1.3.1 • Published 4 years ago

netfieldio v1.3.1

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4 years ago

netfieldio API wrapper

build License: MIT codecov

Node.js CLI wrapper for api.netfield.io


I hereby thank the SVA for granting me the possibility to create this work and release it as open source.



Usage: netfieldio createContainer|cc [options]

Create a container on the gateway

  -k, --key <key>                 api key from netfieldio
  -t, --tag <string>              version tag of the image
  -oc, --config-container <path>  path to the config.JSON file
  -v, --verbose                   activate rich output/debugging
  -h, --help                      display help for command

Need the apikey, tag of the image, and a JSON file with all the container options.
Please refer to the docs or the official netfieldio API for the structure of the JSON.
Not needed values should left blank and must not be deleted!


Usage: netfieldio createAndDeployContainer|cdc [options]

Create a container on the gateway and deploy it to the given device

  -k, --key <key>                 api key from netfieldio
  -t, --tag <string>              version tag of the image
  -d, --device <id>               device id of the device to deploy to
  -oc, --config-container <path>  path to the config.JSON for the container, identical to the create one
  -od, --config-device <path>     path to the config.JSON for the device, can be empty
  -f --force                      enforcing deployment of container (deletes existing one)
  -v, --verbose                   activate rich output/debugging
  -h, --help                      display help for command

Need the apikey, the device id, tag of the image, and a JSON file with all the container options.
Please refer to the docs or the official netfieldio API for the structure of the JSON.
Not needed values should left blank and must not be deleted!
The device config only contains values wich differ from standard container config.


Usage: netfieldio deployContainer|dc [options]

Deploy an existing container to a given device

  -k, --key <key>              api key from netfieldio
  -c, --container <id>         container id of the container to update
  -d, --device <id>            device id of the device to redeploy to
  -od, --config-device <path>  path to the config.JSON, only if other parameters than default container options
  -f --force                   enforcing deployment of container (deletes existing one)
  -v, --verbose                activate rich output/debugging
  -h, --help                   display help for command

Need the apikey, id of the container and the device.
Please refer to the docs or the official netfieldio API for the structure of the JSON.
Only contains values wich differ from standard container config.


Usage: netfieldio deployContainerOnGroup|dcog [options]

Deploy an existing container to every device in a group

  -k, --key <key>              api key from netfieldio
  -c, --container <string>     name of the container
  -g, --group <id>             group id of the group to deploy to
  -od, --config-device <path>  path to the config.JSON, only if other parameters than default container options
  -f --force                   enforcing deployment of container (deletes existing one)
  -v, --verbose                activate rich output/debugging
  -h, --help                   display help for command

Need the apikey, id of the group, name of the container.
Please refer to the docs or the official netfieldio API for the structure of the JSON.
Only contains values wich differ from standard container config.


Usage: netfieldio postMethod|pm [options]

Post a Method to a given container at a device

  -k, --key <key>             api key from netfieldio
  -c, --container <string>    name of the container
  -m, --method <string>       name of the method to call
  -d, --device <id>           device id of the device to redeploy to
  -p, --payload <string>      object like string of the argument payload for the method
  -v, --verbose               activate rich output/debugging
  -mr, --maxretries <int>     amount of retries in case of 404
  -si, --sleepinterval <int>  time between each retry
  -h, --help                  display help for command

Need the apikey, id of the device, name of the container and a method.
The payload is dependent from the method and may or may not be required.
Retries and sleepintervall is for the case the request returns a 404 response.


Update an existing container and redeploy it on the given device with default container configuration:

.\node_modules\.bin\netfieldio cdc -k api_key -d device_id -t version_tag -oc /relative/path/to/config.json/absolute/works/also -f -v

Format of Configs

There are two different type of config files:

  • configuration file for a container
  • configuration file for a specific device container

The configuration file for a container is used for creating und updating this container on the gateway and is always needed with all parameters. The configuration file for a specific device container is only needed if some of the container configuration differ from the base container configuration. In addition this config file shall only contain values that differ from the base configuration.

Example container_config.json:

  "displayName": "YourName",
  "version": "yourVersionNumber",
  "imageUri": "linkToImageWithoutTag",
  "category": "yourCategory",
  "processorArchitecture": "usedArchitecture ARM x86 ...",
  "organisationId": "yourID",
  "containerCreateOptions": {
    "option1": "value1",
    "option2": "value2"
  "environmentVariables": [
      "key": "key1",
      "value": "value1"
      "key": "key2",
      "value": "value2"
  "containerType": "private or public",
  "registryType": "private or public",
  "credentials": {
    "address": "yourPrivateRegistryAdress",
    "username": "yourUserName",
    "password": "yourSuperSecretPassword"
  "type": "containerType: docker etc.",
  "restartPolicy": "yourPolicy: always never on-failed on-unhealthy",
  "desiredStatus": "yourStatus: running stopped",
  "shortDescription": "At least one Char",
  "description": "At least one Char",
  "containerTwinDesiredOptions": {}

Example device_config.json for a specific container, if you only want to use one environment variable instead of two (according to template above):

  "environmentVariables": [
      "key": "key1_device",
      "value": "value1_device"

For further information about the options you can also consult the netfield.io API.


4 years ago


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4 years ago