2.0.0 • Published 5 months ago

nano-query-2 v2.0.0

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5 months ago

Nano Query

Nano Query is a minimalistic and type strict library for creating custom query and mutate hooks in React. It leverages the power of nanostores, axios, and zod to provide a simple and efficient way to manage API requests and state in your application.


You can install Nano Query via npm:

npm install nano-query-2


Creating a Query Hook

First, import the createQueryHook function from Nano Query:

import { createQueryHook } from "nano-query-2";

Then, define a URL and a DTO (Data Transfer Object) using zod:

import { z } from "zod"

// Define the URL for the API endpoint, with a parameter placeholder
const url = '/test/:myPathParam'

// Define the structure of the response data using zod for validation
const dto = z.object({
    name: z.string(),

Finally, create the query hook:

// Create a custom query hook using the createQueryHook function
const useQuery = createQueryHook(url, {
    // Default validator of the response body
    defaultValidator: dto,
    // List of nanostores atoms to watch and trigger refetch when they change
    watchAtoms: [],
    // Additional axios request config options can be provided here
    // ...

Using the Query Hook

Now you can use the query hook in your components:

import React, { useEffect } from "react"

// Define a test hook to use the custom query hook
export const testHook = () => {
    // Create memoized params for useQuery to avoid unnecessary rerenders
    const params = React.useMemo(() => ({
        pathParams: {
            myPathParam: 'test' // Define path parameters for the request
        // This option disables the query hook until it becomes false
        skip: false,
        // Additional axios request config options can be provided here
    }), [])

    // Use the custom query hook with the memoized params
    const queryResult = useQuery(params)

    // Perform an action with the query result
    useEffect(() => {
        // If the request was successful, log the name from the response data
        if (queryResult.isSuccess) {
    }, [queryResult])

Creating a Mutation Hook

Similar to the query hook, you can create a mutation hook:

import { createMutateHook } from "nano-query-2";

// Create a custom mutate hook using the createMutateHook function
const useMutate = createMutateHook(url, {
    // Default validator of the response body
    defaultValidator: dto,
    // List of nanostores atoms to trigger query hook when they change to update them
    emitAtoms: [],
    // Additional axios request config options can be provided here

Using the Mutation Hook

And use it in your components:

// Define a test hook to use the custom mutate hook
export const testMutate = () => {
    // Create memoized params for useQuery to avoid unnecessary rerenders
    const params = React.useMemo(() => ({
        // Additional axios request config options can be provided here
    }), [])

    // Use the custom mutate hook with the memoized params
    const [{ cancel, mutate, reset }, queryResult] = useMutate(params)

    useEffect(() => {
        // Trigger a mutation with the specified path parameters
            pathParams: {
                myPathParam: 'test' // Define path parameters for the mutation
    }, [])

    // Perform an action with the mutation result
    useEffect(() => {
        // If the request was successful, log the name from the response data
        if (queryResult.isSuccess) {
    }, [queryResult])


Pull requests are welcome. Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


5 months ago


5 months ago


5 months ago


5 months ago


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5 months ago


5 months ago