0.1.3 • Published 8 years ago

netsapiens.js v0.1.3

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Last release
8 years ago


A JavaScript SDK-like implementation to assist work with the NetSapiens API

API Interaction

Configuration To construct an instance of the api connector, a configuration JSON file must be loaded into or a JS object coded into your application script.

var configuration = {
  "clientName": "My Awesome Application", // A name for your app
  "clientId": "omp@localhost", // Oauth client_id value
  "clientSecret": "b27c3efdab5b5377d843626fd6a2e313", // Oauth client_secret value *** OPTIONAL - SEE BELOW ***
  "server": "netsapiens.com", // FQDN of the server where your api is installed

*** You can also chose to not expose the client secret, simply leave it out of the configuration object and contact netsapiens for further instructions on how to accomplish this.


var api = new netsapiens.API(configuration);

Instance Methods

requestAccess(user, password);
post(args, callback, errorCallBack, url);


access Fired when a successful (200) response is received to a requestAccess() call.

on('access', function(){});

access-denied Fired when an unsuccessful (400-500) response is received to a requestAccess() call.

on('access-denied', function(){});

access-expired Fired when the access token in localStorage has expired.

on('access-expired', function(){});

Build Commands

netsapiens.js uses npm scripts as the primary build task runner.

npm scripts can be viewed in package.json "scripts" configuration.

Linting source code:

$ npm run lint 

runs jshint on all js files in ./src directory.

Testing source code:

$ npm test 

runs all unit tests in test directory using mocha module. https://mochajs.org/

Build distribution packages:

$ npm run build

builds both the netsapiens.js and netsapiens.min.js files with version. runs lint and test scripts before building the files.

$ npm run build:js-min

builds minified only.

$ npm run build:js-full

builds full javascript only.

Release Commands

See npm documentation for further depth: https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/version

$ npm version major|minor|patch
$ npm publish
$ git push origin master
$ git push origin --tags

API Documentation



8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago