0.0.24 • Published 6 years ago

ng-momentum v0.0.24

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Last release
6 years ago


Momentum is an Angular Schematic developed by the Bottle Rocket Web Team to build best-in-class web applications faster.

Getting Started

For the initial scaffolding (required before anything else cause it sets everything where it needs to be).

cd to/wherever/you/are/putting/your/project
ng new my-momentum-project
cd my-momentum-project/
ng add ng-momentum

If you want to include PWA features we recommend then running the next line.

ng add @angular/pwa

Extra details below about each option.

Helpful Commands

To run the fun try these commands in your project.


For the initial scaffolding (required before anything else cause it sets everything where it needs to be).

ng g ng-momentum:scaffold --spec=false --force

Detailed description of options.

--specbooleanDo you want to have the tests generated for you?true, falsetrue
--skipScriptsbooleanDo you want to have the additional (helpful) package scripts added for you?true, falsetrue
--includePwabooleanInclude PWA features?true, falsetrue
--uiFrameworkstringWhich ui framework are you intending to use? This sets the default for future view templates.material, bootstrap, basicmaterial


For building a value object. You may want to do this, or let the other generators create objects as they see necessary and then your can just reference your value objects. Whatever, it's your application.

ng g ng-momentum:vo --name=shoes --obj="{\"laces\":\"boolean\", \"color\":\"string\", \"size\":\"number\"}"

Detailed description of options.

--projectstringThe name of the project.default project
--pathstringThe path to create the vo within the vos/ folder.(none)
--namestringSpecifies the name of the value object.(first argument)
--objstringObject string for the value object. (in JSON.stringify format).{\"id\":\"number\", \"title\":\"string\"}
--flatbooleanFlag to indicate if a dir is created.true, falsefalse
--specbooleanSpecifies if a spec file is generated.true, falsetrue


This builds a view for you with the ui framework you previously set. You have a lot of options and this should he you get right to the important coding faster.

ng g ng-momentum:view --name=my_view --template=blank

Detailed description of options.

--projectstringThe name of the project.default project
--pathstringThe path to create the view within the views/ folder.(none)
--namestringSpecifies the name of the value object.(first argument)
--objstringObject string for the value object. (in JSON.stringify format).{\"id\":\"number\", \"title\":\"string\"}
--flatbooleanFlag to indicate if a dir is created.true, falsefalse
--specbooleanSpecifies if a spec file is generated.true, falsetrue
--eagerbooleanFlag to determine if the view should be eager loaded vs lazy loaded.true, falsefalse
--uiFrameworkstringWhich ui framework are you intending to use? This sets the default for future view templates.material, bootstrap, basicmaterial
--vostringSpecifies the vo to be created with this object. Overrides the default naming.(none)
--voPathstringSpecifies the vo path.(none)
--skipVobooleanSpecifies if we should skip generating vo files.true, falsefalse
--servicestringSpecifies the service to be created with this object. Overrides the default naming.(none)
--servicePathstringSpecifies the service path.(none)
--skipServicebooleanSpecifies if we should skip generating service files.true, falsefalse
--templatestringSpecifies template to create.blank, form, table, list, detailsblank


This builds a service for you to help you make calls to outside locations.

ng g ng-momentum:svc --name=your-service

Detailed description of options.

--projectstringThe name of the project.default project
--pathstringThe path to create the service within the service/ folder.(none)
--namestringSpecifies the name of the value object.(first argument)
--objstringObject string for the value object. (in JSON.stringify format).{\"id\":\"number\", \"title\":\"string\"}
--flatbooleanFlag to indicate if a dir is created.true, falsefalse
--specbooleanSpecifies if a spec file is generated.true, falsetrue
--vostringSpecifies the vo to be created with this object. Overrides the default naming.(none)
--voPathstringSpecifies the vo path.(none)
--uristringSpecifies the service uri to hit.(none)
--endpointstringSpecifies the service endpoint to hit.(none)
--operationsstringSpecifies the service strategy (clrud).clrud


This builds either a basic model, a list model, or a 'selected object' model for you. Selected object models can load the model, create/update/save, and delete. Models are helpful if you have multiple components that are disconnected but need to share data/state. This can also be used to cache your data and have more control. You may not find them helpful at all though. So it is up to you.

ng g ng-momentum:model --name=heros --template=list

Detailed description of options.

