2.2.1 • Published 6 years ago

narval v2.2.1

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Multi test suites runner for Node.js packages. Define your suites including dependant services, Narval will start all using Docker, isolating each suite execution.

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Narval is a test suites runner that make easy to define, start, and reuse dependant services for each suite.\ It uses Docker to start services and run tests, so, the isolation of each test suite execution is guaranteed. Define your services and tests in a yaml file, use the provided mocha-sinon-chai interface to develop your tests, and Narval will do the rest for you.

Split your tests into "tests", that contains the specs and are executed with Mocha/Istanbul, and "services", which contains the commands and configurations needed to start the dependendant services of the tests battery. In this way, it is possible to reuse different services configurations and run different tests over different combinations of them, or run the same tests battery upon services started with different configurations, for example.

Each "service" is started using Docker, so it will not have conflicts with the environment in which the tests are executed, and can be executed "locally" as well, if your development platform don´t supports Docker, or in order to make easier the tests development process.

Using the provided command line options, a test suite can be executed independently, using Docker or not, or even leave a "service" alive in the terminal while you develop the tests battery that is integrated with it in other terminal.

You can even get coverage reports from a "service", not from the tests themself. So, for example, if you are developing an API service, you can define it as a "service", develop tests that make requests to your service in an isolated way, and get coverage reports from the service.

It also provides a built-in javascript linter, using Standard.

Narval is configured using a .narval.yml file at the root of your project.

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To run services and tests using Docker, Narval needs Docker and docker-compose to be installed on the system.

Narval has been developed and tested on Linux and Mac with versions:

  • Docker: 17.05.0-ce
  • docker-compose: 1.19.0

On Windows platforms, the "docker" feature is not available, but you can run suites using the --local option.

Read more about how to install Docker and docker-compose. Here you can read about how to use Docker and docker-compose in Travis builds.

Quick Start

Run tests with default configuration

Add narval to your package.json dependencies, and an npm script to run the tests:

  "scripts": {
    "test": "narval" 
  "devDependencies": {
    "narval": "2.x"

If no configuration file .narval.yml is provided, by default Narval will search for test files inside of a folder /test in your project root, and Execute Istanbul/Mocha over them. A coverage report will be generated at /.coverage folder. Aditionally, the Standard javascript linter will be executed over all project sources.

npm run test
# Run Standard linter over all project sources, and launch unit tests found inside "/test" folder

npm run test -- --standard
# Run only Standard

npm run test -- --suite=unit
# Run only unit tests.

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Create a .narval.yml file at the root of your project. This file will contain all your tests suites and standard configuration, read this chapter to learn how to define them.

As, depending of your project size, this file could grow too much, Narval supports yaml-include, that makes able to split your configuration in different files if needed. You can read more tips about how optimize your configuration file here.


<Object>. Configuration for Standard.

  • directories <Array> of <String>. Array of glob expressions that will determine in which folders Standard will be executed.

Partial example of Standard configuration

    - "lib/**/.js"
    - "test/integration/packages/**/*.js"


<Array> of docker-image objects. Configure your base Docker image or images that will be used to instanciate the different Docker containers used to start the services or tests.


<Object>. Configuration for creating a Docker image. It is a subset of DockerFile configuration.

  • name <String>. Reference for the base image.
  • from <String>. Docker image to create this image from.
  • add <Array> of <String>. Array of folders or files to be copied inside the image, at Docker build time. Paths are relative to the project root. When added, the full folder tree will be respected, and will be added just as it is to the Docker image.
  • expose <Array> of <Number>. Array of ports to be exposed. This ports will be available for other Docker containers (for other Narval "services", consequently).
  • install <String>. Path to a script that will be executed in Docker build time. Use it to install your needed dependencies. It will executed only once, when Docker image is built. Narval will check for its own installation after this command runs, so, if you don´t install Narval dependency inside Docker, it will do it for you.

Partial example of docker-images configuration

  - name: basic-image
    from: javierbrea/node-headless-chrome:1.0.0
      - package.json
      - 3000
    install: test/docker/install


<Array> of docker-container objects. Configure your Docker container or containers in which your services and tests will run.


<Object>. Configuration for creating the Docker container. It is a subset of docker-compose configuration.

  • name <String>. Reference for the container.
  • build <String>. Reference name of the docker-image from which this container will be started.
  • bind <Array> of <String>. Array of paths to be binded into the docker container. This "resources" will be "shared" from the local file system directly to the docker container, so if there are changes in the resources, there is no need to rebuild the Docker images to refresh changes. The full folder tree will be respected, and will be binded just as it is to the Docker image.

