1.0.2 • Published 4 years ago

ng-sys-form v1.0.2

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Last release
4 years ago

ng-sys-form is a rapid form development library for angular meant to help make normal HTML forms more dynamic and which has components to help customize and render JSON configured forms.


  • Automatic forms generation.
  • Easy to extend with custom field type, validation, wrapper and extension.
  • Support JSON Schema.
  • Custom themes.
  • Custom functions for input's change event and button click event.
  • Support to add dynamic single/multiselect dropdown with search and select all options.
  • Support to specify custom validation error messages.
  • Support custom disable of each input with custom disable CSS class.
  • support custom input styling.


npm i ng-sys-form --save


1. Import NgFormModule into your app.module.ts :

import { NgFormModule } from 'ng-sys-form';


 imports:  [NgFormModule]


export  class  AppModule  {}

3. Include bootstrap:

Include below bootstrap CSS link into your index.html

<link  rel="stylesheet"  href="https://stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.4.1/css/bootstrap.min.css"  integrity="sha384-Vkoo8x4CGsO3+Hhxv8T/Q5PaXtkKtu6ug5TOeNV6gBiFeWPGFN9MuhOf23Q9Ifjh"  crossorigin="anonymous">


npm install bootstrap --save

to import the CSS from Bootstrap that was installed from NPM:

1: Configure angular.json:

"styles": [

2: Import directly in src/style.css or src/style.scss:

@import '~bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css';

3. Define your form model:

import { FormFieldConfig } from  "ng-sys-form";
public  FormFieldConfig: FormFieldConfig[] = [
	controlName:  "Username",
	inputType:  "input",
	className:  "customUser",
	labelName:  "UserName",
	controlType:  "text",
	placeholder:  "Enter username",
	validators: {
	   required:  true,
	   minlength:  5,
	   maxlength:  7,
	   messages: {
		required: "Please enter the user name.",
		minlength: "User Name should be minimum 5 characters.",
		maxlength: "User Name should not be more than 7 characters.",
	controlName:  "Password",
	inputType:  "input",
	className:  "",
	labelName:  "Password",
	controlType:  "password",
	placeholder:  "Enter Password",
	validators: {
		required:  true,
		minlength:  5,
	controlName:  "Number",
	inputType:  "number",
	labelName:  "Number",
	controlType:  "number",
	placeholder:  "Enter number",
	validators: {
		required:  true,
		min:  0,
		max:  10,
	controlName:  "Address",
	placeholder:  "Enter Address",
	controlType:  "textarea",
	inputType:  "textarea",
	validators: {
		required:  true,
		minlength:  10,
		maxlength:  250,
	rows:  5,
	cols:  2,
	event: (e) =>  this.textAreaChange(e),
	controlName:  "Email",
	controlType:  "email",
	placeholder:  "Enter email",
	inputType:  "input",
	validators: {
		required:  true,
		pattern: "^[a-z0-9._%+-]+@[a-z0-9.-]+.[a-z]{2,4}$",
	disabled: true,
    disableClass: "btnBackground",
	controlName:  "Single Select",
	placeholder:  "Select an item",
	inputType:  "select",
	configDropDown: {
		displayKey:  "name",
		search:  true,
		height:  "auto",
		placeholder:  "Select",
		limitTo:  3,
		moreText:  "more",
		noResultsFound:  "No results found!",
		searchPlaceholder:  "Search",
		searchOnKey:  "name",
		clearOnSelection:  false,
		disabled:  false,
		multiple:  false
	options:  this.options,
	validators: {
		required:  true,
	event: (e) =>  this.selectionChanged(e),
	controlName:  "Vehicle you own",
	placeholder:  "Select vehicle",
	inputType:  "radio",
	currentValue: "car",
	options: [
		optionName:  "I have a bike",
		value:  "bike",
		id: 1
		optionName:  "I have a car",
		value:  "car",
		id: 2
	validators: {
		required:  true,
	    displayKey: "optionName",
        uniqueKey: "id",
	controlName:  "Multiselect",
	placeholder:  "Select items",
	inputType:  "select",
	configDropDown: {
		displayKey:  "name",
		search:  true,
		disabled:  false,
		multiple:  true,
		enableCheckAll:  true,
		selectAllText:  "Select All",
		unSelectAllText:  "Unselect All",
		height:  "auto",
		placeholder:  "Select",
		limitTo:  3,
		moreText:  "more",
		noResultsFound:  "No results found!",
		searchPlaceholder:  "Search",
		searchOnKey:  "name",
		clearOnSelection:  false,
	options:  this.multiselectOptions,
	validators: {
		required:  true,
	event: (e) =>  this.selectionChangedMultiselect(e),
	controlName:  "Checkbox",
	inputType:  "checkbox",
	controlType:  "checkbox",
	labelName:  "Active",
	controlName:  "submit",
	inputType:  "button",
	controlType:  "submit",
	labelName:  "Submit",
	inputClass:  "btnBackground",
	disable: true,
	disableClass: "btnDisable"
	controlName:  "Reset",
	inputType:  "button",
	controlType:  "reset",
	labelName:  "Reset",
	event: () =>  this.reset(),


