next-with-apollo-beta v3.4.0
Apollo HOC for Next.js, this docs are for Next > 6, for Next < 5 go here and use the version 1.0
How to use
Install the package with npm
npm install next-with-apollo
or with yarn
yarn add next-with-apollo
Create the HOC using a basic setup and apollo-boost
Note: apollo-boost is used in this example because is the fastest way to create an
, but is not required.Previously this package had some configs to create an
, those were removed but you can see an example of how to create the sameApolloClient
by yourself here.// lib/withApollo.js import withApollo from 'next-with-apollo' import ApolloClient, { InMemoryCache } from 'apollo-boost' import { GRAPHQL_URL } from '../configs'
export default withApollo(({ ctx, headers, initialState }) => ( new ApolloClient({ uri: GRAPHQL_URL, cache: new InMemoryCache().restore(initialState || {}) }) ))
> `withApollo` accepts a function that receives `{ ctx, headers }` or `{ initialState }` and returns an `ApolloClient`
Wrap Next's `App` in `pages/_app.js`
import App, { Container } from 'next/app'
import { ApolloProvider } from '@apollo/react-hooks'
import withApollo from '../lib/withApollo'
class MyApp extends App {
render() {
const { Component, pageProps, apollo } = this.props;
return (
<ApolloProvider client={apollo}>
<Component {...pageProps} />
export default withApollo(MyApp)
Now every page in pages/
can use anything from react-apollo
!. Pages will have access to the ApolloClient
too: getInitialProps({ apolloClient })
withApollo can also receive some options as second parameter:
Key | Type | Default | Note |
getDataFromTree | string | always | Should the apollo store be hydrated before the first render ?, allowed values are always , never or ssr (don't hydrate on client side navigation) |
Usage example:
export default withApollo(
() => new ApolloClient({ uri: GRAPHQL_URL }),
getDataFromTree: 'always'
How it works
will create a Higher-Order Component (HOC) with your configuration that can be used in pages/_app
to wrap an ApolloClient
to any Next page, it will also fetch your queries before the first page load to hydrate the store.
6 years ago