Partial example of docker-containers configuration

  - name: service-container # Docker container 1
    build: basic-image
      - lib
      - index.js
  - name: test-container # Docker container 2
    build: basic-image
      - lib
      - test
      - index.js


<Object>. Object containing suites types as keys. Define a key for each test suite "type", or "family". In this way, you can categorize your suites and run them separately using the option --type from the command line.

suites type

<Array> of suite objects. The key of the suite type will be the reference for running it independently using the --type option from command line.


<Object>. Object containing the test suite configuration.

  • name <String>. Reference for the test suite.
  • describe <String>. Description of the suite. Printed in logs when suite starts.
  • before <Object>. before object containing configuration for commands that will be executed before running the test suite. Useful to clean or prepare your environment.
  • services <Array> of service objects. Defines services to be started before running the tests.
  • test <Object>. test object containing configuration of the test to be runned by this suite.
  • coverage <Object>. coverage object containing configuration of coverage report of this suite.

Partial example of test suites configuration

  unit: # Suite type
    - name: unitary # suite called "unitary", of type "unit"
        specs: test/unit
  integration: # Suite type
    - name: api # suite called "api", of type "integration"
          command: test/commands/local/clean
        - name: api-service
            command: test/commands/local/start-api
        specs: test/integration/api
          verbose: true

<Object>. Object containing configuration for commands that will be executed before running the test suite. Useful to clean or prepare your environment.

  • docker <Object>. Contains instructions to be executed by Docker before running the suite. down-volumes. <Boolean>. If true, cleans Docker container volumes, to prevent share data from previous container executions dispatched by other suites. command <String>. Path to a file containing a script that will be executed before executing Docker. * env <Object>. Object containing custom variables names and values to be set in the environment for running command.
  • local <Object>. Contains instructions to be executed when running locally before executing the suite. command <String>. Path to a file containing a script that will be executed before running suite. env <Object>. Object containing custom variables names and values to be set in the environment for running command.

Partial example of a test suite "before" property

    - name: api
      before: # before configuration
          down-volumes: true
          command: test/commands/docker/clean
            fooVar: foo value for docker clean
          command: test/commands/local/clean
            fooVar: foo value for local clean

<Object>. Object containing configuration for starting a test suite service.

  • name <String>. Reference name for the service. It can be the same in all suites starting the same service.
  • abort-on-error <Boolean>. Default false. If true, all other services and tests will be stopped if possible when this service is closed with an error code. Test suite will be considered as failed, even if the tests execution is successful.
  • docker <Object>. If test suite is going to be executed using Docker, this objects contains the needed configuration for the service. container <String>. Reference name of the docker-container in which the service is going to be executed. command <String>. Path to the command that will start the service. wait-on <String>|<Object> The service will not be started until the provided wait-on condition is ready. Narval uses wait-on to provide this feature. If an String is provided, then it specifies the resource to wait. NOTE: If the host you are waiting for is a service hosted in a docker-container, you must use that docker-container name as host in the host:port expression. resources. <Array> of <String>. Resources that will be waited for. Read about the available "resources" to be used as wait-on expressions in its documentation. Narval also provides a custom wait-on property that allows to wait for a service to be finished. Use the exit:[service-name] expression, and it will wait until that service has finished. timeout <Number>. Maximum time in ms to wait before exiting with failure (1) code, default Infinity. delay <Number>. Initial delay before checking for resources in ms, default 0. interval <Number>. Interval to poll resources in ms, default 250ms. reverse <Boolean>. Reverse operation, wait for resources to NOT be available. env <Object>. Object containing custom variables names and values to be set in the environment for running command. exit_after <Number> of miliseconds default: 30000. When coverage is executed over a service instead of tests, in Docker is needed to define a time out for stopping the service and get the resultant coverage after running tests. This setting only applies if coverage.from property is set to this service name.
  • local <Object>. Contains instructions to execute the service locally. command <String>. Path to the command that will start the service. wait-on <String>|<Object> with format protocol:host:port, or path to a file. The service will not be started until the provided protocol:host:port is ready, or file exists. Narval uses wait-on to provide this feature. If an String is provided, then it specifies the resource to wait. resources. <Array> of <String>. Resources that will be waited for. Read about the available "resources" to be used as wait-on expressions in its documentation. Narval also provides a custom wait-on property that allows to wait for a service to be finished. Use the exit:[service-name] expression, and it will wait until that service has finished. timeout <Number>. Maximum time in ms to wait before exiting with failure (1) code, default Infinity. delay <Number>. Initial delay before checking for resources in ms, default 0. interval <Number>. Interval to poll resources in ms, default 250ms. reverse <Boolean>. Reverse operation, wait for resources to NOT be available. env <Object>. Object containing custom variables names and values to be set in the environment for running command.

