1.0.0 • Published 6 years ago

ng-yajwt v1.0.0

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Last release
6 years ago

Yet Another JWT Handler


Inspired by angular-jwt.


Install with bower:

bower install ng-yajwt --save


At the very minimum, you should define what happens when your token is rejected.

angular.module('app', ['ngYajwt'])

jwt.$inject = ['$httpProvider', 'jwtInterceptProvider'];
function jwt ($httpProvider, jwtInterceptProvider)
    jwtInterceptProvider.unauthorized = ['Auth', 'logger', '$state', unauthorized];
    function unauthorized (Auth, logger, $state)
        logger.error ('Your session has expired.');

        return $state.go ('home');
    jwtInterceptProvider.forbidden = ['logger', '$state', forbidden];
    function forbidden (Auth, logger, $state)
        logger.error ('You\'re not allowed to do that!');

        return $state.go ('profile');


If you'd like to automatically refresh an expired token, just tell us how to go about doing it.

jwtInterceptProvider.useRefreshTokens = true;

jwtInterceptProvider.refreshToken = ['Auth', refreshToken];
function refreshToken (Auth)
    console.log ('Refreshing your login token...');

    // we're expecting you to return a promise here
    return Auth.refreshToken();
    // return $http.post ('/auth/refresh', { auth : false });

By default, if localStorage is available we'll store the token there. If not, we'll store it in the cookie. If you want to control how we store the token, just supply a getter and a setter.

jwtInterceptProvider.getToken = ['Auth', getToken];
function getToken (Auth)
    var token = Auth.getToken();

    console.log ('using ' + token.slice(-10));
    return token;

// the token will be injected here for you to save wherever you want
jwtInterceptProvider.setToken = ['Auth', 'token', setToken];
function setToken (Auth, token)
    console.log ('setting ' + token.slice(-10));
    // i personally inject gsklee/ngStorage into my auth service and store it there
    return Auth.setToken(token);


This package will watch all responses for an Authorization header, and assume that to be the next token we pass.

Some requests don't need valid authorization, such as your token refresh route.

return $http.get('/public/route', { auth : false });


I was using https://github.com/auth0/angular-jwt, but had slightly different requirements. You are probably better off using that instead.