0.0.1 • Published 11 years ago

nfsu v0.0.1

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11 years ago

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Wrapper for low level NodeJS filesystem utilities.

Mixed fs and path toolkit, plus commonly used syncronious shortcuts on top.


    var nfsu = require('nfsu');



Reads file and returns string representation of it or false if file does not exists.


Reads JSON file and returns parsed JSON object or false if file does not exists.


Reads target directory and returns array of contained folders/files or false if directory does not exists.


Checks if target is file and returns true if so and false if it is not or file does not exists.


Checks if target is directory and returns true if so and false if it is not or directory does not exists.

   nfsu.lookDownFilesByExts(targets/*arr*/, exts/*arr*/, opt/*obj*/);

Recursively iterates down through all the 'targets' folder items and gathers all the files wich are listed into exts (.css, .js, .jpg etc). Additionally opt configuration may be provided.

   opt = { excl:['exclude/folder', 'exclude/file.js'], base: '/basefolder' };

By default opt.base is current working directory.

Returns object with key(s) as file extentions and value(s) array of accordingly resolved file pathes found to that extention, or empty array if there is nothing found.

Headsup: if opt.base speceficly provided, relative targets and opt.excl folders/files have to take it into account. Eg:


nfsu.lookDownFilesByExts(d/, '.n', {excl:'d/y.n', base: 'a/b/c/'}) This is right -> {'.n':'/a/b/c/d/x.n','/a/b/c/d/z.n'}

nfsu.lookDownFilesByExts(a/b/c/d/, '.n', {excl:'a/b/c/d/y.n', base: 'a/b/c/'}) This is wrong -> {'.n':[]}

Tip: To filter files with no extention provide empty sting into 'exts' array. "" - will look down files with no extention.

    nfsu.lookUpFileByName(filename/*str*/, base/*str*/, stopby/*str*/);

Recursively iterates up from the current working directory or base untill filename found, or userhome|stopby|top directory. Returns resolved file path, or null if nothing is found.

In addition all the fs and path methods available through according properties: nfsu.fs and nfsu.path, and its shortcuts nfsu.f and nfsu.p


Copyright (c) 2014 Dmitry Lapshukov. Licensed under the MIT license.