1.0.8 ā¢ Published 1 year ago
next-sanity-client v1.0.8
Sanity Client for Next.js Apps with App Dir Support
- Per-request Caching āļø
- Full Typescript Support
- Edge Runtime Support
yarn add next-sanity-client
npm i next-sanity-client
import SanityClient from 'next-sanity-client';
const client = new SanityClient({
projectId: 'YOUR_PROJECT_ID',
dataset: 'YOUR_DATASET',
useCdn: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production',
query: `[_type == 'post']`,
config: {
cache: 'force-cache',
next: { revalidate: 60 }
Create API Utility
Predefine Query
The client support passing a queries object to get autocomplete when creating your api utilities functions
const client = new SanityClient({
queries: {
getTodosQuery: ``
This is useful when you have a file with your queries, you can simply pass it to the client
// lib/queries.ts
export const getTodosQuery = groq`[_type == 'todo']`;
// lib/sanity.ts
import * as queries from './queries';
const client = new SanityClient({
And you can create a function to fetch that query using it name, full typed
// lib/api.ts
export const getTodos = client.createApiUtil<Todo[]>('getTodosQuery');
// here also you can set the default caching strategy
export const getTodo = client.createApiUtil<Todo, { id: string }>(
cache: 'no-cache'
// or use your own query
export const getProducts = client.createApiUtil<Product[]>(queries.getProducts, {
cache: 'no-cache'
Next in your Server Components:
// app/todos/page.tsx
const todos = await getTodos({ cache: 'no-cache' });
// app/todos/[id]/page.tsx
const todo = await getTodo({ id: 'uid', next: { revalidate: 10 } });
// components/ProductList.tsx
const products = await getProducts({ cache: 'force-cache' });
š¤ Fedeya hello@fedeminaya.com
- Website: fedeminaya.com
- Twitter: @fedeminaya
- Github: @Fedeya
- LinkedIn: @federico-minaya
š¤ Contributing
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!Feel free to check issues page.
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