1.1.0 • Published 3 years ago
nexrender-action-template-unzip v1.1.0
npm install nexrender-action-template-unzip@latest
How to use
- Send .ZIP file as the source instead of AE project in the
value - Add this module in pre-render actions, no parameters needed
"template": {
"src": "https://example.com/ae-template-in-the.zip",
"composition": "my_composition"
"assets": [],
"actions": {
"prerender": [
"module": "nexrender-action-template-unzip"
- If source extensions is not a .ZIP, then any action will be skipped - safe to use with mixed content
- If the ZIP does NOT contain any .aep file,
will be returned with an error message - If there are multiple .aep files, the first found will be used (keep things tidy and don't use multiple .aep files inside a ZIP)
- If action is used in POST-render,
will be returned with an error message - If using multiple pre-render actions - might need to put this as a first
- 0.0.2 - Fix bug unzip not working when link is not http/s
- 0.0.3 - Use central logger instance
- 1.0.3 - Version bump to keep semver happy
- 1.0.4
- Use console as logger fallback
- Added testing with Jest
- Bump adm-zip dependency version
- 1.1.0 - Feature - ignore AE auto save .aep files when looking for template