Partial example of a test suite "services" property

    - name: api
        - name: ddbb-service # service configuration
            container: ddbb-container
            command: test/commands/docker/start-mongo
              fooVar: foo value for docker command
            command: test/commands/local/start-mongo
              fooVar: foo value for local command
        - name: api-service # service configuration
            container: service-container
            command: test/services/app/start.js --name=service --path=/narval/.shared --host=service
                - tcp:ddbb-container:27017
              timeout: 5000
              delay: 300
              interval: 100
              reverse: false
              fooVar: false
            exit_after: 10000
            command: test/services/app/start.js --name=service --path=.test
              fooVar: true
            wait-on: tcp:localhost:27017

Partial example of a service waiting until another has finished

    - name: api
        - name: foo-service
            command: test/commands/local/start-service
        - name: foo-service-2 # This service will not start until the service "foo-service" has exited.
            command: test/commands/local/start-another-service
            wait-on: exit:foo-service

<Object>. Object containing configuration for the test to be runned by a suite.

  • specs <String>|<Array>. Path to the folder or file where the specs to be executed are. Relative to the root of the project. If an Array is specified, all provided folders or files in the Array will be executed.
  • docker <Object>. If test suite is going to be executed using Docker, this objects contains the needed configuration. container <String>. Reference name of the docker-container in which the tests are going to be executed. wait-on <String>|<Object> The tests will not be executed until the provided wait-on condition is ready. Narval uses wait-on to provide this feature. If an String is provided, then it specifies the resource to wait. NOTE: If the host you are waiting for is a service hosted in a docker-container, you must use that docker-container name as host in the host:port expression. resources. <Array> of <String>. Resources that will be waited for. Read about the available "resources" to be used as wait-on expressions in its documentation. Narval also provides a custom wait-on property that allows to wait for a service to be finished. Use the exit:[service-name] expression, and it will wait until that service has finished. timeout <Number>. Maximum time in ms to wait before exiting with failure (1) code, default Infinity. delay <Number>. Initial delay before checking for resources in ms, default 0. interval <Number>. Interval to poll resources in ms, default 250ms. reverse <Boolean>. Reverse operation, wait for resources to NOT be available. env <Object>. Object containing custom variables names and values to be set in the docker environment for running test.
  • local <Object>. If test suite is going to be executed without Docker, this objects contains the needed configuration. env <Object>. Object containing custom variables names and values to be set in the local environment for running test. wait-on <String>|<Object> with format protocol:host:port, or path to a file. The tests will not be executed until the provided protocol:host:port is ready, or file exists. Narval uses wait-on to provide this feature. If an String is provided, then it specifies the resource to wait. resources. <Array> of <String>. Resources that will be waited for. Read about the available "resources" to be used as wait-on expressions in its documentation. timeout <Number>. Maximum time in ms to wait before exiting with failure (1) code, default Infinity. delay <Number>. Initial delay before checking for resources in ms, default 0. interval <Number>. Interval to poll resources in ms, default 250ms. * reverse <Boolean>. Reverse operation, wait for resources to NOT be available.
  • config <Object> containing Mocha configuration arguments for tests execution. All provided key value pairs will be translated into "--key=value" when Mocha is executed. As examples, some available config keys are provided in this documentation. For further reference about all available arguments, please read Mocha usage documentation. recursive <Boolean> default: true. Execute specs found in all subfolders of provided specs path. reporter <String> default: spec Mocha reporter to be used. Can be one of "spec", "dot", "nyan", "landing", "list", "progress", ... * grep <String>. Will trigger Mocha to only run tests matching the given pattern which is internally compiled to a RegExp.

