1.0.0 • Published 7 months ago
nfractions v1.0.0
Creates fractions using BigInts.
new Fraction( numerator, denominator )
: string, number, bigint, Fraction (default: 0)denominator
: string, number, bigint, Fraction (default: 1)
new Fraction(1, 2) // = 1/2
new Fraction(2n, 4n) // = 2/4
new Fraction("1", "2") // = 1/2
new Fraction("1", -2n) // = 1/-2
new Fraction("1/2") // = 1/2
new Fraction(new Fraction("1/2")) // = 1/2
new Fraction("1/2", 2) // = 1/4
new Fraction(.5, .5) // = 5/5
new Fraction(1) // = 1/1
new Fraction() // = 0/1
new Fraction(1, 0) // err: ZeroDivisionError
new Fraction(.11111111111111111111111111111) // = 1111111111111111/10000000000000000
new Fraction(".11111111111111111111111111111") // = 11111111111111111111111111111/1000000000000000000000000000000000
: BigInt.denominator
: BigInt.isNaN
: Boolean.isNegative
: Boolean.negative
: Fraction- Returns the faction with a negated numerator. Does not change the value of the variable.
: Fraction- Returns the reciprical. Does not change the value of the variable.
: BigInt
- Equals
.eq( value )
- Strictly Equals
.seq( value )
- Less Than
.lt( value )
- Less Than or Equals
.lteq( value )
- Greater Than
.gt( value )
- Greater Than or Equals
.gteq( value )
new Fraction(1, 2).lt(1n) // => true
new Fraction(1, 2).gt(.5) // => false
new Fraction(1, 2).lteq("foo") // => false
new Fraction(1, 2).eq("1/2") // => true
new Fraction(1, 2).seq("1/2") // => false
new Fraction(1, 2).seq(new Fraction("1/2")) // => true
- Addition
.plus( addend )
- Subtraction
.minus( subtrahend )
- Multiplication
.times( multiplicidad )
- Division
.divide( dividend )
Parameters can only be of type number, Fraction, bigint, or parsebale string.
- Exponentiation
Fraction.pow( fraction , exponent )
)- Only accepts Fractions as first input and integers (including BigInts) as second
Fraction.abs( fraction )
)- Only accepts Fractions as input
- This will change the value of the variable.
- Simplification
- This will change the value of the variable.
Returns a copy of the variable. Eliminates the risk of call-by-sharing logic errors.
Acts as NaN
as a fraction. Math and comparisons cannot be done with it.
Will not throw an error if the input is not a string. May throw a ZeroDivisionError.
Accepts only strings. Will always return a Fraction or Fraction.NaN. Will return whatever fraction is within the string.
Fraction.parseFraction("1/2") // => 1/2
Fraction.parseFraction(" 1 / 2 ") // => 1/2
Fraction.parseFraction("0b1/0x2") // => 1/2
Fraction.parseFraction("-1 / +2") // => -1/2
Fraction.parseFraction("1/0") // err: ZeroDivisionError
Fraction.parseFraction(6) // => NaN
Fraction.parseFraction("foo") // => NaN