0.1.2 • Published 2 years ago

netlify-plugin-terser-html-minifier v0.1.2

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Last release
2 years ago

Netlify Plugin - Terser HTML Minifier

This plugin minifies all your HTML files as a post-processing optimisation, using Terser HTMLMinifier.


File-based installation

1. Add the plugin as a dependency

npm i -D netlify-plugin-terser-html-minifier
# Yarn
yarn add -D netlify-plugin-terser-html-minifier

2. Add the plugin and its options to your netlify.toml

You can overwrite all options for minification using [plugins.inputs.minify_options]. A full list of options can be found in the HTMLMinifier repository. These are the defaults:

  package = "netlify-plugin-terser-html-minifier"

  # Optionally, override the default options for the minification
  # https://github.com/terser/html-minifier-terser#options-quick-reference
    removeAttributeQuotes = true
    collapseBooleanAttributes = true
    collapseWhitespace = true
    removeComments = true
    sortClassName = true
    sortAttributes = true
    html5 = true
    decodeEntities = true
    removeOptionalTags = true
    minifyCSS = true
    minifyJS = true