1.0.3 • Published 7 years ago
next-dengyu-adam v1.0.3
- a wrapper function package(自己写的封装一些实用函数的包)
- npm-url:npm
You can install with npm:
$ npm install next-dengyu-adam
import adam from 'next-dengyu-adam'
#query(name, querystring)
- Function for gets the value of the specified name in the specified querystring
adam.query('name', '?name=js') //return 'js'
- Function for turn the object into a url string adam.serialize({hello: 'js'}) //return '?hello=js'
- Function for simulating jQuery
adam.$(selector) //return {DOM|undefined}
- Function for Deleting DOM node
adam.removeNode(node) //return {DOM}
- Function for inserting the node node after the target node
adam.insertAfter(node, target) //return true or false
#addClass(node, className)
- Function for add class name
adam.addClass(node, className) //return true or false
#removeClass(node, className)
- Function for remove class name
adam.removeClass(node, className) //return true or false
- Function for get absolute url
adam.getAbsoluteUrl('/hhh') //return 'https://github.com/hhh'
#debounce(callback, time)
- Function for avoiding shake
- example:
test('test true', () => {
const debounce = adam.debounce
jest.useFakeTimers() // 声明语句,启用jest伪装计时器函数,因为使用了advanceTimersByTime()
const callback = jest.fn() // 声明语句,使用jest伪装函数
const createDebounce = debounce(callback, 300)
expect(callback).not.toBeCalled() // callback还未被调用
for (let i = 0; i < 11; i++) { // 循环执行createDebounce 11次,每次都在经过299ms时setTimeout被刷新
jest.advanceTimersByTime(299) // 过了299ms
expect(callback).not.toBeCalled() // callback还未被调用
jest.advanceTimersByTime(1) // 再过1ms
expect(callback).toBeCalled() // callback被调用
expect(callback).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) // callback只被调用1次
#removeItemByIndex(index, arr)
- Function for remove item by index
adam.removeItemByIndex(1, [1, 2, 3]) //return [1, 3]