1.0.0 • Published 7 years ago

nativescript-rich-textfield v1.0.0

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Last release
7 years ago

Nativescript-rich-textfield Build Status

This plugins let's you easily create textfield with icon that can be effortlessly styled using the exposed properties.


This plugin is using FontAwesome so as a prerequisite you will have to add fonts folder to your app root directory containing FontAwesome .ttf file.


npm install nativescript-rich-textfield --save


You will have to add xmlns:rt="nativescript-rich-textfield" namespace to your page tag, and then simply use <rt:RichTextField/> in order to add the widget to your page.

A few examples:

Sample Android

Code samples in order of appearance:

<Page xmlns="http://schemas.nativescript.org/tns.xsd" loaded="pageLoaded" class="page"
  <StackLayout >

    <rt:RichTextField icon="0xf123" height="60" iconColor="red" fieldHintColor="red" fieldPaddingLeft="20" textPaddingLeft="80" fieldPaddingRight="90" fieldBackgroundColor="transparent"/>

    <rt:RichTextField icon="&#xf099;" iconSize="20" iconColor="rgba(240,248,255,1)" fieldHint="Twitter Hint"
     height="60" style="background-color:rgba(30,144,255,1)" fieldBorderColor="rgba(255,255,255,1)" fieldBottomBorderWidth="2"/>

    <rt:RichTextField icon="&#xf262;" fieldBorderColor="rgba(212,175,55,1)" fieldColor="rgba(138,43,226,1)" fieldHeight="50" height="50" fieldBottomBorderWidth="4"
     fieldTopBorderWidth="4" iconColor="rgba(138,43,226,0.8)" fieldHintColor="rgba(138,43,226,0.6)" style="background-color:rgba(255,223,0,1);margin-top:10;" />

    <rt:RichTextField icon="&#xf17b;" fieldBorderColor="rgba(124,252,0,1)" fieldHeight="45" height="45" fieldTopBorderWidth="3" iconColor="rgba(173,255,47,1)" 
     style="background-color:rgba(34,139,34,1);margin-top:10;margin-bottom:10;" fieldColor="rgba(34,139,34,1)" />

     <rt:RichTextField iconSize="15" icon="&#xf028;" iconColor="rgba(1,1,1,1)" style="margin-bottom:10;" fieldBackgroundColor="red" fieldBorderColor="white" fieldBorderWidth="3" 
      fieldHint="Volume value Hint" fieldHintColor="rgba(1,1,1,0.6)" fieldHeight="45" width="90%" />

    <rt:RichTextField icon="&#xf007;" fieldLeftBorderWidth="8" width="80%" fieldHint="Username" fieldPaddingLeft="34" />

    <rt:RichTextField icon="&#xf13e;" secure="true" fieldLeftBorderWidth="4" fieldRightBorderWidth="4" width="80%" fieldHint="Password" />



RichTextField attributes:

iconcan be code value from http://fontawesome.io/cheatsheet/ (e.g. &#xf123;) or hex representation (e.g. 0xf123)
fieldHeightheight of the field (e.g. 50)
fieldColortext color of the field. The value can be known color name or rgba (red/green/blue/alpha) representation (e.g. "red" or "rgba(34,139,34,0.8)"). Alpha value can be in the range 0-1 the rest can be 0-255.
fieldPaddingLeftleft hand side space to the parent element (e.g. "50")
fieldPaddingRightright hand side space to the parent element (e.g. "50")
textPaddingLeftthe distance between the icon and the text/hint of the field (e.g. "50")
fieldBackgroundColorbackground color of the field (e.g. "red" or "rgba(34,139,34,0.8)")
iconColoricon color (e.g. "red" or "rgba(34,139,34,0.8)")
fieldHintstring value of the field hint (e.g. "Custom Hint")
iconSizeicon size (e.g. "20")
fieldHintColorcolor value of the hint text (e.g. "red" or "rgba(34,139,34,0.8)")
fieldBorderColorcolor value of the border (e.g. "red" or "rgba(34,139,34,0.8)")
fieldBorderWidthborder width (e.g. "2"). Setting this applies all sides border.
fieldLeftBorderWidthleft side border width (e.g. "2"). Setting this applies only left side border.
fieldRightBorderWidthright side border width (e.g. "2"). Setting this applies only right side border.
fieldTopBorderWidthtop side border width (e.g. "2"). Setting this applies only top side border.
fieldBottomBorderWidthbottom side border width (e.g. "2"). Setting this applies only bottom side border.
securespecify whether to mask the input of the field. Useful for passwords (e.g. "true").


Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004