1.0.7 • Published 4 years ago

nem-db v1.0.7

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4 years ago

Nem-DB (Node Embeddable Micro DataBase)

License: GPL v3 NPM

An tiny, embeddable Node database, based on Louis Chatriot's NeDB.


Create / load database

  • name - Database file name (default db)
  • root - Database rooth path (default null)
  • autoload - Should database be loaded on creation (default true)
  • strict - Should database throw silent errors (default false)
// Memory-only database
const db = new Datastore();

// Persistent database with manual load (default name for file is `db`)
const db = new Datastore({ root: process.cwd(), autoload: false });
// Loading is not neccesary, but recommended
// No loading means the data from file isn't read, which
// can cause data loss when `persist()` is called (as it overwrites the file)

// Persistent database with autoload
const db = new Datastore({ root: process.cwd() });

// Persistent database with custom file name
const db = new Datastore({ root: process.cwd(), name: 'example' })
// Db file is now called `example.txt`


By default, Nem-DB does not write directly to file. To make sure the data is persistence, call persist(). This will both clean the database of deleted / corrupted entries and write to disk. Keep in mind that this function is sync, so calling this will block.

If strict is enabled, persist() will throw an error if corrupted data is found.


Calling load() will return an array of corrupt items (strings). When persist() is called, all corrupt items will be removed from file, so if data integrity is important make sure to re-insert (via create() or update()) those items before calling persist().


create(doc, { writeToDisk }) => [doc(s)]

  • doc - Object to insert
  • writeToDisk - Should create() write to disk

Inserts doc(s) into the database. _id is automatically generated (~16 character string) if the field does not exist.

Fields cannot start with $ (modifier field) or contain . (used for dot-queries). Values cannot be undefined.

create() will silently fail if doc(s) are invalid and insert those who are valid. If strict is enabled, create() will reject on the first invalid doc. Doc(s) are only inserted when the entire transaction is successful.


const doc = {
  crud: 'create',
  data: [{
    field: 1

try {
  const inserted = await db.create(doc) // 1
} catch (err) {

read(query, { multi }) => [doc(s)]

  • query - Query object (default {})
  • multi - Should match multiple docs (default false)

Find doc(s) matching query object. Operators and dot notation are supported and can be mixed together.

Basic query
// Data in database
// { _id: 1, type: 'normal', important: false, variants: ['weak', 'strong'] }
// { _id: 2, type: 'normal', important: true, variants: ['weak', 'strong'] }
// { _id: 3, type: 'strong', important: false, variants: ['weak', 'strong'] }
// { _id: 4, type: 'weak', variants: ['weak'], properties: { type: 'weak', parent: 3 } }

// For this example, the matched docs will be reduced to just their _id

// Find first docs matching type 'normal'
// [1]
await db.read({ type: 'normal' })

// Find all docs matching type 'normal'
// [1, 2, 3]
await db.read({ type: 'normal' }, { multi: true })

// Find all docs matching type 'normal' and important 'true'
// [2], all fields must match
await db.read({ type: 'normal', important: 'true' }, { multi: true } })

// Find all docs with variants 'weak'
// [4], note how only 4 matches, even though all entries contain weak
// When using this query shape, exact matches will be used
await db.read({ variant: ['weak'] }, { multi: true })

// Find all docs with variants 'strong', 'weak'
// [], order is also important
await db.read({ variant: ['strong', 'weak'] }, { multi: true })

// Find all docs with parent '3'
// [], all keys must be present
await db.read({ properties: { parent: 3 } })
// [4], but key order does not matter
await db.read({ properties: { parent: 3, type: 'weak' } })
Dot notation

Dot notation can be used to match nested fields

// Data in database
// { _id: 1, variants: ['normal', 'strong'], properties: { type: 'weak', parent: 3 } }
// { _id: 2, variants: ['strong', 'normal'], properties: { type: 'weak', parent: 3 } }
// { _id: 3, variants: [{ id: 'strong', properties: [{ type: 'weak' }] }] }

// For this example, the matched docs will be reduced to just their _id

// Find all docs with properties.type 'weak'
// [1, 2]
await db.read({ 'properties.type': 'weak' }, { multi: true })

// Find all docs where first entry of variants is `strong`
// [2]
await db.read({ 'variants.0': 'strong' }, { multi: true })
// Brackets can be used for arrays as well
await db.read({ 'variants[0]': 'strong' }, { multi: true })

// Find all docs where type of first entry of properties of first entry of variants is 'weak'
// [3]
await db.read({ 'variants.0.properties.0.type': 'weak' })

Operators can be used to query beyond simple matches. The following operators are supported:

Logic operators

  • $gt - Is greater than
  • $gte - Is greater or equal than
  • $lt - Is less than
  • $lte - Is less or equal than
  • $ne - Is not equal

Object operators

  • $exists - Does key exist
  • $some - Do any values match

Array operators

These operators will throw an error if the pointed field is not an array

  • $has - Does array have value


// Data in database
// { _id: 1, type: 'normal', important: false, variants: ['weak', 'strong'] }
// { _id: 2, type: 'normal', important: true, variants: ['weak', 'strong'] }
// { _id: 3, type: 'strong', important: false, variants: ['weak', 'strong'] }
// { _id: 4, type: 'weak', variants: ['weak'], properties: { type: 'weak', parent: 3, variants: ['strong'] } }
// { _id: 5, properties: [{ variants: ['weak', 'normal' ] }, { type: 'strong' }] }

