0.2.0-beta • Published 4 years ago

ngb-input v0.2.0-beta

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Last release
4 years ago


Extension no official from @ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap to generate inputs with validators. !Warning! You should will not use this library in a release enviroment because this is an alpha version and this may be contains some bugs than have not been fixed.

1. NgbInputComponent
2. NgbFileComponent
3. NgbDropDownComponent


You must be install ng-bootstrap before to start to install it, you shall check the steps to install ng-bootstrap in the follow link.

Once installed you need run the next command to install it via npm.

npm i ngb-input --save

On finish the installation, you need import in the main module.

import { NgbModule } from '@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap';
import { NgbInputModule } from 'ngb-input';

    imports: [
export class AppModule { }

Additional, you can add your custom default error and informative messages with the follow code

import { NgbModule } from '@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap';
import { NgbInputModule } from 'ngb-input';

    imports: [
export class AppModule { }


Example to use

The main idea to use this is like a html input, but with some new attributes to help you to write forms easier. Example:

<ngb-input type="text" id="foo" name="foo" [(ngModel)]="foo" label="Text required" [required]="true" ...></ngb-input>

alt text

The error message is showed only when the input lost the focus and this is empty

The new attributes add are:

labelstring''Label that sepecifics the type of information require
debouncenumber0Added a time out to update the model
requiredErrorstring'This field is required'Message to show when the field is required and this haven't any value
formatErrorstring'Invalid input data'Message to show when the field's value doesn't mach with the pattern
dirtybooleanfalseSet the input as touched and show an error if apply


Components that works like <input type="file"> with validators, label and drag & drop functions.

To use this component, you can write a code similar to these

<ngb-file id="foo" name="foo" accept="image/*" label="Profile picture" placeholcer="Select a picture" [(ngModel)]="foo"></ngb-file>

You can add your custom html code into the tag to update the information to show in the component. Example:

<ngb-file id="foo" name="foo" accept="image/*" label="Profile picture" [(ngModel)]="foo" (ngModelChange)="drawImage($event)">
    <img *ngIf="imageSrc; else message" [src]="imageSrc" style="width: 100%; height: auto;" />
    <ng-template #message>
        Select a picture
    selector: 'foo',
    templateUrl: 'foo.html'
export class YourComponent() {
    public imageSrc = '';

    public drawImage(files: FileList) {
        if (files.length == 0) {
            this.imageSrc = '';

        let reader = new FileReader();
        let self = this;
        reader.onloadend = evt => self.imageSrc = (evt.target.result as string);

alt text alt text

The attributes supported are:

idstring''The HTML id for the element
namestring''The HTML name for the element
requiredbooleanfalseSet this field as required
disabledbooleanfalseEnabled or disabled this field
ngModelFileListnullThe model for the element
acceptstring''The file types accepted, this works like HTML input accept attribute
multiplebooleanfalseEnable the possibility of select many files
labelstring''Label that sepecifics the type of file to upload
placeholderstring''Default text to show in the button before to select a file
heightstring'200px'Set the height using the css syntax
widthstring'200px'Set the width using the css syntax
requiredErrorstring'Required'Message to show when the field is required and this haven't any file selected
maxSizeExceededErrorstring'A file exceeds the limit size'Message to show when a file exceeds the size limit
dirtybooleanfalseSet the input as touched and show an error if apply
filesUploadedChangeEvent-------Event fired when the file selected is updated


Component that works like <select>, added support to single or multi select. This component can work with array of strings and array of objects. Example:

<div class="card">
    <div class="card-body">
        <ngb-dropdown id="test2" name="test2" [(ngModel)]="test2" [options]="optionsBasic"></ngb-dropdown>
        {{ test2 }}

<div class="card">
    <div class="card-body">
        <ngb-dropdown id="test3" name="test3" [(ngModel)]="test3" [options]="optionsComplex" optionLabel="label"></ngb-dropdown>
        {{ test3 | json }}

<div class="card">
    <div class="card-body">
        <ngb-dropdown id="test4" name="test4" [(ngModel)]="test4" [options]="optionsComplex" optionLabel="label" optionValue="value"></ngb-dropdown>
        {{ test4 }}

<div class="card">
    <div class="card-body">
        <ngb-dropdown id="test5" name="test5" [(ngModel)]="test5" [options]="optionsBasic" [multiple]="true"></ngb-dropdown>
        {{ test5 | json }}

<div class="card">
    <div class="card-body">
        <ngb-dropdown id="test6" name="test6" [(ngModel)]="test6" [options]="optionsComplex" optionLabel="label" [multiple]="true"></ngb-dropdown>
        {{ test6 | json }}

<div class="card">
    <div class="card-body">
        <ngb-dropdown id="test7" name="test7" [(ngModel)]="test7" [options]="optionsComplex" optionLabel="label" optionValue="value" [multiple]="true"></ngb-dropdown>
        {{ test7 | json }}
    selector: 'foo',
    templateUrl: 'foo.html'
export class YourComponent() {
    public test2: any;
    public test3: any;
    public test4: any;
    public test5: any;
    public test6: any;
    public test7: any;
    public optionsBasic = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
    public optionsComplex = [
            value: '1',
            label: 'One'
            value: '2',
            label: 'Two'
            value: '3',
            label: 'Three'
            value: '4',
            label: 'Four'

alt text

The attributes supported are:

idstring''The HTML id for the element
namestring''The HTML name for the element
requiredbooleanfalseSet this field as required
disabledbooleanfalseEnabled or disabled this field
labelstring''Label that sepecifics the type of option to select
placeholderstring''Default text to show in the dropdown before to select
multiplebooleanfalseDefine if the drop down will be single or multiple option
optionLabelstring''Define the attribute name to use to print the option label (used only for array of objects)
optionValuestring''Define the attribute name to use to set the ngModel value (used only for array of objects)
requiredErrorstring'This field is required'Message to show when the field is required and this haven't any option selected
dirtybooleanfalseSet the input as touched and show an error if apply
ngModelanynullThe selected option*
optionsany[]nullArray to populate the dropdown

*When you select an option, the ngModel is setted with the element selected, if you use an object array and you set a value in the optionValue, the ngModel is setted with the value of the attribute from the object selected.


Finish documentation and examples


4 years ago


5 years ago


5 years ago


5 years ago


5 years ago