--projectstringThe name of the project.default project
--pathstringThe path to create the model within the models/ folder.(none)
--namestringSpecifies the name of the value object.(first argument)
--objstringObject string for the value object. (in JSON.stringify format).{\"id\":\"number\", \"title\":\"string\"}
--flatbooleanFlag to indicate if a dir is created.true, falsefalse
--specbooleanSpecifies if a spec file is generated.true, falsetrue
--vostringSpecifies the vo to be created with this object. Overrides the default naming.(none)
--voPathstringSpecifies the vo path.(none)
--skipVobooleanSpecifies if we should skip generating vo files.true, falsefalse
--servicestringSpecifies the service to be created with this object. Overrides the default naming.(none)
--servicePathstringSpecifies the service path.(none)
--skipServicebooleanSpecifies if we should skip generating service files.true, falsefalse
--templatestringModel type for template specification.blank, list, selectedblank


This is the big one. You can just point this to an endpoint or state the object structure and it creates a full CRUD operation against your endpoint create for consumption. It's really cool.

ng g ng-momentum:crud --name=heros --url=http://localhost:3000/superheros.json

Detailed description of options.

--projectstringThe name of the project.default project
--pathstringThe path to create the view within the views/ folder.(none)
--namestringSpecifies the name of the value object.(first argument)
--objstringObject string for the value object. (in JSON.stringify format).{\"id\":\"number\", \"title\":\"string\"}
--flatbooleanFlag to indicate if a dir is created.true, falsefalse
--specbooleanSpecifies if a spec file is generated.true, falsetrue
--vostringSpecifies the vo to be created with this object. Overrides the default naming.(none)
--voPathstringSpecifies the vo path.(none)
--skipVobooleanSpecifies if we should skip generating vo files.true, falsefalse
--servicestringSpecifies the service to be created with this object. Overrides the default naming.(none)
--servicePathstringSpecifies the service path.(none)
--skipServicebooleanSpecifies if we should skip generating service files.true, falsefalse
--eagerbooleanFlag to determine if the view should be eager loaded vs lazy loaded.true, falsefalse
--uiFrameworkstringWhich ui framework are you intending to use? This sets the default for future view templates.material, bootstrap, basicmaterial
--urlstringUrl to get object parameters.(none)
--skipImportbooleanFlag to skip the module import.true, falsefalse
--exportbooleanSpecifies if declaring module exports the directive.true, falsefalse
--viewstringSpecifies the view to be created with this object. Overrides the default naming.(none)
--viewPathstringSpecifies the view path.(none)
--skipViewbooleanSpecifies if we should skip generating view files.true, falsefalse

Important Notes

Required updates

To fix the material issue https://github.com/angular/material2/pull/12028/commits/735c15b539671a4651aa75fc432b13b3499509a9

Yarn vs NPM

I've noticed that when using npm install there seems to be conflicts around @angular/core. These conflicts do not exist when using yarn. I would recommend using yarn vs npm install. By default schematics calls npm install initially. I just have been deleting the /node_modules folder and running yarn for a successful first build.


List of TODO items that are outstanding.

  • view - add e2e tests
  • crud - add e2e tests



To test locally, install @angular-devkit/schematics globally and use the schematics command line tool. That tool acts the same as the generate command of the Angular CLI, but also has a debug mode.

Check the documentation with

schematics --help

Unit Testing

npm run test will run the unit tests, using Jasmine as a runner and test framework.


To publish, simply do:

npm run build
npm publish

That's it!


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