1.0.2 • Published 4 years ago

network-link-conditioner-cli v1.0.2

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4 years ago

Network Link Conditioner CLI

npm version

A node Network Link Conditioner CLI. Ideal for automating your test setup on a Mac.


The Network Link Conditioner is a tool for developers that can change your Network speed on a system level, and has profiles like "EDGE", "3G" or "LTE" preinstalled. This is also available as a node package.


This is using applescript to get or set parameters of the conditioner. As a result, you will see the UI pop up on your screen - so no perfect solution. Reason is, that there is no internal API to change the settings. You also have to allow the accessibility-setting in 🍎 >system preferences>security>Data security>Accessibility for the program executing this code. But normally you will be asked to do that the first time you execute a command.

Before using

To use this, you will need to do the following things: 1. Have a device/VM that runs MacOS 2. Have the Network Link Conditioner installed. Instructions can be found here.


$ npm install -g network-link-conditioner-cli


$ nlc on
$ nlc off
$ nlc set 3G


nlc help Shows help infos.

nlc on Enables the Network Link Conditioner.

nlc off Disables the Network Link Conditioner.

nlc profiles Gets all available profiles.

nlc set [profile] Sets a profile.

close Closes the system preferences window.