Add below tag in app.component.html


with NgFormComponent in app.component.ts :

import { Component, ViewChild, OnInit} from "@angular/core";
import { FormFieldConfig, NgFormComponent } from "ng-sys-form";

export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
title = "app";

@ViewChild(NgFormComponent, { static: false })
form: NgFormComponent;

col = "col-md-6";

public FormFieldConfig: FormFieldConfig[] = [
	controlName: "Username",
	inputType: "input",
	className: "customUser",

multiselectOptions = [];
options = [
	_id:  "5a66d6c31d5e4e36c7711b7a",
	name:  "Fruit",
	_id:  "5a66d6c3657e60c6073a2d22",
	name:  "Animal",

items = [
	_id:  "5a66d6c31d5e4e36c7711b7a",
	balance:  "$2,806.37",
	name:  "Banana",
	_id:  "5a66d6c31d5e4e36c7711b7a",
	balance:  "$2,984.98",
	name:  "Apple",
	_id:  "5a66d6c3657e60c6073a2d22",
	balance:  "$2,794.16",
	name:  "Wolf",
	_id:  "5a66d6c3657e60c6073a2d22",
	balance:  "$2,141.42",
	name:  "Fox",

get  f() {
	return  this.form.form;

selectionChanged(e) {
	let  data = e.value;
	if (this.items != null) {
	this.multiselectOptions = this.items.filter((f) =>  f._id == data._id);
		this.FormFieldConfig.map((m) => {
			if (m.controlName == "Multiselect") {
				m.options = this.multiselectOptions;
	} else {
		this.multiselectOptions = [];
		this.FormFieldConfig.map((m) => {
			if (m.controlName == "Multiselect") {
				m.options = this.multiselectOptions;

selectionChangedMultiselect(e) {

onSubmit(form?: NgForm) {
	console.log(form, this.form);

textAreaChange(e) {
reset() {
	if (this.form != null) {
		this.f.controls['Single Select'].setValue([]);


1. inputs :

[FormFieldConfig] - specify JSON config data of Form controls.

[column] 	  - used to specify custom css class like col-md-12 or col-md-6 that will change style css class for each input controls.

2. Output :

(formSubmit) - Method to return submitted dynamic form data.

3. FormFieldConfig model :

FormFieldConfig {
	inputType: string;
	controlName: string;
	controlType?: string;
	className?: string;
	labelName?: string;
	currentValue?: string;
	placeholder?: string;
	options?: Array<any>;
	validators?: {
		required?: boolean;
		minlength?: number;
		maxlength?: number;
		pattern?: string;
		min?: number;
		max?: number;
		messages?: {
			required?: string;
			minlength?: string;
			maxlength?: string;
			pattern?: string;
			email?: string;
			min?: string;
			max?: string;
	configDropDown?: {
		displayKey?: string;
		search?: boolean;
		height?: string;
		placeholder?: string;
		limitTo?: number;
		moreText?: string;
		noResultsFound?: string;
		searchPlaceholder?: string;
		searchOnKey?: string;
		clearOnSelection?: boolean;
		inputDirection?: string;
		multiple: boolean;
		disabled: boolean;
		enableCheckAll?: boolean;
		selectAllText?: string;
		unSelectAllText?: string;
	rows?: number;
	cols?: number;
	event?: any;
    inputClass?: string;
  	disabled?: boolean;
  	disableClass?: string;
  	configRadio?: {
    	displayKey?: any;
    	uniqueKey?: any;
    	inputClass?: string;
    	labelClass?: string;

