0.0.5 • Published 7 years ago

ng-orm v0.0.5

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7 years ago


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REST api ORM with Angular ^2

Based on the work of ng2-rest

Compatible with

  1. AngularClass/angular2-webpack-starter
  2. Angular CLI


To install package run:

$ npm install ng-orm --save

Import module

	import { Resource } from 'ng-orm/ng-orm';

	  bootstrap: [AppComponent],
	  imports: [ 
  export class AppModule { }
| Name | Parameters  | Description
| :---: | --- | ---: |
| **query** | `(optional) UrlParams[] ` |  fetch array of your models, optionally with parameters |
| **get** | `UrlParams[] ` |   get model by parameters  |
| **save** | `model, UrlParams[] ` |   post object model  |
| **update** | `model, UrlParams[]` |   put object model |
| **remove** | `UrlParams[]` |   remove object by params |parameters |

## Resource

Fit you existing API (not only REST) into new fluent objects...
**Resource** it is more advance version of **SimpleResource**


        export class DatabaseService { 
                        // < enum or 'string', single_model, query_model>
            constructor(private rest: Resource<ENDPOINTS,User,User[]>) {
	            // map endpoints and urls
				// define your models  
				rest.add(ENDPOINTS.API, 'users'); 
                rest.add(ENDPOINTS.API, 'users/:some_param'); 
                rest.add(ENDPOINTS.API, 'users/:some_param/books/:bookid'); 
              // create your fluent API
              get model() {
                return {
					getAll:  this.rest
		                .api(ENDPOINTS.API, 'users')
	                getAllSorted:  this.rest
		                .api(ENDPOINTS.API, '/users/inside')
		                .query([{ sorted: true }]),
	                getSuperUser: this.rest
		                .api(ENDPOINTS.API, 'users/super')
	                saveCurrentUser : this.rest
		                .api(ENDPOINTS.API, 'users')

			 mock_controller = (request: MockRequest<any> ):MockResponse
			  => { 
				 let user = request.data;
			     user.id = request.params['id'];
			     return { data:user }; 
			 users = [ { name:"name1":id:1 }, { name:"name2":id:2 }   ]
             get mocked_models() {
                return {
					getAllMocks:  this.rest
               getFirstMock:  this.rest
	               .api(ENDPOINTS.API, 'users')
	               .mock(require('user.json')), 1000)
	               .get([{ id:0 }]), // timeout 1000ms = 1s
                getDataFromController:  this.rest
	                .api(ENDPOINTS.API, 'users')
	                .mock(require('user.json')), 0, mock_controller)




import { Subscription } from 'rxjs';
import { Resource } from 'ng-orm';

import { DatabaseService } from './service';

export class DemoComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {

  constructor(public db: DatabaseService, private snackBar: MdSnackBar) {

  handlers: Subscription[] = [];
  users = [];

  public ngOnInit() {
	this.handlers.push(this.db.models.users.subscribe(data => {
      this.users = data;

  public ngOnDestroy() {
    this.handlers.forEach(h => h.unsubscribe())


Simple data mocking

It is one of the best features here. You don't need a backend for your front-end coding.

Simplest way to mocking data:

	// user.json
	[{ id: 12, name: 'Dariusz' },
	{ id: 15, name: 'Marcin' }]

	// service.ts
	getUsers = () => this.rest.api( ENDPOINT.API, modelName )
		.mock( require('./user.json') ).

	// component.ts
	service.getUsers().subscribe( users => {
		console.log( 'users:', users ); 
		// users: [{ id: 12, name: 'Dariusz' }, { id: 15, name: 'Marcin' }]

Mock Controller

Sample MockController function to just return mocked data based on params:

	// mock-controller.ts
    export function mockController(
	    request: MockRequest<User> ): MockResponse 
		// request.data ->   { id: 10, name: 'Dariusz'  }
		// request.params -> {  id: 23 }
		// request.body -> undefined -> only with .save(), update() 
		// request.backend - MockAutoBackend<User>
		// request.method 
		let user = request.data;
		user.id = request.params.id;
		return { data:user }; // return nothing or undefined to propagate error
	// service.ts
	import { mockController } from './mock-controller';
	data = (id) => this.rest.api( ENDPOINT.API, modelName )
		.mock( { id: 10, name: 'Dariusz'  }, mockController).
		get([{ id: id }] )) 

	// component.ts
	service.data(23).subscribe( user => {
		console.log( 'user:', user ); // user: { id: 23, name: 'Dariusz'  }


generators $

If you wanna generate, filter, order, sort sample data try third options in controller - MockAutoBackend. It is perfect thing for mocking pagination in your MockController.

By building sample json data object with $ prefix property now it is possible to generate very nice random data.


If value of property is an array, the generator will pick one at random:

        "$id" : [1,2,3],
        "name": "Dariusz"

The output will be:

        "id": 2,            // or 1 or 3  - it's random thing,
        "name": "Dariusz"   // property without $ stays the same 

Of course it is possible to create json with nested $ fields.


You also can generate values using Faker mustache string as value.

    "$fullTitle" : "{{name.lastName}}, {{name.firstName}} {{name.suffix}}"


    "fullTitle": "Marks, Dean Sr."

Pagination example

Sample MockController generating pagination data with MockAutoBackend:

	// model.json
        $id : [1,2,3],
        name: 'Dariusz'
	// mock-controller.ts
	export function mockController( request: MockRequest<T> ):MockResponse 
	    console.log(request.backend.models); /// generated models
	    let pageNumber = request.params.pageNumber;
	    let pageSize = request.params.pageSize;
	    let data = request.backend.getPagination( pageNumber, pageSize );
		return { data: data, code: 200 }; // code is optional, 200  is default
	// example.service.ts
	import { mockController } from './mock-controller';
	numberOfGeneratedPaginartionModels = 400;	
	getPaginartion =  (params) => this.rest.api( ENDPOINT.API, modelName)
		.mock( requre('./model.json'), 

	// component.ts
	currentDisplayedModels = []
	pageSize = 10;
	pageChanged = ( n ) => {
		this.service.getPagination({ pageNumber:n, pageSize: this.pageSize  })
			.subscribe(  partOfMockedPaginationModels => {
				currentDisplayedModels = partOfMockedPaginationModels;


With ng-orm you can also easily access your response and request headers

	// you can also use class Resource for that