0.0.1 • Published 7 years ago

nativescript-wechat-share-plugin v0.0.1

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Last release
7 years ago


This plugin can not receive any message from wechat both app request and the result of sharing. I haven't found a way to add a custom activity in Android or define a delegate in iOS on nativescript platform.


$ tns plugin add nativescript-wechat-share-plugin 

note: In iOS platform which i tested has a issue, it can not link an ios static library twice even though that static library has been remove. So if met some error like 'Can not find variable WXApiDelegate' in runtime, please follow steps as below and test again.

$ tns platform remove ios
$ tns platform add ios
$ tns prepare ios

iOS Configuration

add below into \<YOUR_PROJECT_DIR>/app/App_Resources/iOS/Info.plist



WechatSharingScene object defined in here. It has three options can be used:

WechatSharingScene.SESSION //share to someone or a group
WechatSharingScene.TIMELINE //share to Moments
WechatSharingScene.FAVORITE //add to self favorite
sharing text
import {WechatSharePlugin, WechatSharingScene} from 'nativescript-wechat-share-plugin';

let wechatSharePlugin = new WechatSharePlugin(/*YOUR_WECHAT_APP_ID*/);

let sharingOptions = {
  scene: WechatSharingScene.TIMELINE,
  text: "this is a test text."

sharing url
import {WechatSharePlugin, WechatSharingScene, WechatSharingType} from 'nativescript-wechat-share-plugin';

let wechatSharePlugin = new WechatSharePlugin(/*YOUR_WECHAT_APP_ID*/);
let sharingOptions = {
  scene: WechatSharingScene.TIMELINE,
  messages: {
    media: {
      type: WechatSharingType.TYPE_SHARING_WEBPAGE,
      webpageUrl: "https://open.weixin.qq.com/"
sharing local image
import * as fs from 'file-system';
const appPath = fs.knownFolders.currentApp();
const applePath = fs.path.join(appPath.path, "img", "apple.jpg");

import {WechatSharePlugin, WechatSharingScene, WechatSharingType} from 'nativescript-wechat-share-plugin';

let wechatSharePlugin = new WechatSharePlugin(/*YOUR_WECHAT_APP_ID*/);

let sharingOptions = {
  scene: WechatSharingScene.TIMELINE,
  messages: {
    title: "test title",
    description: "test description",
    media: {
      type: WechatSharingType.TYPE_SHARING_IMAGE,
      image: applePath
sharing online image
import {WechatSharePlugin, WechatSharingScene, WechatSharingType} from 'nativescript-wechat-share-plugin';

let wechatSharePlugin = new WechatSharePlugin(/*YOUR_WECHAT_APP_ID*/);

let sharingOptions = {
  scene: WechatSharingScene.TIMELINE,
  messages: {
    title: "shareOnlineImageToWechat title",
    description: "shareOnlineImageToWechat description",
    media: {
      type: WechatSharingType.TYPE_SHARING_IMAGE,
      image: "http://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz/PiajxSqBRaEIVJ6bW5EhIpIVZuxavukF9zUCzuoAKicofAtxibTBZOzsgP73GtO7jkkH2MQke21fOFC6Pnm0JvC6Q/0?wx_fmt=png/"
sharing music
import {WechatSharePlugin, WechatSharingScene, WechatSharingType} from 'nativescript-wechat-share-plugin';

let wechatSharePlugin = new WechatSharePlugin(/*YOUR_WECHAT_APP_ID*/);

let sharingOptions = {
  scene: WechatSharingScene.TIMELINE,
  messages: {
    title: "shareMusicToWechat title",
    description: "shareMusicToWechat description",
    media: {
      type: WechatSharingType.TYPE_SHARING_MUSIC,
      image: "http://staff2.ustc.edu.cn/~wdw/softdown/index.asp/0042515_05.ANDY.mp3"
sharing video
import {WechatSharePlugin, WechatSharingScene, WechatSharingType} from 'nativescript-wechat-share-plugin';

let wechatSharePlugin = new WechatSharePlugin(/*YOUR_WECHAT_APP_ID*/);

let sharingOptions = {
  scene: WechatSharingScene.TIMELINE,
  messages: {
    title: "shareVideoToWechat title",
    description: "shareVideoToWechat description",
    media: {
      type: WechatSharingType.TYPE_SHARING_VIDEO,
      image: "http://clips.vorwaerts-gmbh.de/big_buck_bunny.mp4"