0.0.1 • Published 2 years ago

netlify-plugin-playwright-cache v0.0.1

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Last release
2 years ago

Netlify Plugin Playwright Cache

Persist the Playwright executable between Netlify builds.

Why netlify-plugin-playwright-cache

When you install playwright-chromium, it downloads Chromium executables to a cache folder (not node_modules). Netlify does not cache this folder between builds, but caches node_modules. This leads to unsuccessful builds with the following error like this:

11:33:48 PM: [: Executable doesn't exist at /opt/buildhome/.cache/ms-playwright/chromium-1019/chrome-linux/chrome
11:33:48 PM: ║ Looks like Playwright Test or Playwright was just installed or updated. ║
11:33:48 PM: ║ Please run the following command to download new browsers:              ║
11:33:48 PM: ║                                                                         ║
11:33:48 PM: ║     npx playwright install                                              ║
11:33:48 PM: ║                                                                         ║
11:33:48 PM: ║ <3 Playwright Team                                                      ║
11:33:48 PM: ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝

This plugins fixes the above issue by caching the Playwright executables (Chromium, ffmpeg...) between builds.


You can install as a dependency of your project:

npm install --save-dev netlify-plugin-playwright-cache
# Or
yarn add -D netlify-plugin-playwright-cache
# Or
pnpm add -D netlify-plugin-playwright-cache

Installation via the Netlify UI is coming soon.


Update netlify.toml to include the plugin:

  package = "netlify-plugin-playwright-cache"

Remember to Clear cache and retry deploy after adding the plugin.