1.1.7 • Published 3 years ago

nextwromo-store v1.1.7

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Last release
3 years ago




This is a e-commerce template built with Next.js and with rest api. is built with node, express, mongoose schema validation and use mongodb for database.

Packages we use in this project:

1. Next.js Library React.Js.
2. Axios for data fetching.
3. Tailwindcss for css design.
4. React-dropzone for image upload.
5. React Icons for Icons.
6. React Hook for validation.
7. React Toastify for notification.
8. React Spinners for preloader.
9. React-use-cart for add to cart.
10. Rc Drawer for all Drawer.
11. Tailwind-scrollbar-hide for hide scrollbar.
12. Day.js for date validation and data format. 
13. Js Cookie for save require data on Cookie.

Getting Started:

Configure your env.local file:

the .env.example file just rename it as .env.local and paste your api url

stripe api just rename with stripe api key.

Running the project:

npm install - latest version. npm run dev - for running in development mode.

local environment - npm run build then npm run dev.

Folder Structure:

/public: all images /src/assets: custom css /src/component: template related ui components /src/layout: contain layout section for all pages /src/contexts: context for template /src/hooks: custom hooks for data fetching, data filtering, and Checkout Login data function. /src/pages: pages this project /src/services: data fetching function with Axios interface UserServices for user data fetching CategoryServices, CouponServices for coupon related, OrderServices for order related, ProductServices httpService common api endpoint with Axios interface /src/utils : contain data.js with pages, userSidebar, sliderData and faqData and toast.js notification.

Configuration & Deployment:

use Vercel for Development - Vercel Documentation,