ng2-jalali-date-picker v2.2.8
Angular Jalali Date Picker
This is a configurable jalali (persian, khorshidi, shamsi) date-picker build for Angular 2 applications and uses jalali-moment as its dependency. DEMO
Read this in other languages: فارسی
- Download from npm:
npm install ng2-jalali-date-picker --save
- import the
module in typescript (.ts) or es6 files like below:import {DpDatePickerModule} from 'ng2-jalali-date-picker';
- Add
to your module imports:
imports: [
How to use
dateObject = "";
//OR if you have initial value you could use following code
import * as moment from 'jalali-moment';
dateObject = moment('1395-11-22','jYYYY,jMM,jDD');
How to use the output as a jalali (shamsi) date
import * as moment from 'jalali-moment';
read jalali-moment
How to use it with system.js
this Demo is using system.js.
Attributes (Input):
all attributes in the following table could be used as
// a future selector
<dp-date-picker mode="day" placeholder="تاریخ" [minDate]="moment()" [(ngModel)]="selectedDate"></dp-date-picker>
Name | Type | Default | Applies To | Description |
dir | rtl | ltr | ltr | the type of the calender which will be displayed in the picker |
mode | "day"\|"month"\|"time"\|"daytime" | "day" | All | The mode of the calender which will be displayed in the picker |
displayDate | Moment\|String | current date | day\|month\|daytime | Indicates on what date to open the calendar on |
disabled | Boolean | false | All | If set to true the input would be disabled |
placeholder | String | "" | All | The date-picker input placeholder |
required | Boolean | undefined | All | This is a validation rule, if there won't be any selected date then the containing form will be invalid. |
minDate | Moment\|String | undefined | day\|month\|daytime | This is a validation rule, if the selected date will be before minDate the containing form will be invalid. Note: if provided as string format configuration should be provided in the config object. |
maxDate | Moment\|String | undefined | day\|month\|daytime | This is a validation rule, if the selected date will be after maxDate the containing form will be invalid. Note: if provided as string format configuration should be provided in the config object. |
minTime | Moment\|String | undefined | time | This is a validation rule, if the selected date will be before minTime the containing form will be invalid. Note: if provided as string format configuration should be provided in the config object. |
maxTime | Moment\|String | undefined | time | This is a validation rule, if the selected date will be after maxTime the containing form will be invalid. Note: if provided as string format configuration should be provided in the config object. |
theme | String | "" | All | Theme is a class added to the popup container (and inner components) - this will allow styling of the calendar when it's appended to outer element (for example - body). There is a built in theme named dp-material, you can find it in the demo. |
config | IDatePickerConfig | See Below | All | Configuration object - see description below. |
Attributes (Output):
Name | Event Arguments | Applies To | Description |
onChange | CalendarValue | All Pickers | This event will be emitted on every valid value change, if you want to receive every value (valid and invalid) please use the native ngModelChange output. |
open | undefined | All Pickers | This event will be emitted when picker is opened. |
close | CalendarValue | All Pickers | This event will be emitted when picker is closed. |
onGoToCurrent | void | All Pickers | This event will be emitted when click was made on go to current button. |
onLeftNav | void | All Pickers | This event will be emitted when click was made on left navigation button. |
onRightNav | void | All Pickers | This event will be emitted when click was made on right navigation button. |
In order to provide configurations to the date-picker you need to pass it to the dp-date-picker
<dp-date-picker [(ngModel)]="selectedDate" [config]="datePickerConfig"></dp-date-picker>
datePickerConfig = {
drops: 'up',
format: 'YY/M/D'
Here are the available configurations:
Name | Type | Default | Applies To | Description |
appendTo | String\|HTMLElement | undefined | All | The selector/element to which the calendar popup will append to (this is useful for overflow: hidden container issues). Please note that the appendTo element will be set with position absolute if it has position static (the default position). |
