next-page-environment v0.1.2
Next.js page environment decorator 
A decorator that injects server-generated (e.g. environment variables) values as props to subsequent client-rendered Next.js pages
When developing Next.js apps it can be useful for server-generated values (e.g. environment variables) to be shared across both server and client-rendered pages. A common approach is to use babel to render the values statically at build time (see the official Next.js example with universal configuration). This library exposes a page decorator that takes in arbitrary values on server-rendered pages and injects them into subsequent client-rendered pages as props while avoiding customizing transpilation.
Install into your Next.js app
yarn add next-page-environment
Create your own page decorator
Configure decorator and export it, you'll use this to wrap all your pages:
// decorators/Page.js import PageEnvironment from 'next-page-environment' export default PageEnvironment({ foo: process.env.FOO })
Wrap pages with your decorator
Wrap pages in your app with your page decorator, e.g.:
// pages/index.js import Page from '../decorators/Page' // Environment is available as a prop const Index = ({ env: { foo } }) => <div>foo: { foo }</div> // Environment is available in `getInitialProps` Index.getInitialProps = async ({ env: { foo } }) => { console.log('foo:', foo) } export default Page(Index)
Run app
Start the app
FOO=foo yarn dev