1.0.0 • Published 2 years ago

next-translate-localekeys v1.0.0

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2 years ago

Next-translate LocaleKeys

Intended for use in conjunction with next-translate. Used for generating all possible keys for the useTranslation hook with type safety.

How to install

npm install --save-dev next-translate-localekeys

How to run

npx next-translate-localekeys

Example one (Mode: "generate"):


  1. Translation Files are in /examples/locales/en
  2. Goal to get all my locale keys in the generated (/examples/generated) folder with typescript support and translation comments
  3. Using default seperator for next-translate


  1. run npx next-translate-localeKeys generate --rootDir ./examples/locales --outDir ./examples/generated --typescript --translations
  2. Go to your file where you want to use the useTranslation hook
import { FC } from 'react'; 
import useTranslation from 'next-translate/useTranslation';
import { LocaleKeys } from './examples/generated/locale_keys.g';

export const DivWithTitleFromCommonNamespace: FC = () => {
    const { t } = useTranslation(LocaleKeys.common);

    return <div>{t(LocaleKeys._common.title)}</div>;

Example two (Mode: "compile"):


  1. All the source code of the project which is using the locale keys object is located in examples/compiled/after
  2. typescript project
  3. only in production


  1. Optional: insert command into pipeline (github action)
  2. run npx next-translate-localekeys compile --rootDir ./examples/compiled/after --typescript
  3. see result:


import useTranslation from "next-translate/useTranslation";

import { LocaleKeys } from "../../generated/locale_keys.g";

export const Test = () => {
  const { t } = useTranslation(LocaleKeys.common);

  return (
        home={LocaleKeys._home + ''}
        localeKey2={LocaleKeys._dynamic.example_of_dynamic_translation       }
      <div>{t(LocaleKeys._home.description )}</div>
      <div>{t(`${LocaleKeys._more_examples.   _nested_example.very_nested  }.nested`)}</div>

const Test2 = ({ home, localeKey2 }) => {
  const { t } = useTranslation(home);
  const localeKey = home + '.description';
  return <div>{t(localeKey)}{t(localeKey2)}</div>


import useTranslation from "next-translate/useTranslation";

export const Test = () => {
  const { t } = useTranslation("common");

  return (
        home={"home"+ ''} 

const Test2 = ({ home, localeKey2 }) => {
  const { t } = useTranslation(home);
  const localeKey = home + '.description';
  return <div>{t(localeKey)}{t(localeKey2)}</div>


To get all configurations possible: npx next-translate-localekeys --help

modecurrent mode"compile" or "generate"-*
rootDirlocation of the source code.string-*
outDirplace of the generated output.stringrootDir
errDirlocation of error file.stringrootDir
typescriptenables typescript.booleanfalse
translationsenables translation comments.booleanfalse
langlanguage that should be used in translation commentsstringen
nsSeparatorchar to split namespace from key.string":"
keySeparatorchange the separator that is used for nested keys.string"."