locale | String | moment.locale() | All | Localisation of language (see in the demo all supported locales) |
disableKeypress | Boolean | false | All | Disables the possibility to change the date value by typing it - changing the date would be possible only from the picker |
format | String | "DD-MM-YYYY" | All | If ngModel provided as String the format is required, this format also will be used as the input format style. |
onOpenDelay | Number | 0 | All | The delay (in ms) between the date picker focusing and the date-picker popup apparel |
drops | 'up'\|'down' | undefined down if possible | All | Whether the picker appears below or above the input element. |
opens | 'right'\|'left' | undefined right if possible | All | Whether the picker appears aligned to the left or to the right the input element. |
closeOnSelect | Boolean | true | day\|month\|daytime | If set to true will close the date-picker after choosing a date from the calender, otherwise, won't. |
openOnClick | Boolean | true | day\|month\|daytime | If set to false will not open the date-picker when input gets clicked, otherwise, will. |
openOnFocus | Boolean | true | day\|month\|daytime | If set to false will not open the date-picker when input gets focused, otherwise, will. |
closeOnSelectDelay | Number | 100 | day\|month | The delay (in ms) between the date selection and the date-picker collapse |
allowMultiSelect | Boolean | undefined | day\|month | If set to true will allow for choosing multiple dates. false will force a single selection. If undefined , the picker will attempt to guess based on the type of the input value. |
dayBtnFormat | String | DD | day\|daytime | The day format of the day button in the calendar. |
dayBtnFormatter | (Moment) => String | undefined | day\|daytime | The formatter (callback function) of the day button in the calendar. |
dayBtnCssClassCallback | (Moment) => String | undefined | day\|daytime | Callback for adding custom CSS classes to the day button in the calendar. Can contain multiple classes, just seperate with a space. |
enableMonthSelector | Boolean | true | day\|daytime | Whether to enable/disable the selection of a moth granularity picker. |
firstDayOfWeek | String | "su" | day\|daytime | The first day of the calendar's week. Should be one of: "su", "mo", "tu", "we", "th", "fr", "sa" |
isDayDisabledCallback | (Moment) => boolean | undefined | day\|daytime | Callback which should indicate if specific day is disabled. |
monthFormat | String | "MMM-YYYY" | day\|daytime | The date format of the day calendar, the one that seen above the calendar days. Will be overwritten if monthFormatter provided. |
monthFormatter | (Moment) => String | undefined | day\|daytime | The date formatter (callback function) of the day calendar, the one that seen above the calendar days. |
showNearMonthDays | Boolean | true | day\|daytime | Whether to show/hide next and previous month days. |
showWeekNumbers | Boolean | false | day\|daytime | Whether to show/hide the week number of each week (iso week number). |
isMonthDisabledCallback | (Moment) => boolean | undefined | day\|month\|daytime | Callback which should indicate if specific month is disabled (month selector). |
max | Moment\|String | undefined | day\|month\|daytime | Disables all dates (on the date-picker) that are set to after the max , note that if invalid date would be set by the input then the date picker value would be the max date but the input will show the user typed date. |
min | Moment\|String | undefined | day\|month\|daytime | Disables all dates (on the date-picker) that are set to before the min , note that if invalid date would be set by the input then the date picker value would be the min date but the input will show the user typed date. |
monthBtnFormat | String | DD | day\|month\|daytime | The month format of the month button in the calendar. |
monthBtnFormatter | (Moment) => String | undefined | day\|month\|daytime | The formatter (callback function) of the month button in the calendar. |
monthBtnCssClassCallback | (Moment) => String | undefined | day\|month\|daytime | Callback for adding custom CSS classes to the month button in the calendar. Can contain multiple classes, just seperate with a space. |
