1.0.8 • Published 3 years ago

neat-forms v1.0.8

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3 years ago

NeatForm provides a resuable Form component. You can use NeatForm to quickly create different kind of forms without having to worry about writing JSX, CSS and managing Form states for Form Validation. Neat Form comes with built in basic form validations for Email, Password, Number and required fields.

NeatForm currenty supports five field types: 1. text 2. email 3. password 4. number 5. Select Option 6. color 7. file 8. date 9. datetime-local 10. time 11. radio group 12. checkbox 13. range 14. month 15. url 16. week 17. hidden

Using NeatForm is fairly simple, follow the step by step guide to create your first NeatForm:

In your project folder run

npm install neat-forms

Import the below in the components where you want to use NeatForm

import NeatForm ,{Input,InputType} from 'neat-forms'

By creating an object of Input you create a new instance of Input field. Input constructor takes 6 parameters:

-> name,type(from InputType object),value,placeholder,required(true/false),errorMessage . More about InputType in Input Type section.

Additionally Input object has a propery domEvents which you can use to pass different event handler functions. The list of events supported is as follows:

  1. onBlur
  2. onChange
  3. onFocus
  4. onClick
  5. onDoubleClick
  6. onKeyDown
  7. onKeyUp

More about domEvent in 'Adding domEvents section'

Input has few more properties regex, data, minRange,maxRange,radioGroupData, they will be covered in relevant sections.

const inputField=new Input('Email',InputType.email,'','Email',true,'Email is not Valid');

In the above code snippet we are creating a new inputField of type InputType.email, value is ''(empty), placeholder is 'Email', required is true and errorMessage 'Email is not Valid'

Similarlly you can create different field objects as shown below in code snippet.

const inputField=new Input('Email',InputType.email,'','Email',true,'Email is not Valid');
const passwordField=new Input('Password',InputType.password,'','Password',true,'Password must be 6-16 characters long and must contain a number and a special character');

Shown in above code, we pass InputType.email or InputType.password in Input constructor. There are other input types that you can use:

  1. InputType.text
  2. InputType.email
  3. InputType.password
  4. InputType.number
  5. InputType.dropdown (More in creating dropdown section)
  6. InputType.checkbox
  7. InputType.color
  8. InputType.date
  9. InputType.datetimeLocal
  10. InputType.file
  11. InputType.radioGroup
  12. InputType.month
  13. InputType.range
  14. InputType.time
  15. InputType.url
  16. InputType.week

Please see the below code to understand how to add domEvents to input fields:

const inputField=new Input('Email',InputType.email,'','Email',true,'Email is not Valid');

  const rangeInput=new Input('Range',InputType.range,'','',false,'');
   const radioGroupInput=new Input('Gender',InputType.radioGroup,'','',true,'Required Field');

formData will be in below format,just a javaScript object:

{Email: 'admin@admin.com', Password: 'kskdhkdh@1212', Fruit: 'Apple', Remember: '', Color: '#9d5353', …}
Color: "#9d5353"
DateTime: "2021-10-07T01:40"
Email: "admin@admin.com"
File: "C:\\fakepath\\bootstrap.css"
Fruit: "Apple"
Gender: "Female"
Month: "2021-06"
Password: "kskdhkdh@1212"
Range: "436"
Remember: ""
Time: "01:42"
URL: "https://google.com"
date: "2021-10-07"
hidden: "this is hidden value"
[[Prototype]]: Object

In the above code snippet we are pass submitValue prop, it is the text that you will see on submit button.

Refer to the below code example, the below code example cover mostly all the types of input fields and their usage in neat-forms

import NeatForm ,{Input,InputType} from 'neat-forms'
const Test=()=>{
    //creating email field
    const inputField=new Input('Email',InputType.email,'','Email',true,'Email is not Valid');
    // passing domEvent onBlur to inputField
    //creating passwordField
    const passwordField=new Input('Password',InputType.password,'','Password',true,'Password must be 6-16 characters long and must contain a number and a special character');
    //adding regex to password

    //creating dropdown field
    const dropdownField=new Input('Fruit',InputType.dropdown,'','',false,'You must select an item');

    //adding data to dropdownfield

    //creating other fields
    const checkBox=new Input('Remember',InputType.checkbox,'','',false,'');
    const colorInput=new Input('Color',InputType.color,'','',false,'');
    const dateInput=new Input('date',InputType.date,'','',false,'');
    const dateTimeInput=new Input('DateTime',InputType.datetimeLocal,'','',true,'Required Field');
    const timeInput=new Input('Time',InputType.time,'','',true,'Required Field');
    const urlInput=new Input('URL',InputType.url,'','',false,'');
    const fileInput=new Input('File',InputType.file,'','',false,'');
    const monthInput=new Input('Month',InputType.month,'','',false,'');
    //range field
    const rangeInput=new Input('Range',InputType.range,'','',false,'');
    //adding range

    const radioGroupInput=new Input('Gender',InputType.radioGroup,'','',true,'Required Field');
    //setting radioGroupData properties..

    //hidden field
    const hiddenInput=new Input('hidden',InputType.hidden,'this is hidden value','',false,'');

    const formAttr=[inputField,passwordField,dropdownField,checkBox,colorInput,dateInput,dateTimeInput,timeInput,urlInput,fileInput,monthInput,rangeInput,radioGroupInput,hiddenInput]
    const submitHandler=(formData)=>{
        <NeatForm formAttr={formAttr} formSubmit={submitHandler}  submitValue='Save'/>
export default Test;

Note: It is recommended that you use unique name for each Input field as names are passed as keys in input and they should be unique.

The above code will generate a form with three fields and the Login button will be disabled by default, because few fields are required. Each field will be checked for basic validations such as required, email and password length and will show error accordingly when the input field becomes blur.

Submit button will remain disabled until all the required fields are valid.

Form generated by NeatForm is simple and sober. However, if you want to change the look and field of the form, you can do that by directly modfying the css of classed used in NeatForm in your own app.

List of classes used in NeatForm are:

  • NFFormMain : The outer div that conatins the form.
  • NFFormMain form : use this to modify form css.
  • NFInputInvalid : use this to modify invalid field css.
  • NFSubmit: use to modify submit button.

You can always refer to Developer tools or GitHub and update the css accordingly in your own project.

I hope you enjoy using NeatForm and it makes your life easy. In case you face any issue, feel free to raise an issue or email me @ satyam.neo@outlook.com

Also if you feel like we could add something to neat-forms, please feel free to drop your suggestions.

Namaste /\


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3 years ago