1.0.2 • Published 7 years ago

network-rendering v1.0.2

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Last release
7 years ago



Draw nice nodes and links in SVG. Developed for the network visualization tools at mapequation.org.

Example image


npm install network-rendering


import d3 from 'd3';
import networkRendering from 'network-rendering';

const linkRenderer = networkRendering.halfLink()
  .nodeRadius(node => node.size)
  .width(link => link.size)
  .oppositeLink(link => data.links[link.oppositeLink]);

    .attr("class", "link")
    .style("fill", "grey")
    .style("stroke", "black")
    .attr("d", linkRenderer);


networkRendering.halfLink() -> halfLinkRenderer

Creates a half-link renderer function with chainable methods.

halfLinkRenderer(link) -> string

Returns an SVG path string to render the link based on the accessor functions below.

halfLinkRenderer.source(sourceAccessor) -> self

If sourceAccessor is specified, sets the source node accessor to the specified function. If not specified, returns the current source node accessor, which defaults to:

(link) => link.source

halfLinkRenderer.target(targetAccessor) -> self

If targetAccessor is specified, sets the target node accessor to the specified function. If not specified, returns the current target node accessor, which defaults to:

(link) => link.target

halfLinkRenderer.nodeRadius(radius) -> self

If radius is specified, sets the node radius accessor to the specified function or constant. If not specified, returns the current node radius accessor, which defaults to:

(node) => node.size || 10

halfLinkRenderer.nodeX(x) -> self

If x is specified, sets the nodes' x-coordinate accessor to the specified function or constant. If not specified, returns the nodes' current x-coordinate accessor, which defaults to:

(node) => node.x

halfLinkRenderer.nodeY(y) -> self

If y is specified, sets the nodes' y-coordinate accessor to the specified function or constant. If not specified, returns the nodes' current y-coordinate accessor, which defaults to:

(node) => node.y

halfLinkRenderer.width(width) -> self

If width is specified, sets the width accessor to the specified function or constant. If not specified, returns the current width accessor, which defaults to:

(link) => link.size || 10

halfLinkRenderer.oppositeLink(oppositeLink) -> self

If oppositeLink is specified, sets the opposite link accessor to the specified function. If not specified, returns the current opposite link accessor, which defaults to:

(link) => null

If the link renderer can't access opposite links, existing opposite links may not be rendered to fit nicely together.

halfLinkRenderer.bend(bend) -> self

If bend is specified, sets the bend accessor to the specified function or constant. If not specified, returns the current bend accessor, which defaults to:

(link) => link.bend || 30

networkRendering.undirectedLink() -> undirectedLinkRenderer

Creates a undirected-link renderer function with chainable methods. The API is the same as for halfLinkRenderer except that oppositeLink does not exist in undirectedLinkRenderer.




7 years ago


7 years ago


7 years ago


9 years ago


9 years ago


9 years ago