Partial example of a test suite "test" property

    - name: api
      test: # test configuration
        specs: test/integration/api
          container: test-container
              - tcp:api-service:3000
            timeout: 5000
            delay: 300
            interval: 100
            reverse: false
            fooVar: foo value for test execution in Docker
          wait-on: tcp:localhost:3000
            fooVar: foo value for test execution in local
          recursive: false
          reporter: list

Partial example of a test waiting to be launched until the service has finished

    - name: api # service configuration
        - name: foo-service
            command: test/commands/local/start-service
      test: # test configuration
        specs: test/integration/api
          wait-on: exit:foo-service # wait until service "foo-service" has exited

<Object>. Object containing configuration for coverage report of a suite.

  • enabled <Boolean> default:true. Enable or disable coverage for this suite.
  • from <String>. By default, coverage will be executed over the test defined in a suite, but, it is possible to get coverage from a service. Use this property to define a service name from which execution the coverage will be generated.
  • config <Object> containing Istanbul configuration arguments for coverage execution. All provided key value pairs will be translated into "--key=value" when Istanbul is executed. As examples, some available config keys are provided in this documentation. For further reference about all available arguments, please read Istanbul usage documentation, or execute ./node_modules/.bin/istanbul help config cover root <String> default:.. Path to folder containing sources to cover. x <String>. Glob defining folders to exclude from coverage. include-all-sources <Boolean> default:true. Show 0% coverage for files with no tests executed. dir <String> default:.coverage/[suite-type]/[suite-name]. Path to folder in which reports will be created. report <String> default:lcov/html. Type of Istanbul reports to generate. print <String> default:summary. Type of Istanbul reports to print. You can use types as "detail", "both", etc.. verbose <Boolean> default:false. Run Istanbul in "verbose" mode.
    default-excludes <Boolean> default:true. Use Istanbul default excludes (node_modules, etc...) * preserve-comments <Boolean> default:false. Preserve comments in coverage reports.

Partial example of a test suite "coverage" property

    - name: api
      coverage: # coverage configuration
        enabled: true
        from: api-service
          print: both

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Quick setup

  • Add the "narval" dependency to your package.json file as described in the quick start chapter.
  • Add the "test" script to your package.json file as described in the quick start chapter.

    From this point, all examples asume that the package.json file of your project contains a script called "test" that executes "narval". If your script has another name, simply change npm test by npm run your-script-name in the examples

  • Create a configuration file named .narval.yml at the root of your repository.

Tests development

Narval provides a tests development tools bundle, which gives you access to mocha, sinon and chai (preconfigured to use sinon-chai and dirty-chai). Read the mocha-sinon-chai documentation for further info, as it is used underlayer to provide this interface.

const test = require('narval')

test.describe(('narval') => {
  test.it('should provide tools for developing tests', () => {

Tests utilities

It also provides a set of tools that make easier to perform some actions that are commonly repeated in tests when are developed using Narval, such as reading services logs:

  • logs <Object>. Contains methods for reading services logs. out <Function> Arguments: (serviceName <String>) Resolves: Content of the out.log file of current suite and provided service as <String> err <Function>. Arguments: (serviceName <String>) Resolves: Content of the err.log file of current suite and provided service as <String> combined <Function> Arguments: (serviceName <String>) Resolves: Content of the combined-outerr.log file of current suite and provided service as <String> exitCode <Function> Arguments: (serviceName <String>) Resolves: Content of the exit-code.log file of current suite and provided service as <String>


Run the next command to execute all your test suites and Standard linter:

npm test

Command line options

npm test -- [options]

Available options are:

--logLevelDefine log level. Available levels are "log", "trace", "debug", "info", "warn" and "error". Default is "info"--log
--standardRun only Standard linter-s
--fixFix Standard errors-f
--type <type>Run only test suites of provided <type>
--suite <suite>Run only provided <suite>
--buildRebuild Docker images-b
--local [service]Run locally, do not use Docker. If service name is provided, only it will be run. Use "test" as service name to run only test. Use CTRL-C to exit service execution (If service is coveraged, it will generate the report, then exit)
--shell <shellPath>Use a custom shell for running commands. More info here


npm test -- --standard
# Run only Standard linter

npm test -- --type=integration

Run all test suites of type "integration" defined in the configuration

npm test -- --logLevel=debug

Run tests, only print logs with level debug or upper.

npm test -- --type=integration --local

Run locally all test suites of type "integration"

npm test -- --suite=api --local=api-service

Run locally the service called "api-service" from suite "api". Service keep running until CTRL-C.

npm test -- --suite=api --local=test

Run locally the test from suite "api". You can run it from one terminal while the service is executed in other terminal using the previous example.

npm test -- --build

Run all tests suites, rebuild Docker images at initialization.

### Developing commands

#### Commands languages

Inside Docker, commands are executed using `sh -c`, so you can define the language of your choice in your scripts using the correspondant [shebang][shebang-url] (the availability of the interpreter will depend of your docker base image, of course)

#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "My script is written in bash"
#!/usr/bin/env node
console.log('This script is written in nodejs')

Outside Docker, in the "local" environment, commands are executed through nodejs spawn child processes. The base "shell" used for running commands depends on the platform:

  • In Unix platforms, the commands are executed using "sh -c". So, you can define the language of your choice using the correspondant shebang. The availability of the script language that you have to choose will depend of the platform in which you are going to run the suites locally.\

  • In Windows platforms, the commands are executed using the default system shell, using the nodejs process.env.ComSpec property. Usually, it should be something like: c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /d /s /c.\ Note that Windows shell can only execute .bat and .cmd commands, so, maybe you want to define your own shell.

Warning: Ensure that your command files have execution permissions, otherwise, the execution will obviously fail.

Using a custom shell

It is possible to define a custom shell for running commands. This can be useful, for example, if you want to run commands locally in Windows using gitBash in order to make them compatible with Unix platforms. Use the option "--shell" to define the path to the custom shell:

npm run test -- --shell="C:\git\bin\bash.exe"
# Commands will be executed using an spawn process like "C:\git\bin\bash.exe [command]"

Or define two different scripts in your package.json, one to be used in Unix platforms, and the other one for your local development Windows platform:

  "scripts": {
    "test": "narval",
    "test-windows": "narval --shell=\"C:\\git\\bin\\bash.exe\""
npm run test
# Used in Unix platforms, default behavior

npm run test-windows
# Used in Windows platforms, executes commands using gitBash
Commands for services with "coverage" enabled

When a service is executed with "coverage" option, all mentioned above does not apply, and the command must be a path to a nodejs file, because it is executed using Istanbul.

Working directory

Remember, all paths defined in the configuration file must be relative to the root of the package.\ The working directory of the commands when are executed will be the root of the package as well.

Docker absolute paths

When Docker images are created, all files and folders of the package are added or binded into the path /narval, that is the Docker WORKDIR. So, if you added the package.json to the Docker image (as in the docker-image example), and you need to access it using an absolute path, you´ll find it in /narval/package.json

Docker shared volume

All Docker containers share a volume named .shared, created at the root of the package. In this way, you can check if a service is writting something or not in your specs, for example. Configure your service to write the output files inside the folder .shared (or /narval/.shared), and that folder will be available as well when tests are executed.

Services logs

All services logs are written to files to make them available for other services or tests. Logs are written to .narval/logs/[suite-type]/[suite-name]/[service-name] folder. These folders are available inside all Docker containers too.

For each service, all these files are generated:

  • combined-outerr.log. Contains all service logs, both "out" and "error".
  • err.log. Contains service "error" logs.
  • out.log. Contains service "out" logs.
  • exit-code.log. This file is created when service is closed, and contains the exit code of the service process.

Narval api provides utilities for reading services logs inside your tests in an easy way.

The exit-code.log is used internally to wait for a service to be finished before executing another service, or the tests. Using the wait-on property, you can wait for the exit of a service, with the exit:[service-name] expression:

In the next example, the tests will not be executed until the service "api" is closed:

    - name: api-closed
        - name: api
            command: test/commands/start-api.sh
        specs: test/integration
        wait-on: exit:api

Note: Log files are not generated for tests processes and for coveraged services processes when runned locally.

Environment variables

Narval presets a group of environment variables that are available in commands and in tests executions, locally and inside Docker:

  • narval_is_docker. true in Docker executions, false in local executions.
  • narval_suite_type. Type of the suite that is being executed.
  • narval_suite. Name of the suite that is being executed.
  • narval_service. Name of the service that is being executed.

Apart from this built-in variables, you can set your own custom environment variables for tests or services executions. Read the configuration chapter to know how to define them. Once you have them defined, you can use them from services, commands, or tests. As example:

    - name: api
        - name: api-service
            container: service-container
            command: test/commands/start-api.sh 3000
            command: test/commands/start-api.sh 3020
        specs: test/integration/api
            port: 3000
            hostName: service-container
            port: 3020
            hostName: localhost

Now, you can write a test that can be runned locally, for development purposes, or in Docker, during continuos integration cycle:

  test.describe('server', () => {
    test.it('should be running', () => {
      return requestPromise({
      	method: 'GET',
        url: `http://${process.env.hostName}:${process.env.port}/api`
      }).then((response) => {
        return test.expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200)

Optimizing configuration

Use includes

If your .narval.yml file grows too much, you can use the include feature to split it into one file per test suite, or one file per suite type, for example.

