0.0.12 • Published 5 years ago

ng-scroll-detector v0.0.12

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5 years ago

Angular Scroll Detector

This angular library is for detecting scrollbar position of any html element as well as the scroll of whole document as well. This library was generated with Angular CLI version 8.2.14. ##Demo Click here to see the demo.

Getting Started

Prerequisites : #### There is no dependency at all, if you are using it in angular application

Step 1 : Installation

run npm install ng-scroll-detector

Step 2 : Consuming-- import the module.

import{NgScrollDetectorModule} from "ng-scroll-detector"

Step 3 : Usages

Element Scroll detection

<div class="container" elemntscrollTracker (scrolled)="elementScrollEvt($event)" ></div>
//Subscribe to the event scrolled.
public elementScrolled(evt) {

//returned, evt is a JSON which has 
    posVerticle: Vertical position of the Scrollbar of the element,
    endReachedVerticle : true|false (If scroll bar reaches at end respectively),
    posHorizontal: Horizontal position of the Scrollbar of the element,
    endReachedHorizontal : true|false (If scroll bar reaches at end respectively)

Document|HTML|Body Scroll detection

#####Place the directive to any element and listen to its event.

<div class="container" htmlbodyscrollTracker (bodyscrolled)="bodyScrolled($event)"></div>
//Listen to the event scrolled.
public bodyScrolled(evt) {

//returned, evt is a JSON which has 
    verticalOffset: Vertical offset of the body,
    HorizontalOffset Horizontal offset of the body,

Checking if scrollbar is present in any html container element

<ng-scroll-detector [elementId]="'test'" (ifScroll)="ifScroll($event)"></ng-scroll-detector>
//Listen to the event scrolled.
public ifScroll(evt) {

//returned, evt is a JSON which has 
    isVs: is vertical scroll,
    isHs: is horizontal scroll


Please checkout the library repo.GitHub


  • Surya Sharma


This project is licensed under the MIT License.