0.0.0 • Published 4 years ago

ng-workspace v0.0.0

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Last release
4 years ago


This project serves as a common workspace to create angular libraries which can be easily shared across the other angular applications.

Test the lib Importing Bulma Importing font-awesome Importing theme styles Importing Normalize Importing google font fira sans Importing assets


Storybook of all components from dist Development of current component for lib Compiling all theme scss into one bundle and put into dist Copy all assets into dist


Storybook up and running with global styles, fontawesome, fira font, bulma App serving with global styles, fontawesome, fira font, bulma

Getting Started

  1. Import NgCommonModule in your app.
  2. Import @lendingpoint/ngcommon/theme.scss in angular.json styles.
  3. Add "scripts": ["./node_modules/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/js/all.min.js"] in angular.json to include font-awesome in your app.

Development Guidelines

  1. ng serve ng-common-sandbox to start a development instance of sandbox.
  2. Develop the component here in isolation.
  3. Move the development component in ng-common/src/lib.
  4. Update the NgCommonModule to import and export the newly created component.
  5. Build the library with npm run build.
  6. Update the storybook with a story o fnewly created component.

Testing and Previewing all the components

  1. cd projects/ng-common-sandbox and run npm run storybook


  1. Run npm run update-npm-version along with argument like patch, minor, major to update package.json before publishing to npm.