1.0.1 • Published 7 months ago

namira.log v1.0.1

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7 months ago

Namira TS SDK Log

Namira Software Corporation Log Package is a powerful Node.js library designed to simplify the management of logging, error handling, and notifications within your applications. With a focus on flexibility and extensibility, this library empowers developers to effortlessly control how their applications log information, handle errors, and send notifications across various channels such as Telegram, email, SMS, and push notifications. Whether you need to track critical events, respond to unhandled exceptions, or deliver real-time alerts to different stakeholders, it provides a robust solution with a straightforward API. Customize the behavior to suit your unique use case and seamlessly integrate it into your projects to enhance both monitoring and communication capabilities. Streamline your development workflow and enhance the reliability of your applications with Namira Software Corporation Log Package. Namira Software Corporation


This library provides the following key features:

  1. Logging: Log messages to various sources such as the console, files, database and Namirasoft Log Server
  2. Error Handling: Catch all unhandled errors in your Node.js application.
  3. Notifications: Send messages and alerts through different media (Email, SMS, Telegram, push notifications, and etc.) based on configurable conditions. You can find more here Namirasoft Log Server

You can customize the library's behavior and integrate it with various notification platforms to suit your specific use case.


npm install namira.node


First you need to import it.

  • JavaScript
    	let Logger = require("namira.node");
  • TypeScript
    	import { Logger } from "namira.node";

Make a Logger

To make a logger please use this:

  • JavaScript
    	let logger = new Logger();
  • TypeScript
    	let logger: Logger = new Logger();


Normal Logging

logger.trace("This is a test for trace");
logger.verbose("This is a test for verbose");
logger.debug("This is a test for debug");
logger.info("This is a test for info");
logger.warning("This is a test for warning");
logger.error("This is a test for error");
logger.critical("This is a test for critical");
logger.fatal("This is a test for fatal");

Grouping Logs

logger.error("Out of stuck", "Payment");
logger.error("Can not find your account", "Account");
logger.warning("You account is not verified yet.", "Account");
logger.Info("Invoice has been paid successfully", "Payment");

Extra and Stack information

logger.debug("message", "group", "More details go here");
logger.error("message", "group", "More details go here");
logger.warning("message", "group", "More details go here");
logger.fatal("message", "group", "More details go here");

Loggin errors on catch

	// some bad codes here making error
	// some bad codes here making error
	// some bad codes here making error

Error Handling

To handle all unhandled exceptions on the entire project:




To add a stream on console which is the default stream use:

import { StreamConsole } from  "namira.node";

logger.addStream(new  StreamConsole());


To add a stream on file:

import { StreamFile} from  "namira.node";
let streamFile = new StreamFile("Your-Custom-Path"); // your can pss "" for argument
streamFile.seprateByDate = true; // this is the default value
streamFile.seprateByGroup = false; // this is the default value
streamFile.seprateByLevel = true; // this is the default value

Namirasoft Log

To add a stream on Namirasoft Log API which gives which is the default stream use:

import { StreamNamirasoftLog } from "namira.node";
logger.addStream(new StreamNamirasoftLog("Your-Token"));

You can get your token Here after creating your account and project.


It is also possible to create custom stream like for database:

fist create your custom class like

import { IStream } from "./IStream";
import { Log } from "./Log";
import { LogLevel } from './LogLevel';

export class MyCustomStream implements IStream
    async write(log: Log, formated: string[]): Promise<void>
	    // save log or formated 

Then add it to your logger

logger.addStream(new MyCustomStream());

You can get your token Here after creating your account and project.



To set a full formatter which is the default formatter use:

import { FormatterFull } from "namira.node";
logger.setFromatter(new FormatterFull());


To set a short formatter use:

import { FormatterShort } from "namira.node";
logger.setFromatter(new FormatterShort());


To set a different formatter for each Log Level use:

import { LogLevel, FormatterShort, FormatterFull } from "namira.node";

logger.setCustomFormatter(LogLevel.Info, new FormatterShort());
logger.setCustomFormatter(LogLevel.Error, new FormatterFull());


To make a custom formatter make a formatter class like:

import { BaseFormatter, IFormatter, Log } from "namira.node";

export class MyCustomFormatter extends BaseFormatter implements IFormatter 
    async format(log: Log): Promise<string[]>
        let ans: string[] = [];
        ans.push(this.formatDateTime(log.date) + ": " + log.message);
        return ans;

Then add it to your logger

logger.addStream(new MyCustomFormatter());

7 months ago


7 months ago