// For this example, the matched docs will be reduced to just their _id

// $gt / $gte / $lt / $lte
// [3, 4]
await db.read({ $gt: { _id: 2 } }, { multi: true })
// [4], all fields within '$lte' must match
await db.read({ $lte: { _id: 4, 'properties.parent': 3 }})

// $ne
// [2, 3, 4, 5]
await db.read({ $ne: { _id: 3 } }, { multi: true })

// $exists
// [1, 2, 3, 4]
await db.read({ $exists: 'type' }, { multi: true })
// [1, 2, 3]
await db.read({ $exists: ['type', 'important'] }, { multi: true })

// $some
// [2, 5]
await db.read({ $some: { _id: 5 important: true } }, { multi: true })

// $has
// [1, 2, 3, 4]
await db.read({ $has: { variants: 'weak' } }, { multi: true })
// [4]
await db.read({ $has: { 'properties.variants': 'strong' } })
// Error, field is not an array
await db.read({ $has: { type: 'weak' } })
// Error, dot notation isn't a valid object field
await db.read({ $has: { properties: { 'variants.0': 'weak' } } })

update(query, update, { multi }) => n

  • query - Query object (default {})
  • update - Update object (default {})
  • multi - Should match multiple docs (default false)

Find doc(s) matching query object. Update supports modifiers, but fields and modifiers cannot be mixed together. Dot notation cannot be used without modifiers.

If no modifiers are provided, update() will override the found doc(s) with update

_id fields cannot be overwritten. If strict is enabled, providing an _id to update will throw an error.


// Data in database
// { _id: 1, type: 'normal', important: false, variants: ['weak', 'strong'] }
// { _id: 2, type: 'normal', important: true, variants: ['weak', 'strong'] }
// { _id: 3, type: 'strong', important: false, variants: ['weak', 'strong'] }
// { _id: 4, type: 'weak', variants: ['weak'], properties: { type: 'weak', parent: 3, variants: ['strong'] } }

// Set first doc to {}
await db.update()

// Set all docs to {}
await db.update({}, {}, { multi: true })

// Set matching docs to { type: 'strong' }
// { _id: 1, type: 'strong' }
// { _id: 2, type: 'strong' }
// { _id: 3, type: 'strong', important: false, variants: ['weak', 'strong'] }
// { _id: 4, type: 'weak', variants: ['weak'], properties: { type: 'weak', parent: 3, variants: ['strong'] } }
await db.update({ type: 'normal' }, { type: 'strong' }, { multi: true })

// _id fields will not be overwritten
// { _id: 1, type: 'strong' }
// { _id: 2, type: 'strong' }
// { _id: 3, type: 'strong', important: false, variants: ['weak', 'strong'] }
// { _id: 4, type: 'weak', variants: ['weak'], properties: { type: 'weak', parent: 3, variants: ['strong'] } }
await db.update({ type: 'normal' }, { type: 'strong', _id: 1 }, { multi: true })

// Error, dot notation isn't a valid field
await db.update({ type: 'normal' }, { 'properties.type': 'strong', _id: 1 }, { multi: true })

Modifiers can be used to set specific values

  • $inc - Increment value
  • $set - Set value


// Data in database
// { _id: 1 }
// { _id: 2 }
// { _id: 3, count: 3 }

// $inc
// { _id: 1 }
// { _id: 2 }
// { _id: 3, count: 6 }
// Inc will only increment number fields
await db.update({} }, { $inc: { count: 3 } })
// Using '$exists' is safer, however
await db.update({ $exists: 'count' }, { $inc: { count: 3 } })

// $dec
// { _id: 1 }
// { _id: 2 }
// { _id: 3, count: 0 }
// Decrementing can be achieved by incrementing with a negative number
await db.update({ $exists: 'count' }, { $inc: { count: -3 } })

// $set
// { _id: 1 }
// { _id: 2 }
// { _id: 3, count: 'count' }
await db.update({ $exists: 'count' }, { $set: { count: 'count' } })
// { _id: 1, value: 3 }
// { _id: 2, value: 3 }
// { _id: 3, count: 3, value: 3 }
// Keys will be created if it does not exist
await db.update({}, { $set: { value: 3 } })

delete(query, { multi }) => n

  • query - Query object (default {})
  • multi - Should match multiple docs (default false)

Delete doc(s) matching query object.


// Data in database
// { _id: 1, type: 'normal', important: false, variants: ['weak', 'strong'] }
// { _id: 2, type: 'normal', important: true, variants: ['weak', 'strong'] }
// { _id: 3, type: 'strong', important: false, variants: ['weak', 'strong'] }
// { _id: 4, type: 'weak', variants: ['weak'], properties: { type: 'weak', parent: 3, variants: ['strong'] } }

// Delete all data
await db.delete()

// Delete first match
// [1, 3, 4]
await db.delete({ _id: 2 })

// Delete all matches
// [3, 4]
await db.delete({ type: 'normal' }, { multi: true })


Run benchmark

yarn bench


Stats from my machine:

Sample size: 100000
Total: 676.995ms
Total: 101.891ms
Total: 91.286ms
Total: 85.412ms
Done in 1.25s.

4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago