1.0.0 • Published 3 years ago

netlify-amp-optimizer-plugin v1.0.0

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Last release
3 years ago

Netlify Plugin: AMP Optimizer

This is a modified Netlify plugin based on martinbean's AMP Server-Side Rendering Netlify Plugin to optimize AMP pages.

Difference to the original plugin

I had issues with the original plugin as it also transformed non-AMP pages, for example the Netlify admin page.

I needed to customize the plugin for my needs, and that's why I made this local plugin.

Install & usage

The Netlify AMP Optimizer Plugin is made to be a local Netlify plugin.

How to install the Netlify AMP Optimizer plugin

Copy the plugin folder and it's contents into your root folder (if you haven't already created a plugin folder).

Then open your netlify.toml file at your root folder and add those lines:

  package = "@netlify/plugin-local-install-core"

  package = "/plugins/amp-optimizer"
    siteName = "Your site name"


You're all set. But you can also customize the plugin to your needs.

In my use case, AMP Optimizer ignored option that I passed into it. For example, I wanted to turn off optimizeHeroImages like this:

const ampOptimizer = require("@ampproject/toolbox-optimizer").create({
  optimizeHeroImages: false

optimizeHeroImages is great in most use cases, in my case (I put the hero image into a div as a background image), the AMP Optimizer put a preload in the <head> that loaded an images that wasn't even visible on page load.

A workaround was to remove the preload tag from the optimized HTML:

const ampOptimizer = require("@ampproject/toolbox-optimizer").create()
const fs = require("fs")
const glob = require("glob")

module.exports = {
  onPostBuild: async ({ constants, utils, inputs }) => {
    const pattern = constants.PUBLISH_DIR + "/**/*.html"
    const files = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      glob(pattern, { nodir: true }, (err, files) => {
        (err) ? reject(err) : resolve(files)
    let filesLength = 0
    await Promise.all(
      files.map(async (file) => {
        const htmlFile = await fs.promises.readFile(file, "utf-8")
        if (htmlFile.toString().substring(0,30).includes("⚡")) {
          let optimizedHtml = await ampOptimizer.transformHtml(htmlFile)

          // regex to find preload tag
          const removeDataHero = /<link rel="preload" href="https:..res.cloudinary.*data-hero>/gmi
          await fs.promises.writeFile(file, optimizedHtml.toString().replace(removeDataHero,''))

      title: `${inputs.siteName} is on 🔥`,
      summary: `AMP Optimizer just made ${filesLength} out of ${files.length} HTML files smaller, faster & better! 🚀`