Partial example of a include one file per test suite

    - !!inc/file-configs/integration/foo.yml
    - !!inc/file-configs/integration/bar.yml

Use anchors and references to reuse yaml code.

Use the yaml native support for anchors, references, or extensions to improve the reusability in your .narval.yml file.

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Here you have an example that runs standard, unit, integration and end-to-end tests over a very simple api package that includes a connection to a mongodb database, and some other fake features developed explictly for the example. The configuration is overloaded intendedly to provide different combinations of configurations examples.

In the example you can see how Narval is used to start a Mongodb service, and the api itself, and then run tests. The "end-to-end" tests are generating coverage, and integration tests are used to check the api logs, and if the service is writing some files as expected. For local executions, the mongodb connection is disabled and the api stores books in memory only, this was made to avoid the need of having mongodb installed in the system for running the example.

You can run this example following the next steps: 1. Create a .narval.yml file into the foo api package folder, and copy the example code inside it. You can also copy directly the example file test/integration/configs/example.yaml into the same folder and rename it to .narval.yml 2. Edit the package.json file of the api package, and change the narval dependency to latest. 3. Run npm i 4. Run npm test, or npm test -- --local

  - name: node-image
    from: node:8.11.1
      - 4000
      - package.json
    install: test/commands/install.sh
  - name: mongodb-image
    from: mongo:3.6.4
      - 27017
  - name: test-container
    build: node-image
      - lib
      - test
      - server.js
  - name: api-container
    build: node-image
      - lib
      - test
      - server.js
  - name: mongodb-container
    build: mongodb-image
      - test/commands
    - name: unit
      describe: Unitary tests
        specs: test/unit
          dir: .coverage/unit
    - name: books-api
      describe: Books api should work and save data to mongodb.
          down-volumes: true
        - name: mongodb
            container: mongodb-container
            command: test/commands/mongodb-docker.sh
        - name: api-server
            command: server.js --host=localhost --port=3000 --mongodb=avoid
            container: api-container
            command: server.js --host=api-container --port=4000 --mongodb=mongodb://mongodb-container/narval-api-test
            wait-on: tcp:mongodb-container:27017
            exit_after: 10000
        specs: test/end-to-end/books
          wait-on: tcp:localhost:3000
            api_host: localhost
            api_port: 3000
          container: test-container
          wait-on: tcp:api-container:4000
            api_host: api-container
            api_port: 4000
        from: api-server
    - name: logs
      describe: Books api logs should work and print logs when an api request is received.
        - name: mongodb
            container: mongodb-container
            command: test/commands/mongodb-docker.sh
        - name: api-server
            command: test/commands/start-server.sh
              mongodb: avoid
              api_host: localhost
              api_port: 3000
            container: api-container
            command: test/commands/start-server.sh
                - tcp:mongodb-container:27017
              timeout: 50000
              interval: 50
              delay: 100
              mongodb: mongodb://mongodb-container/narval-api-test
              api_host: api-container
              api_port: 4000
        specs: test/integration/logs
          wait-on: tcp:localhost:3000
            api_host: localhost
            api_port: 3000
          container: test-container
          wait-on: tcp:api-container:4000
            api_host: api-container
            api_port: 4000
        enabled: false
    - name: commands
      describe: Books api command should work and write all books to a file in json format.
        - name: mongodb
            container: mongodb-container
            command: test/commands/mongodb-docker.sh
        - name: api-server
            command: test/commands/start-server.sh
              mongodb: avoid
              api_host: localhost
              api_port: 3000
            container: api-container
            command: test/commands/start-server.sh
            wait-on: tcp:mongodb-container:27017
              mongodb: mongodb://mongodb-container/narval-api-test
              api_host: api-container
              api_port: 4000
        specs: test/integration/commands
          wait-on: tcp:localhost:3000
            api_host: localhost
            api_port: 3000
          container: test-container
          wait-on: tcp:api-container:4000
            api_host: api-container
            api_port: 4000
        enabled: false

NOTE: There are more files with many other configurations that may be useful as examples at the integration tests folder of this repository. All these Narval configuration files are used for testing Narval itself, and most of them are runned over the "foo api package" in the integration tests folder.

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