0.2.1 • Published 10 years ago

netaphor-search-client v0.2.1

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10 years ago

Netaphor search client

A Node client for the Netaphor Search API.



To include in node:

`var neta4 = require('netaphor-search-client')`;

Creating a new connector:

`var searchConnector = new neta4.Connector(config)`;

config an object with the following properties username (String), password (String), clientId (String)



Query a hosted Solr search index

`searchConnector.search(searchQuery, callback)`

searchQuery the full search query as a String or an object. If using a string be sure to include a "?" at the beginning.

callback a callback function called when the search server responds which accepts two parameters; error and response. response being the body of the http response from the search server.


Add or modify data in the Solr search index

`searchConnector.update(postData, callback)`

postData a String in either JSON or XML format used to update or populate the search index.

callbacka function called when the search server responds which accepts two parameters; error and response. response being the body of the http response from the search server.


Used to optimize the Solr search index


callbacka function called when the search server responds which accepts two parameters; error and response. response being the body of the http response from the search server.


Delete an item from the Solr search index using its id

`searchConnector.update(itemId, callback)`

itemId a String or Integer which is the items id

callbacka function called when the search server responds which accepts two parameters; error and response. response being the body of the http response from the search server.


Commit changes to the Solr search index


callbacka function called when the search server responds which accepts two parameters; error and response. response being the body of the http response from the search server.

Quick examples

var neta4 = require('netaphor-search-client');

// Required parameters
var config = {
		clientId:			'yourServerName',
		username:			'should.be.an@email.com',
		password:			'yourPassword'

// Create a new search connector 
var neta4Search = new neta4.Connector(config);

// Load up some data
var data = fs.readFileSync('someData.xml');

// Send the data to the search index
neta4Search.update(data, function (error, response) {
	if (error !== null) {
		console.log('Error with request', error);
	} else {
		// Data successfully submitted

// Commit your search changes
neta4Search.commit(function (error, response) {
	if (error !== null) {
		console.log('Error with request', error);
	} else {
		// Changes commited to the index and ready to query

// Optimize the search index
neta4Search.optimize(function (error, response) {
	if (error !== null) {
		console.log('Error with request', error);
	} else {
		// Index optimized

// Search your index
neta4Search.search('?q=*:*&wt=json&qt=standard&rows=10&facet=true', function (error, response) {
	if (error !== null) {
		console.log('Error with request', error);
	} else {
		// Do stuff with the results

// Delete an item from the search index
neta4Search.deleteItem(itemId, function (error, response) {
	if (error !== null) {
		console.log('Error with request', error);
	} else {
		// Item marked for deletion, commit your changes to remove the item

10 years ago


10 years ago


10 years ago


10 years ago


11 years ago