0.1.7 • Published 2 years ago

netapp-design-system v0.1.7

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Last release
2 years ago

UI components library for NetApp platform design system

According to the design system: https://www.figma.com/file/m2qHY6i3DnJfgbvZmn2ESx/Fabric-Design-System


install the library in your service by simply running the following command:

npm install git+http://stash.tlveng.netapp.com/scm/suc/shared-ui-components.git#[version]

Check the latest version of the library from bitbucket and replace the 'version' in the command for example 'v0.7.10' When updating the library to a newer version, simply update the version in package.json and run 'npm run update --legacy-peer-deps'

Usage example

import React, { Component } from 'react'

import ButtonBase from '@netapp/shared-components/components/ButtonBase' import ByolIcon from 'shared-components/assets/svgs/byol.svg'

const Example = ()=>( <> </>)

>You may find all available components at http://netapp-platform-design-system.s3-website.eu-west-3.amazonaws.com/

## Editing/Adding Components
git clone http://stash.tlveng.netapp.com/scm/suc/shared-ui-components.git
  1. Open a relevant jira on SUC board (http://jira.tlveng.netapp.com/secure/RapidBoard.jspa)
  2. Please develop in a side branch, JIRA_NUMBER_task_description
  3. Each component should include:
    1. Default props
    2. PropTypes defined
    3. Comments describing what is the component and for the props(see other components as example)
    4. A stroy including all possible variations of the component, if user interaction is required to achieve several variations, you may use puppeteer test(https://pptr.dev/)
    5. Adding the component to index.js
    6. run script 'test' from package.json,if there are failures review them, fix if there are unintentional changes
    7. run script 'test-fix', it will create new baseline for all tests
    8. run script 'build', then commit with the jira name, and very detailed explanation of what changed
    9. push changes
  4. Submit a PR to master branch
  5. Once the PR has been reviewed and merged: 1. From 'master' branch 2. If there are breaking changes run script 'version-minor', otherwise 'version-patch' 3. Push changes with tag (git push --tags)

    If you are missing permissions for bitbucket or jira talk with Dan Hilerowicz


    We are using 3 kinds of tests:

  6. Visual testing - each story generate a screenshot and compare it with the baseline saved in 'image_snapshots', it will fail if there are significant changes, failed tests screenshots will be saved in 'dif_output' library - zero code zero maintenance :-)
  7. Snapshot testing - each stOry generate a snapshot (html markup) and compare it with the baseline saved in 'snapshots' any difference will fail the test, and will show the diff in the console - zero code zero maintenance :-)
  8. Puppeteer testing/ Interaction testing - for components that need user interaction (click, hover) to see some variations of the components, use puppeteer to simulate the user action and then call for 'compareSnapshotAndScreenshot()' which will generate a screenshot and snapshot, Example:
// At the story, see Select.stories.js for full working example
[story-name].parameters = {
  async puppeteerTest(page) {
    const element = await page.$('.Suc-Select-container')
    await element.click() // open select menu
    await compareSnapshotAndScreenshot(page)

You may find the documentation for puppeteer testing at https://pptr.dev/




2 years ago


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2 years ago