3. Definition of FormFieldConfig :

inputTypestringCustom values of inputType : input / number / select / radio / checkbox / button / textarea
controlNamestringThis is used to specify control name of each inputs.
controlTypestringUsed to specify which type of input like text / number / password / email / button / submit / reset
classNamestringSpecify custom css class name.
labelNamestringSpecify the label name for input field.
currentValuestringSpecify to set value/default value for input field.
placeholderstringUsed to specify placeholder text.
optionsArrayArray of items for single/multiselect dropdown and radio inputs.
validatorsobjectUsed to specify custom validators and custom validation messages.
configDropDownobjectUsed to specify configuration settings for single/multiselect dropdown.
rowsnumberUsed to specify rows value of textarea input. Default value is 3.
colsnumberUsed to specify cols value of textarea input. Default value is 3.
eventmethedSupport to specify used defined functions for change and click events.
inputClassstringSupport to specify used defined css class name for each input design.
disabledbooleanUsed to specify disable/enable each input.
disableClassstringSupport to specify used defined css class name for each input disable design.
configRadioobjectSupport to specify radio button option's unique key, displayKey, input css class.
  • Declare custom css classes in styles.css.

  • inputType and controlName are mandatory field for configuration json.

  • Setting of inputType has following values :

input / number / select / radio / checkbox / button / textarea
  • Based on inputType controlType needs to be specified :

If inputType : input

controlType : text / number / password / email

If inputType : button

controlType : submit / reset

4. Validator settings :

requiredbooleantrue/false for input control is required or not.
minlengthnumbernumber to validate minimum length of values entered.
maxlengthnumbernumber to validate maximum length of values entered.
patternstringused to specify custom regx pattern.
minnumbernumber to validate minimum number of input type number input.
maxnumbernumber to validate maximum number of input type number input.
messagesobjectused to specify custom validation messages for each validators.

5. Messages settings :

requiredstringSpecify validation error message of input required.
minlengthstringSpecify validation error message of minimum characters length.
maxlengthstringSpecify validation error message of maximum characters length.
patternstringSpecify validation error message for specified pattern.
emailstringSpecify validation error message for email feild.
minstringSpecify validation error message for minimum number of input type number.
maxstringSpecify validation error message for maximum number of input type number.

6. Dropdown config settings :

displayKeystringif objects array passed which key to be displayed defaults to description.
searchbooleantrue/false for the search functionlity defaults to false.
heightstringheight of the list so that if there are more no of items it can show a scroll defaults to auto. With auto height scroll will never appear.
placeholderstringtext to be displayed when no item is selected defaults to Select.
limitTonumberA number thats limits the no of options displayed in the UI similar to angular's limitTo pipe.
moreTextstringtext to be displayed when more than one items are selected like Option 1 + 5 more.
noResultsFoundstringtext to be displayed when no items are found while searching.
searchPlaceholderstringlabel thats displayed in search input.
searchOnKeystringkey on which search should be performed this will be selective search. if undefined this will be extensive search on all keys.
clearOnSelectionbooleanClears search criteria when an option is selected if set to true, default is false.
multiplebooleantrue/false based if multiple selection required or not Defaults to false.
disabledbooleandisabled attribute to disable the dropdown when required
disableClassstringdisabled CSS class name for dropdown
enableCheckAllbooleanEnable the option to select all items in list.
selectAllTextstringText to display as the label of select all option.
unSelectAllTextstringText to display as the label of unSelect option.

7. Radio button config settings :

displayKeyanyIf objects array passed which key to be displayed defaults to label.
uniqueKeyanyUsed to specify key to identify a unique value.
inputClassstringUsed to specify radio button input css class.
labelClassstringUsed to specify radio button label css class.

4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago