1.3.0 • Published 5 years ago

netbotify v1.3.0

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Last release
5 years ago


netBOTify is a real-time and scalable server that lets you execute remote tasks over network using sub-workers. An unlimited number of clients (bots) can be connected anywhere from the internet (using HTTP requests).

The tasks are executed and stopped remotely using a remote Command Line Interface. Dynamic parameters can be defined at launch time.

Main features

  • Multiple workers over different servers / IPs
  • No configuration needed on workers (can easily be executed on cloud application platforms)
  • Global parameters sent to all workers
  • Unique parameters (identity) for each workers
  • Automatic reconnection


npm install netbotify


  1. Server usage
  2. Worker (bot) usage
  3. Remote CLI usage

1. Server implementation

A server can easily be created with:

const Netbotify = require("netbotify");

// Create a server
let server = new Netbotify.Server({
    port: 8000 // Server port to listen to

OPTIONAL server parameters

  • port: the server listening port (default 8000)
  • logDirectoryPath: directory path to save workers events (start / stop / launch / errors / ...)
  • resultFilePath: json file path to save all the results for all workers
  • intervalPrintStatus: print server info status (workers connected, workers launched, CLIs connected) with interval in seconds (0 is disabled)
  • logger: set the minimal printed mode of logs from debug, info, error

Server extra methods

  • .connect(): launch the server on the specified port in paremeters (default port is 8000)
  • .onTaskResult(callback): add an action when a result is given by a worker. Callback will receive 2 parameters: (result, clientIdentifier)
  • .onTaskEnded(callback): add an action when a task is ended by a worker. Callback will receive 2 parameters: (data, clientIdentifier)
  • .onTaskEvent(eventName, callback): add an action when a specific event is sent by a worker. Callback will receive 2 parameters: (data, clientIdentifier)

  • .addGlobalParameter(parameterKey, defaultValue): add a parameter that will be sent to all workers at task launch. To set a parameter value at runtime, use the command parameters on CLI and follow the instructions.

  • .addServerAction(name, callback): add a method to the server that will be callable by any clients (workers / cli) using server.{methodName}(anyParameters). Callback can have any desired parameters
  • .declareWorkerTask(name): declare an custom method on the worker that will be callable by the server.

  • .onWorkerGetIdentity(callback): add a callback called on worker launch to give a unique identity to the worker. Callback must return a Promise type.

  • .onWorkerReleaseIdentity(callback): add a callback called on worker stop / disconnect to release a previously borrowed identity from a worker. The old promise is given to the callback parameters. Callback must return a Promise type.

2. Worker (BOT) implementation

To create a worker doing a task simply do:

const Netbotify = require("netbotify");

//OPTIONAL: create an identity of the worker (group name and instance id)
let identifier = new Netbotify.ClientIdentifier("group1", "instance1");

// Create a worker
let worker = new Netbotify.Worker({
    uri: "http://localhost:8000/", // Server uri to connect to,
    identifier: identifier //Pass a custom identifier

// Add task content on launch
worker.onLaunchTask((identity, parameters, server) => {
    //Identity contains an unique identity given by onWorkerGetIdentity(callback) method on task launch
    //Parameters contains all global parameters defined by the CLI when the task is launched
    console.log("Parameter 'id': ", parameters.id.value); // Should have defaultValue "12345678"
    console.log("Task is launched by the server");
    //Do your stuff

// Add task content on stop
worker.onStopTask((server) => {
    console.log("Task is stopped by the server");
    //Stop your things

OPTIONAL bot parameters

  • autoConnect: if autoConnect is set to false, connect manually to the server with .connect()
  • identifier: give a custom identifier to the worker
  • logger: set the minimal printed mode of logs from debug, info, error

Bot extra methods

  • .connect(): if autoConnect is set to false, connect manually to the server
  • .onLaunchTask(callback): add an action on launching the task by the server
  • .onStopTask(callback): add an action on stopping the task by the server
  • .sendTaskResult(result): send the task result the server
  • .sendTaskEnd(data): send that the task has ended (with custom data)
  • .sendTaskEvent(eventName, data): send a custom event to the server

3. Remote CLI implementation

The server is controllable by a remote shell that can be created with:

const Netbotify = require("netbotify");

//Create a CLI
let cli = new Netbotify.RemoteCLI({
    uri: "http://localhost:8000/", // Server uri to connect to
    delimiter: "myApp", // CLI shell prefix

//Add a custom command
cli.addCommand("commandName", "Command description", (args, callback) => {
    //Do your stuff
    callback(); //Mandatory command return callback

OPTIONAL CLI parameters

  • autoConnect: if autoConnect is set to false, connect manually to the server with .connect()
  • delimiter: set a custom prefix for the shell
  • autoSubscribe: subscribe automatically the the server events (taks results, task ends) when the server is connected
  • identifier: give a custom identifier to the cli
  • logger: set the minimal printed mode of logs from debug, info, error

CLI extra methods

  • .connect(): if autoConnect is set to false, connect manually to the server
  • .addCommand(commandWord, commandDescription, callback): add an shell command to the CLI defined be the commandWord. Callback will receive 2 parameters: (args, endCommand): the arguments passed to the command and a callback to execute at the end of the command.

CLI Default commands

  • parameters: get the list of connected workers on the server
    • Options:
      • -r, --reload: erase and reload the current parameters from the server
      • -s, --save: save parameters value on the server now
  • subscribe: subscribe to the server (implicitly worker) events
  • unsubscribe: unubscribe to the server (implicitly worker) events
  • workers [clientId]: get the list of connected workers on the server
    • Options:
      • [clientId]: set a specific worker's clientId to get
  • clis [clientId]: get the list of connected CLIs on the server
    • Options:
      • [clientId]: set a specific cli's clientId to get
  • launch [clientId]: start all the tasks on the connected workers
    • Options:
      • [clientId]: set a specific worker's clientId to launch
      • -f, --force: force sending start even if it's already launched
  • stop [clientId]: stop all the tasks on the connected workers
    • Options:
      • [clientId]: set a specific worker's clientId to stop
      • -f, --force: force sending stop even if it's already stopped


netBOTify is based on RPC (Remote Procedure Call) principle and wraps the eureca.io package.