2.1.0 • Published 1 month ago

mysterio v2.1.0

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1 month ago

Mysterio JavaScript Style Guide

A dead simple module to take a configuration file by environment, retrieve secrets from AWS secret manager and merge them.


> npm install --save mysterio


  1. Go to AWS secret manager and create secret with the following naming convention:
<app name>/<environment>


  1. Create a config folder that will contain the app configuration. Should be file per environment:


  "port": 3000,
  "db": "secret!"
  1. Create a new instance and merged the configuration
const { name } = require('package.json')
const { Mysterio } = require('mysterio')

async function init () {
  const mysterio = new Mysterio()
  try {
    const secrets = await mysterio.getMerged()
  } catch (e) {
    console.log('Error getting secrets ', e)
  1. You can also use Mysterio helper to just get secrets
const { name } = require('package.json')
const { getSecretsClient } = require('mysterio')

async function init () {
  const getSecrets = getSecretsClient({})
  try {
    const secrets = await getSecrets('my-secret-name')
  } catch (e) {
    console.log('Error getting secrets ', e)


new Mysterio([, options])

  • awsParams (Object) - AWS SecretManager constructor params. Default: { region: 'us-east-1' }
  • configDirPath (String) - config folder path. Default: <current working dir>/config
  • localRCPath (String) - local rc file path. Default: <current working dir>/.mysteriorc
  • env (String) - environment. Default: process.env.NODE_ENV || 'local'
  • packageName (String) - name of your app
  • secretName (String) - name of your secret. Default: ${packageName}/${env}


Get default configuration from configDirPath by env. If you have default.json file it will marge it with <env>.json file.


Get secrets from AWS SecretManager. Secret id will be secretName.


Get configuration from localRCPath. This file will load last. It is usually used as a helper while developing services with this module. You can add it to your .gitignore file to make sure it will stay only on yor computer.

Mysterio.getMerged([, options])

Get a merged secret object with your AWS SecretManager secret and your local config files.

  • isAddEnvProp - add an env prop to the merged secrets in is<Env> = true pattern. Default: false
  • isGetLocal - pull secrets from AWS SecretManager on local env as well. Default: true
  • isGetTest - pull secrets from AWS SecretManager on test env as well. Default: false

getSecretsClient([, options])

Get secrets from AWS SecretManager by secret name. This method will return an async function that accepts a secret name and returns the secrets object.

  • awsParams (Object) - AWS SecretManager constructor params. Default: { region: 'us-east-1' }