1.0.1 • Published 6 years ago

nc200-control v1.0.1

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Last release
6 years ago


Javascript module for tpLink NC200 Wifi Camera control. This module encapsulates in a single javascript class a proper object to comunicate with tpLink NC200 Wifi Camera throug it's ajax api.

This module was develped initially as a part of https://github.com/oskrs111/node-nc200-control application that is an alternative configuratuion frontend for the camera based on Electron and Polymer.

Now i have separated this module in order to use it in another NC200 related projects like node-nc200-automation. According to that node-nc200-control will be updated according soon.


Use the usual npm commands to get the module from npm repository

> npm install nc200-control --save

This will install all the module with dependencies.

But note that there is a dependence with "ajax-request": "1.2.3". Currently there is a pending Pull Request that adds a needed functionality for this nc200-control module. So meantime, you can use the forked and modified "ajax-request" from here https://github.com/oskrs111/ajax-request. Once installed nc200-control module from npm, just navigate to \nc200-control\node_modules\ajax-request and replace index.js by the one from my fork.


First get the nc200 control object.


.nc200device(config, updateCallback, getPaths = gGetDefaultPaths, getPathsArgs = gGetDefaultPathArgs)

  • {object} config required
  • {function} updateCallback required
  • {array} getPaths optional
  • {object} getPathsArgs optional | required depending on getPaths content

config Contains the connection parameters with the NC200 throug it's web interface (se the example below).

updateCallback This function will be called with the reply of every request or with an error. It will retourn 2 objects; path and data. Path will match with path on the .updateRequest(path,data) call, and data will contain the reply object from NC200 Camera. Paths are related to .fcgi paths that are used to comunicate with the NC200 Camera with AJAX requests. Note that some control paths can be fired a part of .fcgi ones:

  • syncData -> Notifies the initial syncronization (the contents of getPaths) quewe.
  • loginError -> Notifies an error with login step.
  • ajaxError -> Notifies an AJAX error.

getPaths contains the initial (automatic) calls to perform when first connectiong to NC200 Camera. Note that this hapens after a succesfull login attempt on the NC200 Camera. Then every call is performed sequentially and, if succesfull, the updateCallback call will be done for every .fcgi path in the list. This will happen also for the login request.

Some of these .fcgi paths need to send specific data within the request. These specific data must be passed as getPathsArgs object in order to provide the proper data on the AJAX calls. As an example getvideoctrls path needs to add some specific data so;

const myPaths = ["getvideosetting", "getvideoctrls", "..."];
const myPathArgs = {getvideoctrls:{all:"any value"}};

Note that all .fcgi paths are used without .fcgi extension. This is appended automatically before make the request.


  • {string} path required
  • {object} data optional, depends on the request path

path One .fcgi path as request.

data The related object data. The object definition can be obtained directly from NC200 Camera using the .fcgi path pairs. So as example, if you want to modify some 'Video Settings' first call getvideosetting path and use the retorned data object on the callback to modify the parameters and send it back to NC200 camera by using setvideosetting path.

The complete list of .fcgi paths is on the beging of the module file (index.js).


This function will start the initial syncronization according with the constructor data.

On the following example the module is used to enable or disable the email notification, when using the motion control feature on the NC200 Camera. You can get additional references from https://github.com/oskrs111/node-nc200-control that uses the previous version of this module.

const config = {

const nc200 = require('nc200-control');
const device = new nc200.nc200device(config, deviceCallback,['smtp_and_ftp_load']);
device.connect(); //Start the data syncronization...

let cnt = 0;
function deviceCallback(path, data){
	obj = JSON.parse(data);
	console.log('callback receive->',path, data);
		case 'smtp_and_ftp_load':
				case '-e':
					obj.smtp_is_enable = '1';
					obj.ftp_mode = 'MQ==';
				case '-d':
					obj.smtp_is_enable = '0';
					obj.ftp_mode = 'MQ==';
					console.log('error: Missing call parameter "-e" | "-d"');
		case 'smtp_and_ftp_save':
			console.log('Motion detection state updated succesfully!');
		case 'ajaxError':
		case 'loginError':
			console.log('Error', path);