0.3.1 • Published 4 years ago

nestjs-rapid v0.3.1

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Last release
4 years ago

nestjs-rapid is a tiny library made to speed up your development using NestJS framework


  • Validate TypeOrm entities using EntityExistPipe, EntityUniquePipe and RelationExistPipe

Getting Started


NestJS and TypeOrm are required


$ npm install --save nestjs-rapid


EntityExistPipe ensures entity record exists, otherwise throws BadRequestException

Consider Customer entity with a single primary column

export class Customer {
  id: string;

  name: string;

Apply EntityExistPipe on the route parameter to make sure customer record exists

import { EntityExistPipe } from 'nestjs-rapid';

// route parameter path name must repeat entity primary property name. In this case id
@UsePipes(new EntityExistPipe(Customer))
findOne(@Param('id') customerId: string): Promise<Customer> {
  // customer with id equal to customerId exists

Composite primary keys and relation columns are also supported

Note: You can apply EntityExistPipe on param or body route parameters

EntityUniquePipe ensures entity record is unique, otherwise throws BadRequestException

Suppose we have Manufacturer entity

export class Manufacturer {
  id: string;

  name: string;

Then you can check if Manufacturer is unique

import { EntityUniquePipe } from 'nestjs-rapid';

@UsePipes(new EntityUniquePipe(Manufacturer))
create(@Body() manufacturer: Partial<Manufacturer>):Promise<Manufacturer> {
  // manufacturer has unique name

Relation columns are also supported

Note: You can use EntityUniquePipe with POST requests only

RelationExistPipe ensures entity relation exists, otherwise throws BadRequestException

Lets say we have Product entity with relation property manufacturer

export class Product {
  id: string;

  name: string;

  @ManyToOne(() => Manufacturer, (manufacturer: Manufacturer) => manufacturer.products)
  manufacturer: Manufacturer;

To confirm that manufacturer exists write

import { RelationExistPipe } from 'nestjs-rapid';

// pass in relation type and lambda that returns relation property
@UsePipes(new RelationExistPipe(Manufacturer, (product: Product) => product.manufacturer))
create(@Body() product: Omit<Product, 'id'>): Promise<Product> {
  // product manufacturer exists


nestjs-rapid is MIT licensed