1.1.0 • Published 2 months ago

nbt-dump v1.1.0

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2 months ago


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A simple command line Node.js tool to read and write NBT files to JSON and back. Supports big, little and little-varint encoding.

Uses prismarine-nbt for serialization and deserialization, see https://github.com/PrismarineJS/prismarine-nbt for more info on schema.


via npx:

npx nbt-dump --help

via npm:

npm install -g nbt-dump
nbt-dump --help
usage, feel free to use natural language:
Parse an NBT file to JSON: 
    nbt-dump <path-to-nbt-file> [out-json-file] [little|big|varint]

    nbt-dump level.dat
        (Dump the contents of level.dat to terminal)
    nbt-dump level.dat to level.json
        (Dump the contents of level.dat to JSON)
    nbt-dump level.dat as little to level.json
        (Dump the contents of little endian encoded level.dat to JSON)

Write an JSON file to uncompressed NBT (defaults to big endian):
    nbt-dump write <path-to-json> [out-nbt-file] [little|big|varint]

    nbt-dump write level.json to level.dat
    nbt-dump write level.json to level.dat as little

You can also pipe the input to nbt-dump:
    cat level.dat | nbt-dump
    cat level.dat | nbt-dump to level.json
    cat level.json | nbt-dump write
    cat level.json | nbt-dump write to level.dat


If you do not specify endianness, it will automatically be inferred.

Parse to json, and back to nbt as big endian

$ nbt-dump level.dat level.json
* Dumping NBT file "file.nbt" to "file.json" as JSON
(as big endian)
$ nbt-dump write level.json level.dat
* Writing JSON from "file.json" to "file.nbt" as big endian

Write as little endian

$ nbt-dump level.dat level.json
* Dumping NBT file "file.nbt" to "file.json" as JSON
(as big endian)
$ nbt-dump write level.json level.dat little
* Writing JSON from "file.json" to "file.nbt" as little endian