1.0.16 • Published 3 years ago

ng-cond v1.0.16

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3 years ago

ngCond is an improved version of ngIf directive, it has the following advantages:

  • forget about async pipe, the directive subscribes/unsubscribes to the observable/promise
  • working with multiple observables and/or promises
  • getting error/complete indications
  • you can specify options for performance and behavior

The package weight 1k and have no dependencies.

In the description below, referencing observables will include promises as well.

Some examples

The examples below will use the following variables:

isInitialized: boolean
data: any
users$: Observable<User[]>
userCount$: Observable<number>

Simple condition

A simple condition without observables is implemented the same way as *ngIf:

<div *ngCond="isInitialized && data">...</div>

Observables are specified without the async pipe. You can refer the observable via template variable, for BehaviorSubjects you can use the 'value' property.

<div *ngCond="users$ as users">
  <div>Users: {{users}}</div>
  <div>Users: {{users$.value}}</div>

Multiple conditions

Multiple observables are not allowed in ngIf, you either need to combine them or is multiple ngIf directives.

*ngCond enable it by specifying multi: true, conditions are passed as object of key/value pairs, each value can be observable or expression (the expression should be without any observables). The template variable specified in 'as' will result in an object containing the keys with the observable value for each key.

BehaviorSubjects can be referred directly (userCount$ in the example below).

The template will be shown when all the conditions are truthy.

<div *ngCond="{ users: users$, count: userCount$, isInit: isInitialized && data } as value; multi: true">
  <div>Users: {{value.users}}</div>
  <div>User count: {{userCount$.value}}</div>

Intellisense support

If your work with typescript and you bind a BehaviorSubject with a type, then your editor will provide you with intellisense when editing the template (this applies to *ngIf as well).

Provided the interface Person:

export interface Person {
  firstName: string;
  lastName: string;
  age: string;

export SomeComponent class {
  person: Person = {
    firstName: 'David',
    lastName: 'Bowie',
    age: 35
  person$ = new BehaviorSubject<Person>(this.person);

Now when you type person$.value. your editor will provide you with intellisense and open a list with all 3 properties: intellisense

forget about async pipe

The directive checks if the condition is observable, promise or regular boolean expression. In case of observable, the directive subscribes on init and unsubscribe on destroy. for promises the directive applies .then() to get the value.

this makes async pipe redundant

Even if you do use async pipe, *ngCond will continue to work as usual.

then/else templates

Using then/else templates works the same as *ngIf, for example:

<div *ngCond="users$; else elseTemplate">...</div>

<ng-template #elseTemplate>...</ng-template>

error/complete indications

The directive provides indications you can utilize in the template for observables which has errors and/or have completed, they are provided as 'error' and 'complete' variables.

For a single condition, 'error' variable will hold the Error object and 'complete' variable will hold true or false. You can receive those values by giving template variable names for those provided variables. note: a promise is treated as completed upon resolve.

<div *ngCond="users$; let e=error; let c=complete">
    <div *ngCond="e">Error fetching users: {{e.message}}</div>
    <div *ngCond="c">The observable users$ has completed!</div>

For multiple conditions, 'error' and 'complete' will be provided as objects containing the indications per each key. Those objects will be empty in case there is no data, but they will not be undefined as in single condition.

<div *ngCond="{ users: users$, count: userCount$ }; multi: true; let e=error; let c=complete">
    <div *ngCond="e.users">Error fetching users: {{e.users.message}}</div>
    <div *ngCond="c.count">The observable userCount$ has completed!</div>

You can use the 'error' and 'complete' indications in the elseTemplate:

<div *ngCond="userCount$ as value; else elseTemplate">
  user count: {{value}}

<ng-template #elseTemplate let-e="error">
  <div *ngIf="e">Error: {{e.message}}</div>


You can specify options for performance and behavior by specifying 'opts' object with the options. Options specified on a directive will have effect only for that directive, you can override the default options values as described in the Installation section below.

Performance options:

When working with observables and async pipe, the pipe calls markForCheck() method of ChangeDetectorRef for each change. This is not always enough when working in zone less mode ({ngZone: 'noop'} in bootstrap), in this case detectChanges() should be called. The directive checks the application zone mode and calls the appropriate method, markForCheck() in zone mode and detectChanges() in zone less mode.

You can override this behavior by specifying the options:

isMarkForCheckregardless of zone mode, call markForCheck() per each change or not.default: method is called only in zone mode
isDetectChangesregardless of zone mode, call detectChanges() per each change or not.default: method is called only in zone less mode

Behavior options:

isShowOnValuewhen true, a condition is regarded as falsy only if its value is undefined, all other values are regarded as truthy, including false and 0.default: false.
isShowOnEmitwhen true, a condition is regarded as falsy only if its value is undefined or null, all other values are regarded as truthy, including false and 0.default: false.
isThrowOnErroryou can specify if the directive will throw an error in case the observable has error.default: false
isClearValueOnErrorwhen an observable emits value and after that emits error, then the value still remains and shown in the template. specifying true will change the observable value to undefined upon error.default: false


  npm install ng-cond

After that, import NgCondModule in your shared module.

import { NgCondModule } from 'ng-cond';

  imports: [
export class SharedModule {}

overriding default options

You can globally override the default options values described above. When importing the module, call forChild() and pass the options you want to override as a parameter.

import { NgCondModule } from 'ng-cond';

  imports: [
      NgCondModule.forChild({ isClearValueOnError: true })
  exports: [
export class SharedModule {}

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