0.1.0 • Published 5 months ago

namespace-to-module v0.1.0

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Last release
5 months ago


Convert typescript namespaces to modules


npx namespace-to-module xxx.d.ts

// eg. npx namespace-to-module chrome.d.ts


npm i -g namespace-to-module
namespace-to-module xxx.d.ts
// or ns2module xxx.d.ts


This tool processes the incoming *.d.ts file and divides it into sub-files (and folders) based on the namespace hierarchy.

Once the division is done, you will need to include the following line:

import * as xxx from './xxx';

This approach remains compatible with the original namespace usage.

It's important to note that certain namespace syntax, such as export var, export class, export function, etc., is not supported in module usage. In such cases, these type definitions will be transformed into an export default interface _ {}, which can then be utilized with xxx.default.

Example: Take chrome.d.ts in @types/chrome and use this tool to break it down into the following structure.

├── accessibilityFeatures.ts
├── action.ts
├── alarms.ts
├── bookmarks.ts
├── browser.ts
├── browserAction.ts
├── browsingData.ts
├── commands.ts
├── contentSettings.ts
├── contextMenus.ts
├── cookies.ts
├── debugger.ts
├── declarativeContent.ts
├── declarativeNetRequest.ts
├── declarativeWebRequest.ts
├── desktopCapture.ts
├── devtools
│   ├── index.ts
│   ├── inspectedWindow.ts
│   ├── network.ts
│   └── panels.ts
├── documentScan.ts
├── dom.ts
├── downloads.ts
├── enterprise
│   ├── deviceAttributes.ts
│   ├── index.ts
│   ├── networkingAttributes.ts
│   └── platformKeys.ts
├── events.ts
├── extension.ts
├── fileBrowserHandler.ts
├── fileSystemProvider.ts
├── fontSettings.ts
├── gcm.ts
├── history.ts
├── i18n.ts
├── identity.ts
├── idle.ts
├── index.ts
├── input
│   ├── ime.ts
│   └── index.ts
├── loginState.ts
├── management.ts
├── networking
│   ├── config.ts
│   └── index.ts
├── notifications.ts
├── offscreen.ts
├── omnibox.ts
├── pageAction.ts
├── pageCapture.ts
├── permissions.ts
├── platformKeys.ts
├── power.ts
├── printerProvider.ts
├── privacy.ts
├── proxy.ts
├── runtime.ts
├── scriptBadge.ts
├── scripting.ts
├── search.ts
├── serial
│   ├── index.ts
│   ├── onReceive.ts
│   └── onReceiveError.ts
├── serial.ts
├── sessions.ts
├── sidePanel.ts
├── socket.ts
├── storage.ts
├── system
│   ├── cpu.ts
│   ├── display.ts
│   ├── index.ts
│   ├── memory.ts
│   └── storage.ts
├── tabCapture.ts
├── tabGroups.ts
├── tabs.ts
├── topSites.ts
├── tts.ts
├── ttsEngine.ts
├── types.ts
├── vpnProvider.ts
├── wallpaper.ts
├── webNavigation.ts
├── webRequest.ts
├── webstore.ts
└── windows.ts

You can run npm test after cloning the project to see how it looks. The output is in the test/output folder.


npm test

5 months ago


5 months ago