nexts-react-packery-mixin v0.0.3
React Packery Mixin
A mixin for React.js to use Metafizzy Packery
- The mixin is bundled with packery, so no additional dependencies needed!
You can optionally include Packery as a script tag as an override
<script src='//' />
To use the mixin
- require the mixin
- pass a reference and a packery options object
- make sure you use the same reference as
in your component if you need to - access the packery object through
in your componentexample use in code
/** @jsx React.DOM */
'use strict';
var React = require('react');
var PackeryMixin = require('react-packery-mixin');
var packeryOptions = {
transitionDuration: 0
module.exports = React.createClass({
displayName: 'SomeComponent',
mixins: [PackeryMixin('packeryContainer', packeryOptions)],
render: function () {
var childElements ={
return (
<div className="someclass">
return (
<div ref="packeryContainer">
License information (Metafizzy)
Commercial license
Packery may be used in commercial projects and applications with the one-time purchase of a commercial license. If you are paid to do your job, and part of your job is implementing Packery, a commercial license is required.
For non-commercial, personal, or open source projects and applications, you may use Packery under the terms of the GPL v3 License. You may use Packery for free.
Copyright (c) 2014 Metafizzy