0.1.0 • Published 6 years ago

neutron-star-rating v0.1.0

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Last release
6 years ago


Built on angular 5, star rating library. Can be used for your angular applications.

How to Use

Step 1 - Import in your app module

import { NeutronRatingModule } from 'neutron-star-rating';

  declarations: [
  imports: [
  providers: [
  bootstrap: []
export class AppModule { }

Step 2 - Include it in your component

import { NeutronRatingModule } from 'neutron-star-rating';

  selector: 'your-selector',
  templateUrl: 'your template',
  styleUrls: ['./your css'],
  providers: [yourProviders]

Step 3 - Start using it in your HTML

<neutron-rating [rating]='4' [starColour]="'#FDD835'" [starSize]="4"></neutron-rating>

Additional Functions

1) Passing the new rating to your component

Step 1 - Add an additional attribute to detect the rating clicked in your html.

<neutron-rating [rating]='4' [starColour]="'#FDD835'" [starSize]="4" (ratingClicked)='onRatingClicked($event)'></neutron-rating>

Step 2 - Create a function such as onRatingClicked and retrieve the rating from there

public onRatingClicked = (ratingNumICanUseInMyComponent) => {

  console.log("my new rating that I can use in my component is ");

2)Change the number of stars

Step 1 - Add an additional attribute (starNum) to change the number of stars

- Warning - If your rating exceeds the number of stars, your rating would be equal to the number of stars
<neutron-rating [rating]='4' [starColour]="'#FDD835'" [starSize]="4" (ratingClicked)='onRatingClicked($event)' [starNum]="10"></neutron-rating>

2)Make the stars only readable

Step 1 - Add an additional attribute (readOnly) to make the stars only readable after initializing it with a value

- Wearning - You won't be able to change the rating once the readOnly attribute is set to true
<neutron-rating [rating]='4' [starColour]="'#FDD835'" [readOnly]="true" [starSize]="4" (ratingClicked)='onRatingClicked($event)' [starNum]="10"></neutron-rating>