yearFormat | String | "YYYY" | day\|month\|daytime | The date format of the month calendar, the one that seen above the calendar months. Will be overwritten if yearFormatter provided. (available when enableMonthSelector is set to true ). |
yearFormatter | (Moment) => String | undefined | day\|month\|daytime | The date formatter (callback function) of the month calendar, the one that seen above the calendar months. (available when enableMonthSelector is set to true ). |
hours12Format | String | "hh" | daytime\|time | The hours format of the time select when showTwentyFourHours is false . |
hours24Format | String | "HH" | daytime\|time | The hours format of the time select when showTwentyFourHours is true . |
maxTime | Moment\|String | undefined | daytime\|time | Disables arrow buttons on the time select that would make the time after the maxTime . |
meridiemFormat | String | "A" | daytime\|time | The AM/PM format of the time select when showTwentyFourHours is false . |
minTime | Moment\|String | undefined | daytime\|time | Disables arrow buttons on the time select that would make the time before the minTime . |
minutesFormat | String | "mm" | daytime\|time | The minutes format of the time select. |
minutesInterval | number | 1 | daytime\|time | The number of minutes that will be added/subtracted when clicking up/down arrows on the time select. |
secondsFormat | String | "ss" | daytime\|time | The seconds format of the time select. |
secondsInterval | number | 1 | daytime\|time | The number of seconds that will be added/subtracted when clicking up/down arrows on the time select. |
showSeconds | boolean | false | daytime\|time | If set to true will show seconds in the time select, otherwise, won't. |
showTwentyFourHours | boolean | false | daytime\|time | If set to true will show hours in 24 hour format. false will show hours in 12 hours format and append AM/PM to the end of the time select. |
timeSeparator | String | ":" | daytime\|time | The separator that will be placed between hours and minutes and between minutes and seconds on the time select. |
showMultipleYearsNavigation | boolean | false | day\|month\|daytime | If set to true will show buttons to navigate by multiple years (10 by default) |
multipleYearsNavigateBy | number | 10 | day\|month\|daytime | Number of years to navigate when showMultipleYearsNavigation is true |
returnedValueType | ECalendarValue | Moment | All | The returned value type (Moment , Moment[] , string , string[] |
unSelectOnClick | boolean | true | day\|month | Will allow disallow/unselect to selected date by clicking on the selected date |
inputElementContainer | string\|HTMLElement | undefined | All | Will place picker popup relative to the provided elemenr (if string provided will used as a selector) |
showGoToCurrent | boolean | true | All | Show/Hides the go to current button on the calendars navigation |
hideOnOutsideClick | boolean | true | All | Show/Hides the picker popup after click outside of the component |
In order to use the date-picker api user the @ViewChild
annotation in the date-picker containing component class, take at the example below:
Container component:
import {Component, ViewChild} from '@angular/core';
import {DatePickerComponent} from 'ng2-jalali-date-picker';
selector: 'my-container',
template: `
<dp-date-picker #dayPicker></dp-date-picker>
<button (click)="open()"></button>
<button (click)="close()"></button>
class MyContainer {
@ViewChild('dayPicker') datePicker: DatePickerComponent;
open() {;
close() {
If you want to use API with Directive
- you can do it by using #dateDirectivePicker
, like below:
import {Component, ViewChild} from '@angular/core';
import {DatePickerDirective} from 'ng2-date-picker';
selector: 'my-container',
template: `
<input #dateDirectivePicker="dpDayPicker">
<button (click)="close()"></button>
class MyContainer {
@ViewChild('dateDirectivePicker') datePickerDirective: DatePickerDirective;
close() {
Here is the list of APIs:
Name | Signature | Description |
open | () => void | Opens the date picker |
close | () => void | Closes the date picker |
moveCalendarTo | (to: Moment \| String) => void | Moves calendar to specific date |
Inline - Day Calendar
You can use the <dp-day-calendar>
component to display the calendar widget without an associated input box.
<dp-day-calendar [(ngModel)]="selectedDate" [config]="config"></dp-day-calendar>
Name | Type | Default | Description |
required | Boolean | undefined | This is a validation rule, if there won't be any selected date then the containing form will be invalid. |
minDate | Moment\|String | undefined | This is a validation rule, if the selected date will be before minDate the containing form will be invalid. Note: if provided as string format configuration should be provided in the config object. |
maxDate | Moment\|String | undefined | This is a validation rule, if the selected date will be after maxDate the containing form will be invalid. Note: if provided as string format configuration should be provided in the config object. |
theme | String | '' | Theme is a class added to the popup container (and inner components) - this will allow styling of the calendar when it's appended to outer element (for example - body). There is a built in theme named dp-material, you can find it in the demo. |
config | IDayPickerConfig | See Below | Configuration object - see description below. |
Attributes (Output):
Name | Event Arguments | Description |
onSelect | IDay | This event will be emitted when a day is selected. |
onMonthSelect | IMonth | This event will be emitted when a month is selected. |
onNavHeaderBtnClick | ECalendarMode | This event will be emitted when the mode of the calendar switches form day to month and vise versa. |
onGoToCurrent | void | This event will be emitted when click was made on go to current button. |
onLeftNav | void | This event will be emitted when click was made on left navigation button. |
onRightNav | void | This event will be emitted when click was made on right navigation button. |
In order to provide configurations to the day-calendar you need to pass it to the dp-day-calendar
<dp-day-calendar [(ngModel)]="selectedDate" [config]="config"></dp-day-calendar>
Here are the available configurations:
Name | Type | Default | Description |
format | String | "DD-MM-YYYY" | If ngModel provided as String the format is required, this format also will be used as the input format style. |
firstDayOfWeek | String | "su" | The first day of the calendar's week. Should be one of: "su", "mo", "tu", "we", "th", "fr", "sa" |
monthFormat | String | "MMM-YYYY" | The date format of the day calendar, the one that seen above the calendar days. Will be overwritten if monthFormatter provided. |
monthFormatter | (Moment) => String | undefined | The date formatter (callback function) of the day calendar, the one that seen above the calendar days. |
yearFormat | String | "YYYY" | The date format of the month calendar, the one that seen above the calendar months. Will be overwritten if yearFormatter provided. (available when enableMonthSelector is set to true ). |
yearFormatter | (Moment) => String | undefined | The date formatter (callback function) of the month calendar, the one that seen above the calendar months. (available when enableMonthSelector is set to true ). |
allowMultiSelect | Boolean | undefined | If set to true will allow for choosing multiple dates. false will force a single selection. If undefined , the picker will attempt to guess based on the type of the input value. |
min | Moment\|String | undefined | Disables all dates (on the date-picker) that are set to before the min , note that if invalid date would be set by the input then the date picker value would be the min date but the input will show the user typed date. |
max | Moment\|String | undefined | Disables all dates (on the date-picker) that are set to after the max , note that if invalid date would be set by the input then the date picker value would be the max date but the input will show the user typed date. |
showNearMonthDays | Boolean | true | Whether to show/hide next and previous month days. |
showWeekNumbers | Boolean | false | Whether to show/hide the week number of each week (iso week number). |
enableMonthSelector | Boolean | true | Whether to enable/disable the selection of a moth granularity picker. |
isDayDisabledCallback | (Moment) => boolean | undefined | Callback which should indicate if specific day is disabled. |
isMonthDisabledCallback | (Moment) => boolean | undefined | Callback which should indicate if specific month is disabled (month selector). |
dayBtnFormat | String | DD | The day format of the day button in the calendar. |
dayBtnFormatter | (Moment) => String | undefined | The formatter (callback function) of the day button in the calendar. |
dayBtnCssClassCallback | (Moment) => String | undefined | Callback which can add custom CSS classes to the day button in the calendar. Multiple classes can be returned with a space between them. |
monthBtnFormat | String | DD | The month format of the month button in the calendar. |
monthBtnFormatter | (Moment) => String | undefined | The formatter (callback function) of the month button in the calendar. |
monthBtnCssClassCallback | (Moment) => String | undefined | Callback which can add custom CSS classes to the month button in the calendar. Multiple classes can be returned with a space between them. |
showMultipleYearsNavigation | boolean | false | If set to true will show buttons to navigate by multiple years (10 by default) |
multipleYearsNavigateBy | number | 10 | Number of years to navigate when showMultipleYearsNavigation is true |
Inline - Month Calendar
You can use the <dp-month-calendar>
component to display the calendar widget without an associated input box.
<dp-month-calendar [(ngModel)]="selectedDate" [config]="config"></dp-month-calendar>
Name | Type | Default | Description |
required | Boolean | undefined | This is a validation rule, if there won't be any selected date then the containing form will be invalid. |
minDate | Moment\|String | undefined | This is a validation rule, if the selected date will be before minDate the containing form will be invalid. Note: if provided as string format configuration should be provided in the config object. |
maxDate | Moment\|String | undefined | This is a validation rule, if the selected date will be after maxDate the containing form will be invalid. Note: if provided as string format configuration should be provided in the config object. |
theme | String | '' | Theme is a class added to the popup container (and inner components) - this will allow styling of the calendar when it's appended to outer element (for example - body). There is a built in theme named dp-material, you can find it in the demo. |
config | IMonthPickerConfig | See Below | Configuration object - see description below. |
Attributes (Output):
Name | Event Arguments | Description |
onSelect | IMonth | This event will be emitted when a month is selected. |
onNavHeaderBtnClick | null | This event will be emitted when the mode button, in the navigation section, was clicked. |
onGoToCurrent | void | This event will be emitted when click was made on go to current button. |
onLeftNav | void | This event will be emitted when click was made on left navigation button. |
onRightNav | void | This event will be emitted when click was made on right navigation button. |
In order to provide configurations to the month-calendar you need to pass it to the dp-month-calendar
<dp-month-calendar [(ngModel)]="selectedDate" [config]="config"></dp-month-calendar>
Here are the available configurations:
Name | Type | Default | Description |
format | String | "DD-MM-YYYY" | If ngModel provided as String the format is required, this format also will be used as the input format style. |
yearFormat | String | "YYYY" | The date format of the month calendar, the one that seen above the calendar months. Will be overwritten if yearFormatter provided. (available when enableMonthSelector is set to true ). |
yearFormatter | (Moment) => String | undefined | The date formatter (callback function) of the month calendar, the one that seen above the calendar months. (available when enableMonthSelector is set to true ). |
allowMultiSelect | Boolean | undefined | If set to true will allow for choosing multiple dates. false will force a single selection. If undefined , the picker will attempt to guess based on the type of the input value. |
min | Moment\|String | undefined | Disables all dates (on the date-picker) that are set to before the min , note that if invalid date would be set by the input then the date picker value would be the min date but the input will show the user typed date. |
max | Moment\|String | undefined | Disables all dates (on the date-picker) that are set to after the max , note that if invalid date would be set by the input then the date picker value would be the max date but the input will show the user typed date. |
isMonthDisabledCallback | (Moment) => boolean | undefined | Callback which should indicate if specific month is disabled (month selector). |
monthBtnFormat | String | DD | The month format of the month button in the calendar. |
monthBtnFormatter | (Moment) => String | undefined | The formatter (callback function) of the month button in the calendar. |
monthBtnCssClassCallback | (Moment) => String | undefined | Callback which can add custom CSS classes to the month button in the calendar. Multiple classes can be returned with a space between them. |
showMultipleYearsNavigation | boolean | false | If set to true will show buttons to navigate by multiple years (10 by default) |
multipleYearsNavigateBy | number | 10 | Number of years to navigate when showMultipleYearsNavigation is true |
Here is the list of APIs:
Name | Signature | Description |
moveCalendarsBy | (current: Moment, amount: number, granularity: moment.unitOfTime.Base) => void | Moves calendar by given amount |
moveCalendarTo | (to: Moment \| String) => void | Moves calendar to specific date |
toggleCalendarMode | (mode: day \| month) => void | Changes clander mode day/month |
Inline - Time Select
You can use the <dp-time-select>
component to display the time select widget without an associated input box.
<dp-time-select [(ngModel)]="selectedDate" [config]="config"></dp-time-select>
Name | Type | Default | Description |
required | Boolean | undefined | This is a validation rule, if there won't be any selected date then the containing form will be invalid. |
minTime | Moment\|String | undefined | This is a validation rule, if the selected date will be before minTime the containing form will be invalid. Note: if provided as string format configuration should be provided in the config object. |
maxTime | Moment\|String | undefined | This is a validation rule, if the selected date will be after maxTime the containing form will be invalid. Note: if provided as string format configuration should be provided in the config object. |
theme | String | '' | Theme is a class added to the popup container (and inner components) - this will allow styling of the calendar when it's appended to outer element (for example - body). There is a built in theme named dp-material, you can find it in the demo. |
config | ITimeSelectConfig | See Below | Configuration object - see description below. |
Attributes (Output):
Name | Event Arguments | Description |
onChange | IDate | This event will be emitted when time is selected. |
In order to provide configurations to the time-select you need to pass it to the dp-time-select
<dp-time-select [(ngModel)]="selectedDate" [config]="config"></dp-time-select>
Here are the available configurations:
Name | Type | Default | Description |
hours12Format | String | "hh" | The hours format of the time select when showTwentyFourHours is false . |
hours24Format | String | "HH" | The hours format of the time select when showTwentyFourHours is true . |
maxTime | Moment\|String | undefined | Disables arrow buttons on the time select that would make the time after the maxTime . |
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