2.11.0 • Published 6 months ago

neo4j-bloom v2.11.0

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Last release
6 months ago

Neo4j Insight

MasterBuildCross Version Tests
masterbuildcross version tests

Development setup

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Install yarn globally (not required but recommended): npm install -g yarn
  3. Add NPM Access Token for @neo4j-bloom libraries, see setup
  4. Install project dependencies: yarn

Development server

yarn dev and point your web browser to http://localhost:8085.

Setting up Neo4j Desktop

The Bloom running locally needs to connect to Neo4j Desktop (where the Neo4j DBMS lives). To do this, start Neo4j Desktop.

Once this is set up, start a DBMS in Desktop - Desktop will expose this active DBMS to the default port bolt://localhost:7687,and Bloom will use that default port for connecting to the instance.

The login credentials on the Bloom page is the same as the login credentials of the DBMS (note - the default username is neo4j, the password can be reset for that DBMS in Desktop)

Setting up Neo4j Aura

Neo4j Aura is the Neo4j database running in the cloud. In order to test Bloom against Aura, perform the following steps: 1. Log in into Aura and create a free database 2. Install the cerificate neo4j-insight/openssl/bloom-fake.neo4j.io.crt in your system (on Mac, open keychain access, drag and drop the certificate, double click it and choose "Always trust") 3. In a terminal, go to /etc/hosts file and add bloom-fake.neo4j.io to a new line 4. Run yarn startSSL 5. Connect via https://bloom-fake.neo4j.io:8085?connectURL=neo4j%2Bs://{aura_dbms_id}.databases.neo4j.io:7687 where 'auradbms_id' can be found in the _Connection URI in ur newly created Aura database (note: in Chrome, type thisisunsafe in order to bypass the ssl checks).

Testing a release against Aura

Perform the same steps as above for installing the certificate and editing the hosts file. Then Bloom can be hosted using serve with the below command: npx serve -l tcp://bloom-fake.neo4j.io --ssl-cert={path_to_bloom}/neo4j-insight/openssl/bloom-fake.neo4j.io.crt --ssl-key={path_to_bloom}/neo4j-insight/openssl/bloom-fake.neo4j.io.key assets

Setting up Neo4j Enterprise

Please have a look at this doc for setup instructions.


This repo uses tailwindcss, with Neo4j design system as a extension. All CSS is set in src/main.css.

src/main.css is processed by PostCss and generate the actual CSS used in the app. Whenever you use a tailwind class name or a change is made in src/main.css Vite will process it automatically (yarn vite:dev).

Tailwind CSS IntelliSense is recommended to get css name auto-hint.

To enable Tailwind CSS IntelliSense with classnames, please add the following entry to the VS Code Settings JSON

  "tailwindCSS.experimental.classRegex": [
        ["classnames\\(([^)]*)\\)", "'([^']*)'"],
        ["cn\\(([^)]*)\\)", "'([^']*)'"]

classnames and cn is the imported name,

import cn from 'classnames' 


import classnames from 'classnames'

Formatting and linting

  • Prettier is used for formatting with standard rules and .prettierrc.js.
  • ESLint is used for linting with standard rules and .eslintrc.json. ESLint is included in prettier-standard.

The lint job will also be performed when committing the change (git commit), using husky and lint-staged. This enforces all the change to meet the criteria and makes this process IDE agnostic.

If you need to disable pre-commit hook, please empty lint-staged in package.json

  "lint-staged": {}    // <- set to empty

For Visual Studio Code user, to facilitate your workflow, you can install plugin prettier-standard and ESLint, and add the following settings.

When adding the settings to VSCode, it is advised to add them to the Workspace settings per this repo only because other projects are not using this formatting/linting configuration. So we can avoid changing things automatically in other projects like NX, NDL and NVL

  "editor.formatOnSave": true,
  "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
    "source.fixAll.eslint": true
  "[javascriptreact]": {
    "editor.defaultFormatter": "numso.prettier-standard-vscode"
  "[javascript]": {
    "editor.defaultFormatter": "numso.prettier-standard-vscode"

This ensures that whenever a file is saved, it's also automatically formatted and linted with all auto-fixes. You might still need to correct some issues manually.

e2e Testing with playwright

  • yarn e2e:install get all the browser driver you need for playwright (you only need to run this for the first time)
  • yarn e2e run all test under ./playwright/pullrequest folder with chromium
  • yarn e2e:plugin run all test under ./playwright/plugin folder with chromium
  • We are using Movie*.property.dump as test data, you can find the .dump file under ./bloom-test-files in S3
  • Test artifacts can be found under ./playwright/artifacts/ folder, only after test failed. And every time you launch a new playwright job, it will wipe out the artifacts from last job. Using trace to check test report.
  • npx playwright test /playwright/pullrequest/cardlist.test.ts --project=chromium --config playwright/playwright.config.ts using this to run single test, you can also install playwright plugin in Visual Studio to help you.
  • Please remember to update test coverage map after you change e2e test or developed a new feature: bloom_feature_list, Miro_feature_map
  • teamcity/neo_*.cypher has the script we run to prepare the database, if your test is missing user or get wrong caption, try some script there


The logging library loglevel is being applied under the hood, refer to the docs to see for further information or details if required.

To see all logging options, such as setting log levels, printing the logs or downloading log files, open the web browser's console and type bloom_help() and hit enter. A list of options is presented.

All available levels and loggers are printed when entering bloom_help() in the web browser's console.

Available loggers: ROOT, NVL, DRIVER, SSO, PERF

Available levels: trace, debug, info, warn, error, silent

There are also URL query parameters available to set the log levels of individual or all loggers.

  • The parameter LOGS_LEVEL=<level> will set the logging level to level for all loggers
  • The parameter <LOGGER>_LEVEL=<level> will set the logging level to level for the logger <LOGGER>


http://localhost:8085?ROOT_LEVEL=warn set the logging level warn for the logger ROOT (the application logs)

http://localhost:8085?LOGS_LEVEL=debug set the logging level debug for the all loggers

http://localhost:8085?LOGS_LEVEL=error&DRIVER_LEVEL=debug&NVL_LEVEL=info set the logging level error for all loggers yet for the DRIVER logger the level is set to debug and for the NVL logger the level is set to info

You are able to download all log files via the Experimental drawer or via a command outlined in bloom_help().

URL query parameters

Meant for users: | URL query parameter | Example | Description | ------ | ------ | ------ | | discoveryURL=url | discoveryURL=https://localhost:8083/discovery.json | See Bloom docs | | connectURL=url | connectURL=bolt://localhost:7687 | See Bloom docs | | search=term | search=Tom Hanks | See Bloom docs | | perspective=perspectiveName | perspective=perspective 12 | See Bloom docs | | run=boolean | run=true | See Bloom docs | | sso_redirect=idp_id | sso_redirect=keycloak-oidc | Use for the auto-redirect to a SSO provider login page | | LOGS_LEVEL=level | LOGS_LEVEL=warn | Set the logging level to level for all loggers | | LOGGER_LEVEL=level | DRIVER_LEVEL=debug | Set the logging level to level for the logger LOGGER |

Meant only for developers and application development: | URL query parameter | Example | Description | ------ | ------ | ------ | | logout_timeout=seconds | logout_timeout=200 | Sets the logout timeout to seconds, meant only for E2E tests | | grid_layout=boolean | grid_layout=true | Sets the visualization layout type to a grid layout, meant only for E2E tests, Default: false | | ntid=uuid | ntid=jdsf-342-sdf-dfsdf | Tracking ID provided by Aura when launching Bloom from within the Aura console | | auth_flow_step=arg | auth_flow_step=redirect_uri | SSO: If the user arrives back to the client application with the URL param auth_flow_step=redirect_uri we know it's time to proceed in the SSO auth process | | idp_id=idp_id | idp_id=keycloak-oidc | SSO: The user should arrive with a URL param named idp_id that we can map to the information in the discovery data to figure out how to proceed |


Download these two chrome extensions: