2.0.5 • Published 7 years ago

neo4j-parser v2.0.5

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7 years ago
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(Ascii-art generated by patorjk.com)

Part of the Neo4J Line of Packages

isomorphic-cypher <--+ template-query-object
        ^                      ^
        |                      |
        |                      +
        |             + neo4j-query-object
        +             |
  simple-neo4j <------+ neo4j-parser
                      + cypher-tools

ascii-chart generated by asciiflow.com

Upgrade to 2.0

2.0 brings in a lot of changes and consequently breaks support with pre 2.0 versions. If you have version 1.x or before make sure to read UPGRADE-2.0.md but it essentially involves converting the numeric parameters to single parameter object-form.


Neo4J parser is designed to be dropped into a library or project that works with Neo4J but doesn't want to deal with parsing the replies from its restful service.

The restful service is suppose to be more Javascript friendly as its communication is in Javascripts own JSON format but in reality it can be very cumbersome to go through often requiring layers of iteration and type checking even for just one single property return like a string or boolean.

Because of this, many people have turned away from writing a Neo4J driver that fits their own needs to avoid dealing with parsing the reply and often turn to popular libraries that try to wrap the database in a pretty bow creating many issues in and of itself.

This fixes that by encouraging you to write your own driver, when you get to the JSON reply bit leave it to this package, it takes in the entire JSON reply and spits it out in a nice and very easy native Javascript object that you can use in most cases with just 1 line of code.

Checkout the usage and other details below for some better insight

How this package breaks down a Neo4J restful reply

This describes how it breaks it down which is the focal point of the package, but theres a bit more it does which is explained next after this section.

columns are first, the column name is what all the items flow under

return {key: "value"} as column,
        {movie: "action"} as theOne

    column: {
        key: "value"
    theOne: {
        movie: "action"

result.theOne.movie === "action" // Super easy

returned objects under that column have there keys and values merged

return {
  hello: "world"
} as hello


return {
  key: "value"
} as hello

    hello: {
        key: "value",
        hello: "world"

So complexities of union returns are made transparent, the end result is still predicable and easy requiring no loops or involved logic

result.hello.key === "value"

objects with duplicate keys have a numeric suffix appended

return {
  hello: "world"
} as column
return {
  hello: "world"
} as column

    column: {
        hello: "world",
        hello0: "world2"

This keeps everything nice and predictable while preventing any duplication complexities

result.column.hello0 === "world2"

non-object returns use a numerical index as the key

return "The Matrix" as movie
return 1234 as movie

    movie: {
      0: "The Matrix",
      1: 1234

Many granular returns will be just a single value, not an object, again, its simply assigned an index number in place of key

of course everything can be mixed

return {
  hello: "world"
} as col
return {
  hello: "world2"
return 1234 as col
return ["An", "Array"] as col

    col: {
        0: 1234,
        1: ["An", "Array"],
        hello: "world"
        hello0: "world2"

Making things even more simple

The above is super simple to work with, but its made even easier. The result object is only a piece of what's returned. There are many convenience properties already prepared for you and ready alongside the result.

These are gathered during parsing so no cpu time is wasted and can make things even more simpler. This is the full object returned from the parser.

    result // The parsed object as mentioned above
    firstValue // The first parsed value of the first parsed column
    firstColumn // The first parsed column in whole
    rawResult // The unparsed result, its the raw object form of this result entry
    rawBody // The JSON string itself

Many times you'll be returning a simple value from the database, you don't know or care about the column, you just want the value you requested. Of course you can always pull it from the parsed result but the convenience property makes it much easier

return "The One"
firstValue === "The One"

The again you may be returning an entire object, you don't care about the column name, nor are you returning any other columns, your just interested in the one object your returning

return {
  hello: "world",
  movies: ["Action", "Adventure"]

firstColumn === {
  hello: "world",
  movies: ["Action", "Adventure"]

firstValue === "world"

The result will always include 2 raw properties, 1 is the native javascript reply straight from the database, its pulled from the JSON string as a native javascript object, but no more parsing is done from there.

The other is the actual JSON reply string. These are given in case you find them useful in any way, it may come in handy or edge cases or custom solutions.

Raw / Unparsed Mode

The final topic is raw mode, in raw mode, all properties in the parsed object are undefined except for the 2 raw properties mentioned above, you'll gain some speed increase from it but you'll be responsible for your own parsing.

Raw mode is flexible, it can be enabled for all the parsed queries by passing true to parsers raw option or it can be selectively enabled for certain queries in the response by passing a function to the parser's isRaw property which will be called once for each query index in the response, a value of true activates raw mode for that query and false disables it.

This package is solid

This package is actively tested with Jasmine and thoroughly documented throughout. It also contains complete JSDoc comments and full online JSDoc generated documentation.

Do you like this package or have an issue?

If this package has helped you I encourage you to follow it, give it a star, or fork it on github. If you have any ideas, suggestions, issues, or ways to improve upon it then let us know over at github by filing an issue.

Contributions are also encouraged and the CONTRIBUTING.md file shows all the details on development and how to contribute back but its mostly just commit changes and send a pull request.

This project is licensed Apache 2.0


Run it in your browser

Thanks to TonicDev, you now have a way to run this package right in your browser to test it out. If your on the NPM site you can see the TonicDev link on the right-hand side, otherwise you can always go to the link below.

TonicDev will load up a preset example we provide that you can play around with to get a feel for this package.


How to develop

To develop, git clone this repository and npm install to install the development dependencies. Make sure to run npm run build when needed such as before tests and such which will compile ES6/7 to ES5 and re-generate the docs. You can run those individually if you want with npm run docs and npm run compile.

For testing, just run npm run test

Then just push the changes and send a pull-request back

This project makes use of github project pages using the "gh-pages" branch and JSDoc for all documentation and tutorials. So the way things are done for the docs is this

  1. Compile and test docs in master branch until happy
  2. Commit to git
  3. Run npm run pages
  • This will switch to the gh-pages branch, merge from master, and switch back
  1. Run git push --all


Detailed documentation exists for this package, it should already by viewable on clone. Feel free to look through it for any questions you may have. The source code is also heavily documented if you want to look through it as well for answers.

Online docs exist here http://junestoolbox.github.io/neo4j-parser/docs

Whats New

Check out the CHANGELOG.md file for latest changes and updates


7 years ago


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