1.0.0 • Published 3 years ago

next-astroturf v1.0.0

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Last release
3 years ago


Add Astroturf support to Next.js.


npm install --save next-astroturf


yarn add next-astroturf


Create a next.config.js in your project:

// next.config.js
const withAstroturf = require("next-astroturf");
module.exports = withAstroturf();

Custom Astroturf configuration

// next.config.js
const withAstroturf = require("next-astroturf");
module.exports = withAstroturf({
  astroturf: {
    enableCssProp: false,

Usage with next-compose-plugins

For more complex configuration scenarios, next-compose-plugins is recommended.

const withPlugins = require("next-compose-plugins");
const optimizedImages = require("next-optimized-images");
const astroturf = require("next-astroturf");

module.exports = withPlugins(
  [optimizedImages, astroturf],
  // add other Next.js configuration options
  { reactStrictMode: true }


This plugin (inspired by the approach used by next-linaria) patches Next's built-in CSS Modules support to correctly add the identifiers your Astroturf CSS tags are assigned to (eg. noTouch in const noTouch = css`touch-action: none`) to the generated CSS classnames in the final output.

It should be safe in most scenarios but has not been extensively tested. Please experiment to see if your use case is supported.

Next.js's existing restrictions about global CSS continue to apply; if you use global identifiers in your Astroturf CSS (with :global()), the selector must also include a local classname. For fully global CSS, use a regular stylesheet and import it in your _app.jsx or _app.tsx file.

This module is only necessary if you're using Next.js with Webpack 5 support enabled (which is the default as of Next 11). If you're using Next on Webpack 4, just install Astroturf directly and add astroturf/loader to your Webpack config in next.config.js as described here.