703125,
    longitude: 2.3441596031188965
  toAddress: {
    address: '93 avenue Denfert-Rochereau',
    zipCode: '75014',
    city: 'Paris',
    country: 'FR',
    latitude: 48.836177825927734,
    longitude: 2.3342578411102295
  client: {
    userId: 'd77055fc-8a3d-44cc-8db2-f1ee1ed8c437',
    firstName: 'John',
    lastName: 'Smith',
    email: 'contact@imagine-app.fr',
    created: 2020-04-07T15:11:34.413Z,
    mobilePhoneNumber: '0102030405'
  startDate: 2020-04-14T13:29:46.956Z,
  endDate: 2020-04-14T13:34:58.026Z, // ⬅︎ date de fin, non présent en "WAITING" ou "ASSIGNED"
  id: 2199,
  eurosDiscountedPrice: 12,
  estimatedPrice: 12 // ⬅︎ le prix à afficher au client

Trip lookup


// search all the trips between two dates
const trips = await mysam.trips.search({
  stardDate: new Date("2020-03-14T13:29:46.956Z"),
  endDate: new Date("2020-04-14T13:29:46.956Z"),

// search can be scoped to:
// • all the trips (default) with the "all" filter
// • only the trips created through the MySAM interface using the "mysam" filter
// • only a given client using the "client" filter
// ex:
const tripsCreatedInMySAM = await mysam.trips.search(
    stardDate: new Date("2020-03-14T13:29:46.956Z"),
    endDate: new Date("2020-04-14T13:29:46.956Z"),
    filter: "mysam",

const tripForJohn = await mysam.trips.search(
    stardDate: new Date("2020-03-14T13:29:46.956Z"),
    endDate: new Date("2020-04-14T13:29:46.956Z"),
    filter: "client",
    clientID: "d77055fc-8a3d-44cc-8db2-f1ee1ed8c437",

Returns: a "List Result" of Trips

NOTE: this method accepts the same paging options as the clients.list() or flatFees.list() methods

trip-driver: manage live info on Drivers

NOTE: these API only work then the underlying Trip is in ASSIGNED or STARTED state !

Get the current location (DriverLocation) of the vehicle

const tripId = 1234 // ⬅︎ the active trip ID
const driverLocation = await mysam.tripDriver.getDriverLocation(tripId)
console.log(`Driver is at: ${driverLocation.latitude}, ${driverLocation.longitude})

Estimate the delay for the driver to arrive on site

const tripId = 1234 // ⬅︎ the active trip ID
const timeToPickUp = await mysam.tripDriver.estimateTimeToPickUpLocation(tripId)
  `Vehicle will arrive in: ${timeToPickUp.duration}s (${timeToPiclUp.distance}m)`,


PRs are welcomed 😀


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details

Additional tooling

The project written in TypeScript, but it's also available to Javascript using NPM


  • Complete the API with the remaning calls
  • Add comments & docs
  • Add some testing

4 years ago


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4 years ago