1.0.2 • Published 10 months ago

ng-terminal-typing-effect v1.0.2

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10 months ago

NgTerminalTypingEffect 🔥

This basically creates a typing effect, like a terminal along with auto scroll depending on the height of the container for the code in the code tag , using the fucntion in the ts file.

This project was generated with Angular CLI version 15.0.1.

You can refer the git repo : Click here



Enter the code for which you want the effect as shown below.

<div class="editor ">
    <code #codeBlock class="code-block">
      <!-- type the code here for which you want the typing effect -->

TS File

ngAfterViewInit() {
      const target = this.codeBlockRef.nativeElement;
      // Highlight the code
      // Get all the child nodes
      const children: Node[] = Array.from(target.childNodes);
      target.innerText = '';
      this.type(0, target, children);

    type(i: number, target: HTMLElement, children: Node[]) {
      const charDelay = 25; //adjust typing speed here
      // const typingSpeed = 5;

      //checking if its the first iteration
      if (i === 0) {
        target.style.visibility = 'visible';

      //checking whther the end of content so to effectively end the typing
      if (i >= children.length) {

      const content = children[i].textContent || ''; //stores content of the current child node being typed const content = (children[i].textContent || '').split(/\s+/);

      let charIndex = 0;

      const displayChars = () => {
        if (charIndex < content.length) {
          target.appendChild(document.createTextNode(content.charAt(charIndex))); //appends a newly created text node to the target element. The text node contains the character at the current charIndex position in the content string.
          // Scroll the target element to bring the added character into view
          target.scrollTop = target.scrollHeight;



          this.typingTimeout = setTimeout(displayChars, charDelay);
        } else {
          if (content.includes('#')) { // a pause of 2.5 sec if the word is #
              this.type(i,target, children)
          } else {
              this.type(i, target, children);

In the above code the last condition is the to give a pause after any desired word , there it is '#' , you can modify the code like you need.

NOTE:Highlight Js is used here to highlight the syntax.Choose the desired theme in styles.css Example:

@import '~highlight.js/styles/monokai-sublime.css';

also in the ts file make sure to import highlight js.

import hljs from 'highlight.js';

NOTE: Here ViewChild is used to connect the function to the desired tag we want the effect.

NOTE: Make sure this function is inside ngAfterViewInit(), also you can modify the typingSpeed variable for different typing speeds.

To get more help on the Angular CLI use ng help or go check out the Angular CLI Overview and Command Reference page.