1.0.1 • Published 5 years ago
network-utility-kit v1.0.1
A network-utility-kit providing support for low level socket implementation using raw-socket.
- PING - sends an ICMP echo req to a destination host
- TCP - transmission control protocol
- UDP - user datagram protocol
- SYN - a syn packet to destination as a 3-way handshake process
won't work on windows as windows don't support raw-sockets.
let Ping = require('./ping');
let Syn = require('./syn');
let Tcp = require('./tcp');
let Udp = require('./udp')
// let c = new Ping('');
// c.sendPing();
// let s = new Syn(80, '');
// s.sendSyn();
// let t = new Tcp(80, '');
// t.sendTcp();
// let u = new Udp(80, '');
// u.sendUdp();
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