1.1.0 • Published 6 years ago

nf-config v1.1.0

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6 years ago


NilFactor Config Server with vault support

This is a simple to use and setup configuration server. Easy to use and configure. This allows you to interface with vault and get secrets out of there.

Getting Started

Edit your <NODE_ENV>.json (or development.json by default).

    "nfMultiToken": {
        "apiKey": "token",
        "apiUsers": [
                "apiUser": "root",
                "apiToken": "deadbeef",
                "routes": ["*"]
                "apiUser": "read_only",
                "apiToken": "1337beef",
                "routes": [
    "vaultConfig": {
        "apiVersion": "v1",
        "endpoint": ""
apiKeyThis is the key name of the header object we are looking to verify for proper authenticate (lower case)
apiUsersThis is and array which allows you to assign access based on token given
apiUserthe name of the user we are configuring
apiTokenthe token they will use
routesan array of routes they have access to, you could narrow down users to specific config types with this

Enabling HTTPS

Edit the index.js to look like the following

'use strict';

const server = require('./lib/server');
const fs = require('fs');

var options = {
    key: fs.readFileSync('/path/to/server.key'),
    certificate: fs.readFileSync('/path/to/server.crt')


API Routes

/listGETreturns the list of configurations saved into the service
/config/get/:nameGETreturns the stored configuration requested
/config/update/:namePOSTallows you to submit json string in the body to create/update a configuration
/config/update/:nameDELETEdeletes the stored configuration


Instead of posting your configs you could simply create named json files in the configs directory. Then to retrieve them you would simply do request the name of the configuration minus .json. So if your file was called 'production.json', your url would be http://localhost:[port]/config/production

example with vault support

    "name": "production",
    "db": {
        "getVaultSecret": "db"
    "shards": [
        {"getVaultSecret": "db2"},
        {"getVaultSecret": "db3"}
    "live": true

or your whole config could be stored in vault

    "getVaultSecret": "dev"

Setting up testing environment

docker-compose up vault

First you would need to unlock the vault

node init_vault.js

Then take toke root_token given and do

export VAULT_TOKEN=my_vault_token

6 years ago


6 years ago


6 years ago